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Utilità di programmazione

Valutare espressioni o funzioni indirettamente, impostare timer, gestire eccezioni

MATLAB® include funzionalità per valutare indirettamente le espressioni, impostare timer per l’esecuzione del programma e acquisire dati sugli errori.


espandi tutto

evalValutare un'espressione di MATLAB
evalcEvaluate MATLAB expression and capture results
evalinEvaluate MATLAB expression in specified workspace
fevalEvaluate function
runRun MATLAB script
builtinExecute built-in function from overloaded method
timerSchedule execution of MATLAB commands
deleteDelete files or objects
getQuery graphics object properties
isvalidDetermine valid handles
setSet graphics object properties
startStart timer
startatSchedule timer to fire at specified time
stopStop timer
timerfindFind timer objects
timerfindallFind all timer objects
waitBlock command prompt until timer stops running
try, catchEseguire le dichiarazioni e catturare gli errori risultanti
MExceptionCapture error information
addCauseRecord additional causes of exception
addCorrectionProvide suggested fix for exception
getReportGet error message for exception
MException.lastReturn last uncaught exception
rethrowRethrow previously caught exception
throwThrow exception
throwAsCallerThrow exception as if occurs within calling function
matlab.lang.correction.AppendArgumentsCorrectionCorrect error by appending missing input arguments
matlab.lang.correction.ConvertToFunctionNotationCorrectionCorrect error by converting to function notation (Da R2019b)
matlab.lang.correction.ReplaceIdentifierCorrectionCorrect error by replacing identifier in function call (Da R2019b)
parfevalOnAllRun function on all workers in background
parallel.pool.ConstantCopy or create data only once on workers in parallel pool (Da R2021b)
canUseGPUVerify supported GPU is available for computation (Da R2019b)
canUseParallelPoolVerify that parallel functions can use a parallel pool (Da R2020b)
