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Model and Control Autonomous Vehicle in Offroad Scenario

Since R2024a

In the three preceding examples you learned how to process terrain data, create global planners, and developed a local optimization-based path follower which allow a non-holonomic vehicle to navigate in an offroad setting, specifically an open-pit mine.

Graph-Based Route Planner

The first example showed how to convert 3D digital elevation data to a graph-based road network. This allowed you to represent regions in the mine which exhibit some "structure" (e.g. roads) inside a navGraph for use as a global "route" planner:


Terrain-Aware Planners

The second example developed two planners which simply operate in the SE2-space and can be used to form short connections through free space while adhering to your vehicle's non-holonomic constraints. The first of which was the "OnrampPlanner", which attempts to connect an SE2 start location to any edges attached to the closest node in the route-planner:


The second planner developed using plannerHybridAStar, which utilizes a custom TransitionCostFcn to penalize motions that move along steep gradients. This planner can always be used, but due to the comparatively large computation costs, it will be used in a fallback capacity when the OnrampPlanner is unable to produce paths to/from the road-network, or when the vehicle needs to replan while path-following.

Path Following with Obstacle Avoidance

In the final example, you developed a controller which attempts to follow a reference path while avoiding obstacles using controllerTEB. This example separated the controller properties into two categories - those that one might want to tune during runtime, and those that should be fixed during simulation, either because they are physical properties of your vehicle, or because they must be fixed at compile-time to support codegen:

[tuneableTEBParams,fixedTEBParams] = exampleHelperTEBParams

tuneableTEBParams = 

  struct with fields:

           LookaheadTime: 6
    ObstacleSafetyMargin: 1
             CostWeights: [1×1 struct]
        MinTurningRadius: 17.2000
             MaxVelocity: [16 0.9302]
         MaxAcceleration: [0.6000 0.1000]
      MaxReverseVelocity: 8

fixedTEBParams = 

  struct with fields:

                Length: 6.5000
                 Width: 5.7600
          NumIteration: 3
    ReferenceDeltaTime: 0.2000
      RobotInformation: [1×1 struct]

Creating Autonomous Planning Stack

Begin by generating all necessary parameters and terrain data:


% Define the initial start pose of the vehicle in the scene:
start = [267.5 441.5 -pi/2];
goal  = [479.5  210.5 pi/2];

% Set a new goal state to begin planning framework
maxElementPerEdge= 25;

To simulate the vehicle, open the top-level Simulink model:

% Open the model
model = 'IntegratedBehaviorModule';


Here you can see a set of subsystems housing the modules developed in the previous three examples and a Stateflow chart responsible for transitioning between the vehicle's different operational states:


The table below establishes a rough correspondence between each operational state and their associated feature/example:

Operational State




Source Example



Waits for the user to provide a goal location. This is the inital state of the model when first run, and the agent returns to this state once the vehicle has reached the current goal. Setting a new goal will trigger the RoutePlanner.





Whenever a new goal has been assigned, the agent attempts to plan a route using the RoutePlanner. This subsystem produces a reference path that will be followed by the LocalPlanner and Controller subsystems.

Constructs the navGraph-based plannerAStar object. The planner then finds the nearest nodes to the current pose (curPose) and goal location (goal), and searches for the shortest path between the two.

Once found, the RoutePlanner uses the simple OnrampPlanner to connect the curPose to the start node, and converts the sequence of edges to a dense SE2 path.




In this example, the TerrainPlanner serves two primary purposes:

1) As a backup planner in the event that the LocalPlanner fails to generate a time-optimal trajectory while following the reference-path.

2) As a planner used to transition the vehicle from the end of the RoutePlanner reference-path to the goal

Similar to the RoutePlanner, the TerrainPlanner produces a reference-path, before handing control back to the LocalPlanner.

The TerrainPlanner subsystem contains the terrain-aware plannerHybridAStar module.

Similar to the LocalPlanner, this module takes a set of tunable parameters as input, and exposes a set of fixed mask-parameters on the TerrainAwarePlannerBlock.




This subsystem takes in the reference path produced by either the RoutePlanner or GlobalPlanner subsystems and generates a sequence of control commands which follow the reference path while avoiding local obstacles.

This command sequence is fowarded to the Controller, and iteratively switches between local path generation and path following until the goal has been reached or a global replan is needed.

This subsystem contains two modules:

1) A block responsible for extracting a local map from the global map

2) The local optimization-based controllerTEB. This subsystem takes tuneableTEBParams as input, and contains additional fixed mask-parameters on the tebControllerBlock.

The agent forwards time-stamped control sequences and optimized path to the FollowingPath subsystem.




The Controller subsystem is tasked with producing a velocity command given the local path and current timestep.

The controller is also responsible for determining whether a new local plan should be requested, and checks whether the vehicle has either reached the end of the reference-path, or reached the goal.

If the agent has reached the end of the reference path, which corresponds to the goal, then the agent returns to the WaitingForTask mode, otherwise the controller requests a global plan, which should produce a new reference path between the current location and the goal state from the GlobalPlanner.

The current subsystem simply indexes into the command-sequence produced by the LocalPlanner to determine the control command to apply in the current timestep.

This functionality was originally developed alongside the controllerTEB planner in OpenPitMineLocalPlanner, but the two subsystems have been separated to allow for greater modularity.

In complex/robust systems, it may be desireable to implement some feedback control to minimizing error between the vehicle's current location (curpose) and the optimized path (optpath), or one might employ an obstacle-unaware MPC-based controller to provide better tracking of the optpath while considering slope (for example).


Simulating Autonomous Vehicle

% Visualize the map. Blocks inside the model will update the figure as the
% simulation runs if you have enabled "visualization" on the block masks
% within the model.
f = figure;
f.Visible = "on";
binMap = binaryOccupancyMap(~imSlope);

To begin the simulation, you can either:

1) Click run to start the simulation, and subsequently update the "goal" by using the "Assign Goal" button on the TaskController block. In this workflow, the vehicle will remain in the "waiting" state until the goal has been provided:


2) Alternatively, you may initialize the goal value and start the simulation programmatically, which will begin the planning and path following as soon as the simulation begins:

% Set an initial goal for the simulation
set_param([model '/WaitingForTask/newGoalBlock'],'Value','goal');

% Begin the simulation


Results and Discussion

In this example you learned how to integrate different planning subsystems together using Simulink and Stateflow to create a navigation stack for an autonomous vehicle in offroad terrain. The individual modules were developed and tested incrementally using MATLAB, and then exposed to Simulink via MATLAB Function blocks and Stateflow.

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