Binary decision tree for multiclass classification
A ClassificationTree
object represents a
decision tree with binary splits for classification. An object of this class can predict
responses for new data using predict
. The object contains the data used
for training, so it can also compute resubstitution predictions using resubPredict
Create a ClassificationTree
object by using fitctree
— Bin edges for numeric predictors
cell array of p numeric vectors
This property is read-only.
Bin edges for numeric predictors, specified as a cell array of p numeric vectors, where p is the number of predictors. Each vector includes the bin edges for a numeric predictor. The element in the cell array for a categorical predictor is empty because the software does not bin categorical predictors.
The software bins numeric predictors only if you specify the 'NumBins'
name-value argument as a positive integer scalar when training a model with tree learners.
The BinEdges
property is empty if the 'NumBins'
value is empty (default).
You can reproduce the binned predictor data Xbinned
by using the
property of the trained model
X = mdl.X; % Predictor data
Xbinned = zeros(size(X));
edges = mdl.BinEdges;
% Find indices of binned predictors.
idxNumeric = find(~cellfun(@isempty,edges));
if iscolumn(idxNumeric)
idxNumeric = idxNumeric';
for j = idxNumeric
x = X(:,j);
% Convert x to array if x is a table.
if istable(x)
x = table2array(x);
% Group x into bins by using the discretize
xbinned = discretize(x,[-inf; edges{j}; inf]);
Xbinned(:,j) = xbinned;
contains the bin indices, ranging from 1 to the number of bins, for numeric predictors.
values are 0 for categorical predictors. If
contains NaN
s, then the corresponding
values are NaN
— Indices of categorical predictors
vector of positive integers | []
This property is read-only.
Categorical predictor
indices, specified as a vector of positive integers. CategoricalPredictors
contains index values indicating that the corresponding predictors are categorical. The index
values are between 1 and p
, where p
is the number of
predictors used to train the model. If none of the predictors are categorical, then this
property is empty ([]
Data Types: single
| double
— Categorical splits
-by-2 cell array
This property is read-only.
Categorical splits, returned as an n
-by-2 cell array, where
is the number of categorical splits in
. Each row in CategoricalSplit
left and right values for a categorical split. For each branch node with categorical
split j
based on a categorical predictor variable
, the left child is chosen if z
is in
and the right child is chosen if
is in CategoricalSplit(j,2)
. The splits are
in the same order as nodes of the tree. Nodes for these splits can be found by running
and selecting 'categorical'
cuts from
top to bottom.
Data Types: cell
— Numbers of the child nodes for each node
-by-2 array
This property is read-only.
Numbers of the child nodes for each node in tree
, returned as an
-by-2 array containing the numbers of the child nodes for each
node in , where n
is the number of nodes. Leaf nodes have child node
Data Types: double
— Class counts
n-by-k array
This property is read-only.
Class counts for the nodes in tree
, returned as an
n-by-k array, where n is
the number of nodes and k is the number of classes. For any node
number i
, the class counts ClassCount(i,:)
counts of observations (from the data used in fitting the tree) from each class
satisfying the conditions for node i
Data Types: double
— List of elements in Y
with duplicates removed
categorical array | cell array of character vectors | character array | logical vector | numeric vector
This property is read-only.
List of the elements in Y
with duplicates removed, returned as a
categorical array, cell array of character vectors, character array, logical vector, or
a numeric vector. ClassNames
has the same data type as the data in
the argument Y
. (The software treats string arrays as cell arrays of character
Data Types: double
| logical
| char
| cell
| categorical
— Class probabilities
-by-k array
This property is read-only.
Class probabilities for the nodes in tree
, returned as an
array, where n
the number of nodes and k
is the number of classes. For any node
number i
, the class probabilities
are the estimated probabilities for each
class for a point satisfying the conditions for node i
Data Types: double
— Cost of classifying a point into class j
when its true class is i
square matrix
Cost of classifying a point into class j
when its true class is
, returned as a square matrix. The rows of
correspond to the true class and the columns correspond to
the predicted class. The order of the rows and columns of Cost
corresponds to the order of the classes in ClassNames
. The number
of rows and columns in Cost
is the number of unique classes in the
Data Types: double
— Categories used at branches
-by-2 cell array
This property is read-only.
Categories used at branches in tree
, returned as an
-by-2 cell array, where n
is the number of
nodes. For each branch node i
based on a categorical predictor
variable X
, the left child is chosen if X
is among
the categories listed in CutCategories{i,1}
, and the right child is
chosen if X
is among those listed in
. Both columns of
are empty for branch nodes based on continuous
predictors and for leaf nodes.
contains the cut points for
cuts, and CutCategories
the set of categories.
Data Types: cell
— Values used as cut points
-element vector
This property is read-only.
Values used as cut points in tree
, returned as an
-element vector, where n
is the number of
nodes. For each branch node i
based on a continuous predictor
variable X
, the left child is chosen if
and the right child is chosen if
. CutPoint
for branch nodes based on categorical predictors and for leaf
contains the cut points for
cuts, and CutCategories
the set of categories.
Data Types: double
— Names of the variables used for branching in each node
cell array
This property is read-only.
Names of the variables used for branching in each node in tree
, returned as an n
-element cell array, where n
is the number of nodes. These variables are sometimes known as cut variables. For leaf nodes, CutPredictor
contains an empty character vector.
contains the cut points for 'continuous'
cuts, and CutCategories
contains the set of categories.
Data Types: cell
— Indices of variables used for branching in each node
-element array
This property is read-only.
Indices of variables used for branching in each node in tree
returned as an n
-element array, where n
is the
number of nodes. For more information, see CutPredictor
Data Types: double
— Type of cut at each node
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Type of cut at each node in tree
, returned as an
-element cell array, where n
is the number of
nodes. For each node i
, CutType{i}
— If the cut is defined in the formX < v
for a variableX
and cut pointv
— If the cut is defined by whether a variableX
takes a value in a set of categories.''
— Ifi
is a leaf node.
contains the cut points for
cuts, and CutCategories
the set of categories.
Data Types: cell
— Expanded predictor names
cell array of character vectors
This property is read-only.
Expanded predictor names, returned as a cell array of character vectors.
If the model uses encoding for categorical variables, then
includes the names that describe the
expanded variables. Otherwise, ExpandedPredictorNames
is the same as
Data Types: cell
— Description of cross-validation optimization of hyperparameters
object | table of hyperparameters and associated values
This property is read-only.
Description of the cross-validation optimization of hyperparameters, returned as a
object or a table of
hyperparameters and associated values. Nonempty when the
name-value pair is nonempty at creation.
Value depends on the setting of the HyperparameterOptimizationOptions
name-value pair at creation:
(default) — Object of classBayesianOptimization
— Table of hyperparameters used, observed objective function values (cross-validation loss), and rank of observations from lowest (best) to highest (worst)
— Indicator of branch nodes
logical vector
This property is read-only.
Indicator of branch nodes, returned as an n
-element logical vector that is true
for each branch node and false
for each leaf node of tree
Data Types: logical
— Parameters used in training tree
This property is read-only.
Parameters used in training tree
, returned as a
object. To display all parameter values,
enter tree.ModelParameters
. To access a particular
parameter, use dot notation.
— Name of most probably class in each node
cell array
This property is read-only.
Name of most probably class in each node of tree
, returned as a cell array with n
elements, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree. Each element of this array is a character vector equal to one of the class names in ClassNames
Data Types: cell
— Misclassification probability for each node
-element vector
This property is read-only.
Misclassification probability for each node in tree
, returned as an n
-element vector, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree.
Data Types: double
— Proportion of observations in original data that satisfy the conditions for the node
-element vector
This property is read-only.
Proportion of observations in original data that satisfy the conditions for each node in tree
, returned as an n
-element vector, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree. The NodeProbability
values are adjusted for any prior probabilities assigned to each class.
Data Types: double
— Impurity of nodes
-element vector
This property is read-only.
Impurity of each node in tree
, weighted by the node probability, returned as an n
-element vector, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree. The measure of impurity is the Gini index or deviance for the node, weighted by the node probability. If the tree is grown by twoing, the risk for each node is zero.
Data Types: double
— Size of nodes
-element vector
This property is read-only.
Size of the nodes in tree
, returned as an n
-element vector, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree. The size of a node is the number of observations from the data used to create the tree that satisfy the conditions for the node.
Data Types: double
— Number of nodes
positive integer
This property is read-only.
The number of nodes in tree
, returned as a positive integer.
Data Types: double
— Number of observations in the training data
positive integer
This property is read-only.
Number of observations in the training data, returned as a positive integer.
can be less than the number of rows of input data
when there are missing values in the input data or response data.
Data Types: double
— Number of parents of nodes
-element vector
This property is read-only.
Number of parents of each node in tree
, returned as an n
-element integer vector, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree. The parent of the root node is 0
Data Types: double
— Predictor names
cell array of character vectors
This property is read-only.
Predictor names, specified as a cell array of character vectors. The order of the
entries in PredictorNames
is the same as in the training data.
Data Types: cell
— Prior probabilities for each class
-element vector
Prior probabilities for each class, returned as an m
vector, where m
is the number of unique classes in the response. The
order of the elements of Prior
corresponds to the order of the
classes in ClassNames
Data Types: double
— Alpha values for pruning the tree
real vector
Alpha values for pruning the tree, returned as a real vector with one element per pruning level. If the pruning level ranges from 0 to M, then PruneAlpha
has M + 1 elements sorted in ascending order. PruneAlpha(1)
is for pruning level 0 (no pruning), PruneAlpha(2)
is for pruning level 1, and so on.
For the meaning of the ɑ values, see How Decision Trees Create a Pruning Sequence.
Data Types: double
— Pruning levels of each node in tree
integer vector
Pruning levels of each node in the tree, returned as an integer vector with NumNodes
elements. The pruning levels range from 0 (no pruning) to M, where M is the distance between the deepest leaf and the root node.
For details, see Pruning.
Data Types: double
— Name of the response variable
character vector
This property is read-only.
Name of the response variable, returned as a character vector.
Data Types: char
— Rows of the original predictor data X
used for fitting
logical vector
This property is read-only.
Rows of the original predictor data X
used for fitting, returned as an
-element logical vector, where n
is the
number of rows of X
. If the software uses all rows of
for constructing the object, then RowsUsed
is an empty array ([]
Data Types: logical
— Function for transforming scores
function handle | name of a built-in transformation function | 'none'
Function for transforming scores, specified as a function handle or the name of a built-in transformation function. 'none'
means no transformation; equivalently, 'none'
means @(x)x
. For a list of built-in transformation functions and the syntax of custom transformation functions, see fitctree
Add or change a ScoreTransform
function using dot notation:
ctree.ScoreTransform = 'function' % or ctree.ScoreTransform = @function
Data Types: char
| string
| function_handle
— Categories used for surrogate splits
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Categories used for surrogate splits, returned as an n
-element cell
array, where n
is the number of nodes in tree
For each node k
, SurrogateCutCategories{k}
is a
cell array. The length of SurrogateCutCategories{k}
is equal to the
number of surrogate predictors found at this node. Every element of
is either an empty character vector for
a continuous surrogate predictor, or is a two-element cell array with categories for a
categorical surrogate predictor. The first element of this two-element cell array lists
categories assigned to the left child by this surrogate split and the second element of
this two-element cell array lists categories assigned to the right child by this
surrogate split. The order of the surrogate split variables at each node is matched to
the order of variables in SurrogateCutVar
. The optimal-split variable
at this node does not appear. For nonbranch (leaf) nodes,
contains an empty cell.
Data Types: cell
— Numeric cut assignments used for surrogate splits
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Numeric cut assignments used for surrogate splits in tree
, returned as an n
-element cell array, where n
is the number of nodes in tree
. For each node k
, SurrogateCutFlip{k}
is a numeric vector. The length of SurrogateCutFlip{k}
is equal to the number of surrogate predictors found at this node. Every element of SurrogateCutFlip{k}
is either zero for a categorical surrogate predictor, or a numeric cut assignment for a continuous surrogate predictor. The numeric cut assignment can be either –1 or +1. For every surrogate split with a numeric cut C based on a continuous predictor variable Z, the left child is chosen if Z<C and the cut assignment for this surrogate split is +1, or if Z≥C and the cut assignment for this surrogate split is –1. Similarly, the right child is chosen if Z≥C and the cut assignment for this surrogate split is +1, or if Z<C and the cut assignment for this surrogate split is –1. The order of the surrogate split variables at each node is matched to the order of variables in SurrogateCutPredictor
. The optimal-split variable at this node does not appear. For nonbranch (leaf) nodes, SurrogateCutFlip
contains an empty array.
Data Types: cell
— Numeric values used for surrogate splits
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Numeric values used for surrogate splits in tree
, returned as an
-element cell array, where n
is the number of
nodes in tree
. For each node k
is a numeric vector. The length of
is equal to the number of surrogate
predictors found at this node. Every element of SurrogateCutPoint{k}
is either NaN
for a categorical surrogate predictor, or a numeric cut
for a continuous surrogate predictor. For every surrogate split with a numeric cut
C based on a continuous predictor variable Z,
the left child is chosen if Z<C and SurrogateCutFlip
for this surrogate split is
+1, or if Z≥C and
for this surrogate split is –1. Similarly, the
right child is chosen if Z≥C and SurrogateCutFlip
for this surrogate split is
+1, or if Z<C and SurrogateCutFlip
for this surrogate split is
–1. The order of the surrogate split variables at each node is matched to the order of
variables returned by SurrogateCutPredictor
. The optimal-split
variable at this node does not appear. For nonbranch (leaf) nodes,
contains an empty cell.
Data Types: cell
— Names of variables used for surrogate splits in each node
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Names of the variables used for surrogate splits in each node in
, returned as an n
-element cell array,
where n
is the number of nodes in tree
. Every
element of SurrogateCutPredictor
is a cell array with the names of
the surrogate split variables at this node. The variables are sorted by the predictive
measure of association with the optimal predictor in the descending order, and only
variables with the positive predictive measure are included. The optimal-split variable
at this node does not appear. For nonbranch (leaf) nodes,
contains an empty cell.
Data Types: cell
— Types of surrogate splits at each node
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Types of surrogate splits at each node in tree
, returned as an
-element cell array, where n
is the number of
nodes in tree
. For each node k
is a cell array with the types of the
surrogate split variables at this node. The variables are sorted by the predictive
measure of association with the optimal predictor in the descending order, and only
variables with the positive predictive measure are included. The order of the surrogate
split variables at each node is matched to the order of variables in
. The optimal-split variable at this node
does not appear. For nonbranch (leaf) nodes, SurrogateCutType
contains an empty cell. A surrogate split type can be either
if the cut is defined in the form
for a variable Z
cut point V
or 'categorical'
if the cut is defined
by whether Z
takes a value in a set of categories.
Data Types: cell
— Predictive measures of association for surrogate splits
-element cell array
This property is read-only.
Predictive measures of association for surrogate splits in tree
, returned as an n
-element cell array, where n
is the number of nodes in tree
. For each node k
, SurrogatePredictorAssociation{k}
is a numeric vector. The length of SurrogatePredictorAssociation{k}
is equal to the number of surrogate predictors found at this node. Every element of SurrogatePredictorAssociation{k}
gives the predictive measure of association between the optimal split and this surrogate split. The order of the surrogate split variables at each node is the order of variables in SurrogateCutPredictor
. The optimal-split variable at this node does not appear. For nonbranch (leaf) nodes, SurrogatePredictorAssociation
contains an empty cell.
Data Types: cell
— Scaled weights in tree
numeric vector
This property is read-only.
Scaled weights in tree
, returned as a numeric vector.
has length n
, the number of rows in the
training data.
Data Types: double
— Predictor values
real matrix | table
This property is read-only.
Predictor values, returned as a real matrix or table. Each column of
represents one variable (predictor), and each row represents
one observation.
Data Types: double
| table
— Row classifications
categorical array | cell array of character vectors | character array | logical vector | numeric vector
This property is read-only.
Row classifications corresponding to the rows of X
, returned as a categorical array, cell array of character vectors, character array, logical vector, or a numeric vector. Each row of Y
represents the classification of the corresponding row of X
Data Types: single
| double
| logical
| char
| string
| cell
| categorical
Object Functions
compact | Reduce size of classification tree model |
compareHoldout | Compare accuracies of two classification models using new data |
crossval | Cross-validate machine learning model |
cvloss | Classification error by cross-validation for classification tree model |
edge | Classification edge for classification tree model |
gather | Gather properties of Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox object from GPU |
lime | Local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) |
loss | Classification loss for classification tree model |
margin | Classification margins for classification tree model |
nodeVariableRange | Retrieve variable range of decision tree node |
partialDependence | Compute partial dependence |
plotPartialDependence | Create partial dependence plot (PDP) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) plots |
predict | Predict labels using classification tree model |
predictorImportance | Estimates of predictor importance for classification tree |
prune | Produce sequence of classification subtrees by pruning classification tree |
resubEdge | Resubstitution classification edge for classification tree model |
resubLoss | Resubstitution classification loss for classification tree model |
resubMargin | Resubstitution classification margins for classification tree model |
resubPredict | Classify observations in classification tree by resubstitution |
shapley | Shapley values |
surrogateAssociation | Mean predictive measure of association for surrogate splits in classification tree |
testckfold | Compare accuracies of two classification models by repeated cross-validation |
view | View classification tree |
Grow a Classification Tree
Grow a classification tree using the ionosphere
data set.
load ionosphere
tc = fitctree(X,Y)
tc = ClassificationTree ResponseName: 'Y' CategoricalPredictors: [] ClassNames: {'b' 'g'} ScoreTransform: 'none' NumObservations: 351
Control Tree Depth
You can control the depth of the trees using the MaxNumSplits
, MinLeafSize
, or MinParentSize
name-value pair parameters. fitctree
grows deep decision trees by default. You can grow shallower trees to reduce model complexity or computation time.
Load the ionosphere
data set.
load ionosphere
The default values of the tree depth controllers for growing classification trees are:
n - 1
is the training sample size.1
These default values tend to grow deep trees for large training sample sizes.
Train a classification tree using the default values for tree depth control. Cross-validate the model by using 10-fold cross-validation.
rng(1); % For reproducibility MdlDefault = fitctree(X,Y,'CrossVal','on');
Draw a histogram of the number of imposed splits on the trees. Also, view one of the trees.
numBranches = @(x)sum(x.IsBranch); mdlDefaultNumSplits = cellfun(numBranches, MdlDefault.Trained); figure; histogram(mdlDefaultNumSplits)
The average number of splits is around 15.
Suppose that you want a classification tree that is not as complex (deep) as the ones trained using the default number of splits. Train another classification tree, but set the maximum number of splits at 7, which is about half the mean number of splits from the default classification tree. Cross-validate the model by using 10-fold cross-validation.
Mdl7 = fitctree(X,Y,'MaxNumSplits',7,'CrossVal','on'); view(Mdl7.Trained{1},'Mode','graph')
Compare the cross-validation classification errors of the models.
classErrorDefault = kfoldLoss(MdlDefault)
classErrorDefault = 0.1168
classError7 = kfoldLoss(Mdl7)
classError7 = 0.1311
is much less complex and performs only slightly worse than MdlDefault
More About
Impurity and Node Error
A decision tree splits nodes based on either impurity or node error.
Impurity means one of several things, depending on your choice of the
Gini's Diversity Index (
) — The Gini index of a node iswhere the sum is over the classes i at the node, and p(i) is the observed fraction of classes with class i that reach the node. A node with just one class (a pure node) has Gini index
; otherwise, the Gini index is positive. So the Gini index is a measure of node impurity.Deviance (
) — With p(i) defined the same as for the Gini index, the deviance of a node isA pure node has deviance
; otherwise, the deviance is positive.Twoing rule (
) — Twoing is not a purity measure of a node, but is a different measure for deciding how to split a node. Let L(i) denote the fraction of members of class i in the left child node after a split, and R(i) denote the fraction of members of class i in the right child node after a split. Choose the split criterion to maximizewhere P(L) and P(R) are the fractions of observations that split to the left and right, respectively. If the expression is large, the split made each child node purer. Similarly, if the expression is small, the split made each child node similar to each other and, therefore, similar to the parent node. The split did not increase node purity.
Node error — The node error is the fraction of misclassified classes at a node. If j is the class with the largest number of training samples at a node, the node error is
1 – p(j).
[1] Breiman, L., J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1984.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Usage notes and limitations:
To integrate the prediction of a classification tree model into Simulink®, you can use the ClassificationTree Predict block in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ library or a MATLAB® Function block with the
function.When you train a classification tree using
, the following restrictions apply.The value of the
name-value pair argument cannot be an anonymous function. For fixed-point code generation, the'ScoreTransform'
value cannot be'invlogit'
.You cannot use surrogate splits; that is, the value of the
name-value pair argument must be'off'
.For fixed-point code generation and code generation with a coder configurer, the following additional restrictions apply.
Categorical predictors (
, orcell
) are not supported. You cannot use theCategoricalPredictors
name-value argument. To include categorical predictors in a model, preprocess them by usingdummyvar
before fitting the model.Class labels with the
data type are not supported. Both the class label value in the training data (Tbl
) and the value of theClassNames
name-value argument cannot be an array with thecategorical
data type.
For more information, see Introduction to Code Generation.
GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
Usage notes and limitations:
The following object functions fully support GPU arrays:
The following object functions offer limited support for GPU arrays:
The object functions execute on a GPU if at least one of the following applies:
The model was fitted with GPU arrays.
The predictor data that you pass to the object function is a GPU array.
For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
Version History
Introduced in R2011a
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