Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

how can i calculate the minimum distance between user location and access point?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
in this code
figure('Color', 'white')
dis = zeros(50,8);
UserLocationX = randi(50, 1, 50);
UserLocationY = randi(50, 1, 50);
AccessPointX = randi(50, 1, 8);
AccessPointY = randi(50, 1, 8);
for k=1:50
for l=1:8
dis (k,l)= sqrt((UserLocationX(k)-AccessPointX(l)).^2 + (UserLocationY(k)-AccessPointY(l)).^2);
plot(dis,'d'), grid on
title('distances between UL and AP')

Risposta accettata

Star Strider
Star Strider il 18 Mag 2014
This will calculate the minimum distance from each user to an access point. The C is the distance for that particular user (row number in this instance), and I is the index of that distance (column number), corresponding to the number of the access point:
[C,I] = min(dis,[],2)

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