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Azzera filtri

How declare a global vector

16 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
alessandro il 23 Giu 2014
Risposto: Image Analyst il 24 Giu 2014
I want to declare a global variable V1, dimensions [2 x 1]:
global V1
Vll=[floor(Vrefg); floor(Vrefh)];
But I have this error: Size mismatch (size [1 x 1] ~= size [2 x 1]). The size to the left is the size of the left-hand side of the assignment. How I can change the dimensions of V1?
  1 Commento
José-Luis il 23 Giu 2014
Modificato: José-Luis il 23 Giu 2014
The use of globals is discouraged.
Without a minimum working example, telling you how to change V1 is an exercise in wild conjectures, since we don't know what you are trying to achieve. Those tend to be not that much fun.
Furthermore, this sounds like the king of problem that is a good fit for the debugger:
dbstop if error %then run your program

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Risposte (2)

David Sanchez
David Sanchez il 23 Giu 2014
The fact of being a global variables has nothing to do with its dimension. The following is perfectly valid:
global v
v=[1 2]
Make sure that your line:
Vll=[floor(Vrefg); floor(Vrefh)];
is well defined and its elements are scalars.
  3 Commenti
alessandro il 23 Giu 2014
Can I change the dimension in the Data store memory?
David Sanchez
David Sanchez il 24 Giu 2014
Do you mean that when you type
global V1
V1=[1 2]
in the command window, you get an error?
clear global
before, that would delete any other previous declaration of global variables. If you get the error again, it has to be something related to your system.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 24 Giu 2014
Looks like you might have changed your question. If you have
global V1
Vll=[floor(Vrefg); floor(Vrefh)];
Then Vrefg and Vrefh must both be scalars or have the same number of columns if they are arrays. What is the value of those two variables?


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