If Mr. John D Errico you are seeing this:
% Get the coordinates of the airfoil - airfoiltools.com - http://airfoiltools.com/airfoil/details?airfoil=goe802-il
GOE802_DiscretePoints = readtable('GOE802_DiscretePoints.csv', 'NumHeaderLines', 1);
GOE802_DiscretePoints = GOE802_DiscretePoints{:, :};
% Get the x and y coordinates of the airfoil for the upper and lower surfaces
x_lower_original = GOE802_DiscretePoints(:, 1);
y_lower_original = GOE802_DiscretePoints(:, 2);
x_upper_original = GOE802_DiscretePoints(:, 3);
y_upper_original = GOE802_DiscretePoints(:, 4);
x_all = [x_lower_original; flip(x_upper_original)];
y_all = [y_lower_original; flip(y_upper_original)];
x = x_all';
y = y_all';
select = [1:17, 19:34]; % Repeating trailing point to make a sharp corner there
x = x(select);
y = y(select);
xyint = interparc(5000,x,y,'spline');
axis equal
grid on
hold on

How do I get a sharp corner at the end?