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Slove function return empty solutions

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Roy il 16 Mar 2023
Commentato: Walter Roberson il 24 Mar 2023
Hello, I'm trying to solve the attached syntax, but the aolve function return empty solutions. Please help.
syms V_1 V_2 x_1 x_2 r
pi1 = (V_1) * (x_1^r/(x_1^r+x_2^r)) - x_1
pi2 = (V_2) * (x_2^r/(x_1^r+x_2^r)) - x_2
dpi1dx = diff(pi1, x_1)
dpi2dx = diff(pi2, x_2)
s = solve(dpi1dx==0, dpi2dx==0, x_1, x_2)

Risposte (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 16 Mar 2023
Use dsolve for differential equations
  20 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 21 Mar 2023
The problem is not solveable for most r .
For example for r = 3/2 then the solutions are
RootOf(4*Z^3*x_2^(3/2) + 2*Z^6 - 3*Z*x_2^(3/2)*V_1 + 2*x_2^3,Z)^2
which is the set of Z such that the expression 4*etc becomes 0. But notice the Z^6 part -- so you would need the closed-form solution for a degree 6 polynomial, and such solutions only exist if the expression can be factored into polynomials of degree 4 or lower.
If r = N/4 for odd integer N, then you need to solve something of degree either 2*N+4 (for small N) or degree 2*N (starting at N = 5). r = 1/5 and r = 3/5 are tractable (but long!!), the other N/5 are not tractable.
Roy il 21 Mar 2023
noway :(
this is the solution for general r and V_1 != V_2
x_1 = V_2*(r*(V_2/V_1)^(r-1))/(1+(V_2/V_1)^r)^2
x_2 = V_1*(r*(V_1/V_2)^(r-1))/(1+(V_1/V_2)^r)^2
placing x_1 and x_2 and the dpi1dx and dpi2dx become them to 0.

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Roy il 21 Mar 2023
Why MATLAB can't solve this simple equations?
the solution for general r and V_1 != V_2:
x_1 = V_2*(r*(V_2/V_1)^(r-1))/(1+(V_2/V_1)^r)^2
x_2 = V_1*(r*(V_1/V_2)^(r-1))/(1+(V_1/V_2)^r)^2
placing x_1 and x_2 and the dpi1dx and dpi2dx become them to 0.
  3 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 22 Mar 2023
If you add the assumption of positive then they do resolve to 0
syms V_1 V_2 x_1 x_2 r positive
pi1 = (V_1) * (x_1^r/(x_1^r+x_2^r)) - x_1
pi1 = 
pi2 = (V_2) * (x_2^r/(x_1^r+x_2^r)) - x_2
pi2 = 
dpi1dx = diff(pi1, x_1)
dpi1dx = 
dpi2dx = diff(pi2, x_2)
dpi2dx = 
simplify(subs(dpi1dx,[x_1 x_2],[V_2*(r*(V_2/V_1)^(r-1))/(1+(V_2/V_1)^r)^2,V_1*(r*(V_1/V_2)^(r-1))/(1+(V_1/V_2)^r)^2]))
ans = 
simplify(subs(dpi2dx,[x_1 x_2],[V_2*(r*(V_2/V_1)^(r-1))/(1+(V_2/V_1)^r)^2,V_1*(r*(V_1/V_2)^(r-1))/(1+(V_1/V_2)^r)^2]))
ans = 
Roy il 22 Mar 2023
Modificato: Roy il 22 Mar 2023
So why MATLAB can't solve it, and extract these x_1 and x_2 when dpi1dx=0 and dpi2dx=0 using solve() or something else?
Btw, all the varibles are positive
There is solution for this simple equations :(
x_1 = V_2*(r*(V_2/V_1)^(r-1))/(1+(V_2/V_1)^r)^2 x_2 = V_1*(r*(V_1/V_2)^(r-1))/(1+(V_1/V_2)^r)^2

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