How to fix issue with error using surf: Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector
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How can I fix the code to avoid the error: error using surf: Z must be a matrix, not a scalar or vector
I tried converting it to matrix format using cell2mat, but then I can't refer to the correct position of terms to plot on the surface. Is there an alternative way?
numODEs =3;
% Parameters
parameters = rand(1, numParams); % Initialize parameters with random values
% Initial conditions
initial_conditions = rand(1, numODEs);
% Time span for simulation
tspan = [0 10];
% Set variation range based on a percentage of original parameters
min_variation_factor = 0.1;
max_variation_factor = 10;
variation_range = linspace(min_variation_factor, max_variation_factor, 5);
% Store results
balance_results = cell(numParams, numParams);
% Explore parameter balance for all combinations
for i = 1:numParams
for j = 1:numParams
% Perturb parameters based on variation_range
perturbed_params = parameters;
perturbed_params(i) = perturbed_params(i) * variation_range(1);
perturbed_params(j) = perturbed_params(j) * variation_range(2);
% Solve ODE system with perturbed parameters using ode15s
[~, Y_perturbed] = ode15s(@ode_system, tspan, initial_conditions, [], perturbed_params);
% Check if the solution compensates for variations
balance_results{i, j} = max(Y_perturbed, [], 1); % Adjust based on your specific measure
balance_results{1, 3}(:, 1)
% Visualize parameter balance
for k = 1:numODEs
subplot(ceil(sqrt(numODEs)), ceil(sqrt(numODEs)), k);
for i = 1:numParams
for j = 1:numParams
surf(variation_range(1), variation_range(2), balance_results{i, j}(:, k)', 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
hold on;
xlabel('Variation in Parameter 1');
ylabel('Variation in Parameter 2');
zlabel(['Max Output for ODE ', num2str(k)]);
title(['Balance Exploration for ODE ', num2str(k)]);
view(-45, 30); % Adjust the view for better visibility
hold off;
function dydt = ode_system(t, y, parameters)
% ODE system representing binding reactions (modify based on your specific system)
dydt = zeros(size(y));
% Parameters
k1 = parameters(1);
k2 = parameters(2);
k3 = parameters(3);
dydt(1) = -k1 * y(1) * y(2); % Example binding reaction
dydt(2) = k1 * y(1) * y(2) - k2 * y(2); % Example binding and unbinding reaction
dydt(3) = k2 * y(2) - k3 * y(3); % Example unbinding reaction
% Define the ODEs (modify based on your specific system)
% Example: dydt(1) = -parameters(1) * y(1) * y(2);
% Modify the code based on the structure of your ODE system
2 Commenti
Dyuman Joshi
il 20 Nov 2023
How do you plan to plot a surface where the data you have is scalar? You can't even plot a line with a single point.
What are you trying to do? What is the objective here?
Rebeca Hannah Oliveira
il 20 Nov 2023
Modificato: Rebeca Hannah Oliveira
il 20 Nov 2023
Risposte (1)
il 20 Nov 2023
Hi Rebecca,
I understand that you are getting an error using the "surf" function in your script.
You could use "meshgrid" function to resolve the error. To fix this, you need to create a meshgrid of "variation_range(1)" and "variation_range(2)" to use as the X and Y inputs for the "surf" function. Then you can use the "meshgrid" function to create the grid and then plot the surfaces accordingly. Here's how you can modify your code:
% Visualize parameter balance
for k = 1:numODEs
subplot(ceil(sqrt(numODEs)), ceil(sqrt(numODEs)), k);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(variation_range, variation_range);
for i = 1:numParams
for j = 1:numParams
Z = balance_results{i, j}(:, k)';
surf(X, Y, reshape(Z, size(X)), 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
hold on;
xlabel('Variation in Parameter 1');
ylabel('Variation in Parameter 2');
zlabel(['Max Output for ODE ', num2str(k)]);
title(['Balance Exploration for ODE ', num2str(k)]);
view(-45, 30); % Adjust the view for better visibility
hold off;
I hope this should resolve the error.
2 Commenti
Dyuman Joshi
il 20 Nov 2023
There's an error when I try to run the code with your suggestion -
numODEs =3;
% Parameters
parameters = rand(1, numParams); % Initialize parameters with random values
% Initial conditions
initial_conditions = rand(1, numODEs);
% Time span for simulation
tspan = [0 10];
% Set variation range based on a percentage of original parameters
min_variation_factor = 0.1;
max_variation_factor = 10;
variation_range = linspace(min_variation_factor, max_variation_factor, 5);
% Store results
balance_results = cell(numParams, numParams);
% Explore parameter balance for all combinations
for i = 1:numParams
for j = 1:numParams
% Perturb parameters based on variation_range
perturbed_params = parameters;
perturbed_params(i) = perturbed_params(i) * variation_range(1);
perturbed_params(j) = perturbed_params(j) * variation_range(2);
% Solve ODE system with perturbed parameters using ode15s
[~, Y_perturbed] = ode15s(@ode_system, tspan, initial_conditions, [], perturbed_params);
% Check if the solution compensates for variations
balance_results{i, j} = max(Y_perturbed, [], 1); % Adjust based on your specific measure
balance_results{1, 3}(:, 1)
% Visualize parameter balance
for k = 1:numODEs
subplot(ceil(sqrt(numODEs)), ceil(sqrt(numODEs)), k);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(variation_range, variation_range);
for i = 1:numParams
for j = 1:numParams
Z = balance_results{i, j}(:, k)';
surf(X, Y, reshape(Z, size(X)), 'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
hold on;
xlabel('Variation in Parameter 1');
ylabel('Variation in Parameter 2');
zlabel(['Max Output for ODE ', num2str(k)]);
title(['Balance Exploration for ODE ', num2str(k)]);
view(-45, 30); % Adjust the view for better visibility
hold off;
function dydt = ode_system(t, y, parameters)
% ODE system representing binding reactions (modify based on your specific system)
dydt = zeros(size(y));
% Parameters
k1 = parameters(1);
k2 = parameters(2);
k3 = parameters(3);
dydt(1) = -k1 * y(1) * y(2); % Example binding reaction
dydt(2) = k1 * y(1) * y(2) - k2 * y(2); % Example binding and unbinding reaction
dydt(3) = k2 * y(2) - k3 * y(3); % Example unbinding reaction
% Define the ODEs (modify based on your specific system)
% Example: dydt(1) = -parameters(1) * y(1) * y(2);
% Modify the code based on the structure of your ODE system
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