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Issue regarding a data plot

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Rahul il 8 Ago 2024
I have a data as attached herewith.
The blue plot represents the gradient while the orange plot represents the percentage difference between the two datapoints.
But as you can see that at distance 0.2 the orange plot shoots up although the blue plot is sufficiently smooth.
I don't see any noise or outliers present at that point.
Can you advice me a way how to correct the percentage profile in this case?
  2 Commenti
Divyajyoti Nayak
Divyajyoti Nayak il 8 Ago 2024
Modificato: Divyajyoti Nayak il 8 Ago 2024
Hi @Rahul, could you share the data or code you are using to plot this graph? That would help in debugging this.
Rahul il 8 Ago 2024
Hi Divyajyoti,
Plz find it as below
intensity_gradient = data.variable.gradintensity(end,:);
Normalized_intensity_gradient = data.variable.gradintensity(end,:)./abs(min(data.variable.gradintensity(end,:)));
grid on;
yyaxis left;
plot(data.variable.x,Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,:),'.', 'MarkerSize',10); %222
xlabel('Normalized radius');
ylabel('Normalized intensity gradient');
hold on;
for i = 1:length(data.variable.x)-1
percentage_difference_gI(i) = abs(Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1)-Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i))*200/abs(Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1)+Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i));
yyaxis right;
plot(data.variable.x(1,1:end-1),percentage_difference_gI(1,:),'.-', 'MarkerSize',10);
ylabel('% different point');
line([0 1],[100 100], 'LineStyle','--','Color','black'); %line([x1 x2],[y1 y2])
txt1 = text(0.025, 110, 'H-mode criteria (% different point ≥ 100 %)', 'FontSize', 11);
[Value_percentage, index_percentage] = max(percentage_difference_gI);
txt2 = text(0.025, 90, strcat("Maximum of % different point = ", num2str(Value_percentage), ' %'), 'FontSize', 11);

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Risposta accettata

Divyajyoti Nayak
Divyajyoti Nayak il 8 Ago 2024
Hi Rahul, I think the reason your graph shoots up so suddenly is due to the way you have defined the ‘percentage_difference_gI’ vector.
percentage_difference_gI(i) = abs(Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1)-Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i))*200/abs(Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1)+Normalized_intensty_gradient(end,i));
At distance 0.2, the gradient intensity is very close to 0. It is possible that the gradient intensity is crossing over from positive to negative. If this is the case then the numerator of your percentage will become larger than the denominator. For example,
Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1) = 0.015;
Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i) = -0.01;
percentage_difference_gI(i) = abs(0.015 – (-0.01))*200/ abs(0.015 + (-0.01));
percentage_difference_gI(i) = 0.025*200/0.005 = 1000
Here’s some code to show this visually with some dummy data:
data = -0.2:0.01:0.2;
percentage = abs(data(2:end)-data(1:end-1))./abs(data(2:end)+data(1:end-1));
percentage = percentage * 200;

Più risposte (1)

Rahul il 8 Ago 2024
Hi Divyajyoti,
I tried to do the correction as follows
percentage_difference_gI(i) = abs(Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1)-Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i))*200/abs(Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i+1)+Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i));
if Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,i)<0
But, this doesn't work. Can you advice please any other logic which can help.
  1 Commento
Divyajyoti Nayak
Divyajyoti Nayak il 8 Ago 2024
Hey @Rahul, I'm not sure what your aim is exactly. Your expression for percentage difference is finding the percentage with respect to the average of 2 data points not the percentage increase from one data point to another. According to me, a simple percentage expression would be something like this:
percentage_difference_gI = (Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,2:end)-Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,1:end-1))./Normalized_intensity_gradient(end,1:end-1);
percentage_difference_gI = abs(percentage_difference_gI)*100;

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