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Load .mat file from GUI

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Raldi il 4 Dic 2011
Commentato: ali hamadi il 23 Feb 2017
How can i load a .mat file from a gui and store its contents (3 rows of numbers) into a matrix?

Risposta accettata

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 4 Dic 2011
  2 Commenti
Raldi il 4 Dic 2011
Lol Walter sorry for all these questions. I figured it myself though
NAME = [Path_Name,File_Name];
structnames = fieldnames(struct, '-full');fiields in the struct
for i=1:k
Now my only problem is how to make a large gui record sound from the microphone and play it after i apply some filters to it. But thats another story
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 4 Dic 2011
The eval is totally unneeded.

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Più risposte (1)

ali hamadi
ali hamadi il 16 Feb 2017
Hi everyone ,
i am new in MATLAB , and i have done my project in it and now i need to create a GUI for my project.
using the GUI , i should be able to have the following things : in my project i have 2 different channels with their results. ( AWGN , BEC )
in each channel for example : AWGN , i have different SNR from 0.5 till 3.5.
in each value of the SNR , i have different code length values like : ( 8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048)
for each code length i have stored results .MAT file , in that file i need to extract a variable called indeces(order of numbers) , and then do some calculation ( show the first 10% , 20% , 30% ...100% of that variable indeces in a txt.file.
so the main idea is : select the channel type , select the SNR values , select the CODE LENGTH , choose the percentage , after that show the results in a .txt file so how to link all the above options together with the right results file. your help is appreciated and helpful...
  3 Commenti
ali hamadi
ali hamadi il 20 Feb 2017
yes there are different number of .mat file, for each type of : channel , SNR , CODELENGTH
ali hamadi
ali hamadi il 23 Feb 2017
Dear Walter ,
sorry for disturbing you , but i really need your help. now i have all the needed variables in one .mat file. still need to link between the conditions : CHANNEL TYPE , SNR/PE , CODE LENGTH , AND the needed variable. like : channel type : AWGN , SNR : 3.5 : CODE LENGTH : 2048 ===>> SHOW THE RESULTS OF THAT VARIABLE : AWGN_2048_1MI_35.MAT

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