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How I could convert matrix (double) to cell array of string

142 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have the following matrix and I want to convert it in cell array of string.
Please help me with this issue.
A=[-1; -3; -5; -5; -6; -7; -9; -3; -7; -9; -8; -9; -10]

Risposta accettata

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 31 Mag 2016
A_cell = cellstr(str2num(A));
  5 Commenti
Irina Ciortan
Irina Ciortan il 14 Apr 2021
Modificato: Irina Ciortan il 14 Apr 2021
This is not correct. Str2num converts strings to numeric format, but the question was the other way around. The correct and best answer should be

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Più risposte (5)

Iskander il 30 Nov 2017
Modificato: Iskander il 30 Nov 2017
Use undocumented function:
  5 Commenti
Neil Patel
Neil Patel il 15 Nov 2018
This functionality is basically the same as the documented function compose. Try

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Benny Abramovsky
Benny Abramovsky il 7 Ago 2018
This one worked for me:
  3 Commenti
Syed Hussain
Syed Hussain il 12 Set 2018
This can work for a general matrix using
and reshaping as necessary.

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Karolis Poskus
Karolis Poskus il 14 Ott 2020
Using one function:
  3 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 10 Apr 2021
This, that you say is "best answer", is the same solution that was posted 23 months earlier at
Also, at the time of the original question, compose() did not exist: the original question was May 2016, which was R2016a, but compose() was introduced as part of the string operations in R2016b.

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Rubén Vázquez Amos
Rubén Vázquez Amos il 27 Feb 2024
Wouldn't string(A) work?
  3 Commenti
Rubén Vázquez Amos
Rubén Vázquez Amos il 27 Feb 2024
I did test it and it worked, but wasn't sure about 2016 compatibility so I figured I'd put it as a tentative answer.
DGM il 27 Feb 2024
Modificato: DGM il 27 Feb 2024
As far as I know, string() was introduced in R2016b, but I don't know that it's early behavior was the same as it is today. I think it's safe to say the legacy options don't matter to most readers, and they'd probably be fine with your answer. The only reason I bring it up is to explain why it hadn't been mentioned at the time the question was asked.

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WinCento99 il 13 Lug 2021
Hi all,
If we define A as a matrix
A = [1 , 2 ; 3 , 4]
And we want to create a cell string matrix, do we do the following?
B = cellstr(num2str(A))
for i = 1:length(B)
C(i,:) = strsplit(B{i,1}) ;
Is there a way to ignore the loop?


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