Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Read text file and save result

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Maryam Hamrahi
Maryam Hamrahi il 2 Giu 2016
Commentato: Maryam Hamrahi il 2 Giu 2016
I want to read X and Y axis from a text file, store them in a matrix, and then use "fprintf" to save the results.
I do not want to use "identifier" in the code.
This is the text:
2 # version
2 # sdim
10 # number of points
0 # lowest mesh point index
point coordinates
0 0
0 0.10000000000000001
0.064252773249227707 0.067458641273279954
0.099999999999998201 0
0 0.20000000000000001
0.1999999999999984 0
0.072503096519224278 0.14995795459895683
0.14876076972691604 0.087335251767442917
0.072596698771222157 0.25014136767117334
0 0.30000000000000004
I appreciate any suggestion.
Thank you in advance.
  1 Commento
Maryam Hamrahi
Maryam Hamrahi il 2 Giu 2016
I use the following code. I want to modify the code without using "identifier".
function [PointMatrix] = m ( ~ )
i = 1;
identifier = {' point coordinates'};
addpath('C:\Users \Desktop');
fid = fopen(strcat(point '. txt'));
while ~feof(fid)
readLine = cellstr(fgets(fid));
if strcmp(readLine, identifier(1))
while(~strcmp(readLine, cellstr('')))
readLine = cellstr(fgets(fid));
Point(i, :) = readLine;
i = i+1;
Point(end, :) = [];
for i = 1:size(meshPoint, 1)
PointMatrix(i, :) = str2num(cell2mat(Point(i)));
clear 'Point';
i = 1;

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Risposte (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 2 Giu 2016
infmt = '%f%f';
headers = 5;
fid = fopen('YourFile.txt', 'rt');
datacell = textscan(fid, infmt, 'HeaderLines', headers, 'CollectOutput', 1);
YourVariable = datacell{1};
save('AppropriateFile.mat', 'YourVariable');
outfmt = '%g %g\n';
fprintf(outfmt, YourVariable .' );
  10 Commenti
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 2 Giu 2016
You can answer the question about why it is important to not use '# Mesh point coordinates' .
Maryam Hamrahi
Maryam Hamrahi il 2 Giu 2016
Because I want to read different parts of the code like "# Geometric entity indices"
when I use the following
identifier = {'# Mesh point coordinates','# Geometric entity indices'};
The code could not read "# Geometric entity indices".
So, I want to avoid using "identifier" and write the code in a different way.
Please see the attached file, this text file is much simpler.

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