Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

When I am creating a project manually in Polyspace and I need to add custom include files, I select the folder containing include files and select option 'Add Include Folder'. In this case what all types of header files are included?

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
What are the types of header files added into the include folder as this selected folder contains .h, .he, hdb, .hed files

Risposte (1)

Alexandre De Barros
Alexandre De Barros il 28 Ott 2016
When you add a new include folder, you're just telling Polyspace to take a look at this folder when it looks for files included by your source files, typically with a line like:
#include "my_header.h"
So if your file my_header.h is located in this folder, Polyspace will find it and will include it into the source file (during the preprocessing phase, to be precise) because of the #include directive.
Now, if you include a file named my_header.hpp or another extension, Polyspace will include it too because you asked this file to be included. No assumptions are made on the header file extension.

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