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Azzera filtri

Hi everyone, I have problem with Newton Raphson method. I dont really understand question 3 and question 4. From my code, can someone explain what should i put and where is my mistake. Attached file below..

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Scrpit Body
%question (3) & question (4) x0 =transpose(1:19); tol = 10e-10; nmax = 100; x,niter = NewtonRaphson( x0,tol,nmax );
Main Body
function [ x,niter ] = NewtonRaphson( x0,tol,nmax )
%DATA N = 20; niter = 0; error = 1; x0 = zeros(N,1); dx = zeros(N,1);
while (error > tol && niter < nmax)
niter = niter + 1;
x = x0 - ((J_springs(x0))/(F_springs(x0)));
x0 = x;
error = max(abs(x-g(x0)));
for i = 2:N-2
dx(i) = x(i)-x(i-1);
  1 Commento
Ben Drebing
Ben Drebing il 18 Dic 2017
Let us know what specifically is going wrong or what is confusing you. This will greatly increase your chances of getting an answer that you find helpful.
You can find the guidelines for posting homework questions here

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