"Invalid use of operator" importing lab data

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Adam Eshenaur
Adam Eshenaur il 2 Feb 2019
I was given a file to import lab data, but it is not working properly.
Any ideas on what may be causing my error?
I am a matlab novice, so any input is appreciated.
Error using ME201tension (line 31)
Error: Invalid use of operator.
% Program to Load and Process Tension Test Data
% 1. Define all data files - follow a particular format of: Material
RunNumber=1; % assumes Run number 1 will be used in all cases or edit
% This can access all data files generated by the LabVIEW code,
% An example FileName is:
% Aluminum1.txt
% 2. Choose which file to process - there are many ways to do this, this is one way
MaterialNumberToProcess=1; % this could be a loop index, or edit as 1, 2 or 3
% 3. Load data - make sure you include a space inside the quotes after the load word
% Using : String Construction method
% EDIT THIS - Specify the path to a folder containing the data (this is an example)
FilePath=['U:\LAB\']; % end this string with a \
% For MATLAB to load files, the data file must be in a path with no space characters,
% instead the style is to use a capital letter just after where the space would have been,
% for example ‘Tension test' becomes ‘TensionTest'
% You should use this style throughout the laboratory course experiments.
FileName=[MaterialToProcess int2str(RunNumber)];
FileExtension='.txt'; % text file extension was used (include a period)
LoadString=['load' FilePath FileName FileExtension];
% This evaluates the string LoadString as if it was typed onto the
% MATLAB command line. The data is placed into memory under the variable name
% to match the arbitrary value of the FileName string
Thanks for the help!

Risposte (1)

Satoshi Kobayashi
Satoshi Kobayashi il 3 Feb 2019
A space is missing in line 30.
LoadString=['load ' FilePath FileName FileExtension];




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