
Il sondaggio è CHIUSO


In my circle of friends, I am considered the "MATLAB Expert", or at least the most knowledgeable.

Yes, I'm it.
No, someone else knows more.
6563 voti

LiYong Shao
LiYong Shao il 5 Maggio 2022
Hi, Xiangyu Wang
I am very interesting about your model, how can I contact with you ?
Could you give me a mailbox or send a letter to shaoliyong@lishen.com.cn.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico il 18 Mar 2022 (Modificato il 22 Mar 2022)

A true expert accepts there is always more to learn in any field. (Note that I did not respond as the one with the most knowledge in my circle.)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 25 Maggio 2022
Well, in your circle John, you've got a pretty formidable collection of talented individuals - I know many/most of them. I think we may all be the most expert in some topics but not others. I'm in awe of your knowledge demonstrated in some of your answers. You're definitely more expert by far than the average MATLAB programmer.
Ridhwan Lawal
Ridhwan Lawal il 4 Maggio 2022
true.. but this shows you don't get the poll question
victor chen
victor chen il 21 Feb 2022

I need more support from MATLAB as showen me, later on.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 21 Feb 2022

Victor, not sure that that means. Do you have an active software maintenance contract? If so and you need more help from them than the usual tech support line, you can always pay for additional private consulting from them. If not, check out the Answers forum.


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