Run Code in Discussions Area!


Run Code in Discussions Area!

Chen Lin il 13 Giu 2024 (Modificato il 17 Giu 2024)
Ultime attività Replicato da Adam Danz il 14 Giu 2024

We're thrilled to share an exciting update with our community: the 'Run Code' feature is now available in the Discussions area!
Simply insert your code into the editor and press the green triangle button to run it. Your code will execute using the latest MATLAB R24a version, and it supports most common toolboxes. Moreover, this innovative feature allows for the running of attached files, further enhancing its utility and flexibility.
The ‘run code’ feature was first introduced in MATLAB Answers. Encouraged by the positive feedback and at the request of our community members, we are now expanding the availability of this feature to more areas within our community.
As always, your feedback is crucial to us, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a comment.
Accedi per partecipare
Adam Danz
Adam Danz il 14 Giu 2024
str = 'Can''t wait to run code in discussions!';
nchar = numel(str);
x = linspace(0,4*pi,nchar);
y = cos(x);
chars = string(str');
axes('position',[0 0 1 1])
h = text(x,y,chars,...
set(h,{'rotation'}, num2cell(rad2deg(sin(-x)')))
ylim(5*[-1 1])
axis off
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos
Athanasios Paraskevopoulos il 13 Giu 2024 (Modificato il 13 Giu 2024)
disp('This is very cool')
This is very cool
David il 13 Giu 2024
disp('Yay 😊')
Yay 😊


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