Vishal Rane
John Deere India
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Professional Interests: Scripting
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108 Risposte
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0 Punti principali
Find the Oldest Person in a Room
Given two input vectors: * |name| - user last names * |age| - corresponding age of the person Return the name of the ol...
oltre 3 anni fa
Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Given an input vector |F| containing temperature values in Fahrenheit, return an output vector |C| that contains the values in C...
oltre 3 anni fa
Calculate Amount of Cake Frosting
Given two input variables |r| and |h|, which stand for the radius and height of a cake, calculate the surface area of the cake y...
oltre 3 anni fa
Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...
oltre 3 anni fa
Create a row array using double colon operator
Create a row array from 9 to 1, using the double colon operator.
circa 10 anni fa
Is this triangle right-angled?
Given three positive numbers a, b, c, where c is the largest number, return *true* if the triangle with sides a, b and c is righ...
circa 10 anni fa
Circle area using pi
Given a circle's radius, compute the circle's area. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi.
circa 10 anni fa
Simple equation: Annual salary
Given an hourly wage, compute an annual salary by multiplying the wage times 40 and times 50, because salary = wage x 40 hours/w...
circa 10 anni fa
How to create a function that will call a text value to open a file?
Assuming image_filename contains the complete path (if not on matlab path) or name of image to be read, then G = imread( im...
quasi 11 anni fa | 0
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Splitting an array into variable lengths depending on it's content
If str = 'E0= 5 614 82 97 E0= 91 44 7 E0=54 774 624 6339 4 1...' [matchstart,~,~,~,tokenstring,~,~] = regexp( str, 'E0=\s|E...
circa 11 anni fa | 0
Error using fileparts Too many output arguments. How do I solve it?
<http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/fileparts.html Fileparts> allows upto three output arguments. If the script is written ...
circa 11 anni fa | 1
Retaining handlers when loading .fig file
Handles are created at runtime, hence they will differ from session to session. Use tags or names to keep your data session inde...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
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Slow debugging for long scripts
Try <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/matlab_prog/improve-code-readability.html#brazeg3-1 code folding>. Keep only the code t...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
Comment out "eventdata" with "~" in GUI
You can if you are not using that variable in rest of the function. The '~' doesn't work in the older versions though( R2006b or...
oltre 11 anni fa | 1
How to generate .m file from GUIDE GUI?
If in windows 7, Check the Properties > Previous Versions for the concerned folder. By any luck if you have Windows Backups enab...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
How to know what type of block is?
tipo = get_param(gate{1}],'Operator'); will give you the type of logic gate. The extra quotes alongwith the concatenation...
oltre 11 anni fa | 1
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How do i create a draggable object on an image and have ot show up automatically at the beginning?
If by skeleton you mean a closed figure, the you can use imfreehand. Creates a draggable & resizable figure. More specifically f...
oltre 11 anni fa | 1
How get the information whether a dependency function exist or not?
Try this: cellfun( @(x)(exist(x)), (depfun(your_file_name)))
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
prevent creating workspace variables
Have you checked explored <http://www.mathworks.in/help/simulink/gui/data-import-export-pane.html these> options?
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
Why do I encounter "Warning: popupmenu control requires a scalar Value" in openfig.m when I try to start my GUI?
The 'Value' property determines which of the elements in a cell array ('String' property of the popupmenu) will be displayed by ...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
How can I pack several .m ?
Have you thought about implementing the other functions as <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/matlab_prog/local-functions.html...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
Dates not being handled correctly in script
<http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/datestr.html datestr> converts date vectors to date strings. since you already have a d...
oltre 11 anni fa | 1
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Is it possible to put array index as zero in matlab?
Indexing does indeed start from 1, but you can modify the indexing in your logic to map the required 0th index to the actual 1st...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
how to use cellfun to take relevant elements out of cell arrays
The function handle @(v) v(i) is trying to access the ith element of each cell contents of TTMEYTemp. This works for the...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
two arrays mapping value
A((A(:,1) == min(A(A(:,1) > B(1)))),2)
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
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How to link matlab code to s-function in simulink?
Any particular reason to implement matlab code in simulink using S-Functions? You could use the matlab function block for this. ...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
GUI Edit Text Autocomplete?
See if <http://www.mathworks.in/support/solutions/en/data/1-9TOO77/index.html?product=SL&solution=1-9TOO77 this> gives any point...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
Compare two column values and display the third column value from the excel based on list box input.
If you need to read data from excel and display it in the listbox: - use xlsread to read data from the specific cells - as...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
??? Attempted to access x(:,2); index out of bounds because numel(x)=1. Error in ==> testfunction at 38 A1 = sin(sqrt(abs(x(:,1)-(x(:,2)+9))));
A switch-case construct will be more apt here. Also the x variable is initialised as a scalar: x = 2; Whereas your c...
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
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Regexp: different behavior for the same type of expressions
You can use: regexprep( filename, [ name, '_|.iv2'], '') Also regexp( filename, [ name, '_(\w*).iv2'], 'tokens')
oltre 11 anni fa | 0
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