How to measure the phase difference between two signals in simulink?
Try multiplying the two signals together, and then passing the result through a low pass filter.

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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How do to FFT Analysis to EEG signals Using Matlab
Please try: >> doc fft >> doc fftshift These commands will open the documentation for these two functions. After y...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

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Help with plotting sinusoidal wave
Compare your sampling rate (in samples per second) to the frequency of your sine wave (in hertz or cycles per second). What is ...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

problems with an interval in a for...end
t = (0:dt:tmax)'; N = size(t,1); X = zeros(N,1); X(1) = Xo; ... for k = 2:N ... ... end...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

spectral analysis, frequency spectrum, power spectral density
>> doc freqz

circa 12 anni fa | 0

spectral analysis, frequency spectrum, power spectral density
N = 2000; StartTime = 0; StopTime = 200e-9; dt = (StopTime - StartTime)/N; Fs = 1/dt; dF = Fs/N; ...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

Class project: simple calculator
>> doc input >> doc fprintf >> doc while >> doc cart2pol >> doc pol2cart >> doc sin >> doc cos >>...

circa 12 anni fa | 1

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Specifying range of data from a plot??
xSelect = x(y>=n);

circa 12 anni fa | 1

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declaring variables for codegen
The basic requirement is that you need to specify three characteristics for each input argument of the entry-point functions: ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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plot with axis properties from another plot
>> doc copyobj

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

How to graph 3-phase voltage using matlab?
Please try: Fs = 8000; dt = 1/Fs; StopTime = 2; t = (0:dt:StopTime-dt)'; N = size(t,1); Fc = 60; ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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sine wave plot
Please try: %% Time specifications: Fs = 8000; % samples per second dt = 1/Fs; ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 36

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plotting the frequency spectrum
Please try: %% Time specifications: Fs = 100; % samples per second dt = 1/Fs; ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 26

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measuring lenght of straight lines
>> doc imtool

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

Summing groups of ones
y = cumsum(x); d = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1); k = ( d == -1 ); z = y(k);

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

measuring a triangle
>> doc imtool

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

How to add harmonics to a signal ? Help please !!
Does the following function do what you want? function y = harmonic(x,k) % assumes that x is a column vector ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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How to sort the column of matrix according to amount of NaN for each column?
n = sum(isnan(A)); B = transpose([ n ; A ]); C = sortrows(B); R = transpose(C(:,2:end));

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

How to sort the column of matrix according to amount of NaN for each column?
n = sum(isnan(A));

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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Matrix operations without for structure
Please try: M = 60e3; N = 2; A = rand(M,N); s = rand(N,N); mu = ones(M,1)*mean(A); X = A - mu; ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

How can I filter the negative value?
B = A.*(A>0); C = A.*(A>0)*100 + A.*(A<0);

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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Subplot - adding alpha-numeric data
>> doc text >> doc title >> doc xlabel >> doc ylabel >> doc uicontrol

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

Select an element of variable. HELP.
N = numel(B); x = zeros(N,1); for k = 1:N x(k) = min(abs(A(:) - B(k))); end

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

NRZ-4 and NRZ-8
Another function that may help is |reshape|.

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

NRZ-4 and NRZ-8
You need to convert numbers from a binary representation (base 2) to a decimal representation (base 10). That is why I suggeste...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

NRZ-4 and NRZ-8
*Here is another hint:* Suppose you have a series of randomly generated symbols drawn from the set of integers { 0, 1, 2, 3...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

NRZ-4 and NRZ-8
>> doc bin2dec >> doc stairs

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

draw rectangular
# Find the min and max of the x components. # Find the min and max of the y components. # Use these values to specify the four...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

how to f-k filter
The variable |data| should be an array of size _M_ rows by _N_ columns. Each row should represent a different time increment, a...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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Convert MATLAB code to C++ code
MATLAB Coder does not generate a |main()| function for you. You have to write this function yourself in C or C++ and include it...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

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