How to add the new delayed signal to the PLOT !
Honglei's answer is correct, and it explains why simply adding 2 to an existing signal does not shift the signal in time, but me...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

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Incorrectly applying low pass filter to discrete data (Modulation)
I am pretty sure that the problem is with this line of code: [num,den] = butter(12, (Fc/Fs), 'low','s' ) ; There are two is...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Incorrectly applying low pass filter to discrete data (Modulation)
Hi Rudolf, Before looking at the filtering part, there are a number of issues in how the code sets up the test signals. In pa...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

how to generate data rates in matlab
Before jumping into a |for| loop, you should consider whether it is possible to _vectorize_ this code. MATLAB is really good at...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

3 - d Graph in Matlab
You may want to consider the |line| function. For more information: >> doc line HTH. Rick

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

How to find wavelength of a wave in an image
Hi Paul, I don't think I can help you. Maybe someone else can. Best of luck, Rick

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

How to find wavelength of a wave in an image
I have updated my previous answer to include a method for addressing Question (1).

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

How to find wavelength of a wave in an image
To answer Question (2): Once you find |Fx| and |Fy|, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the overall frequency |F|: ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

TUTORIAL: how to ask a question (on Answers) and get a fast answer
*DO:* * Please include which release of MATLAB you are using, e.g. R12, R14, R2008b, R2011a, etc. * Please make sure it is clea...

quasi 13 anni fa | 11

Generating multiple entities per sample time with different attribute values
# What release of MATLAB are you using? # Can you please post one or more screenshots of your Simulink/SimEvents model, and you...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Log Normal Distribution Fitting
Do you have access to the _Statistics Toolbox_? If so, please try the |lognfit| function. For more information (including a si...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

autocorrelate rows of matrix without using a for loop
Is the issue here that you really need to make this code run faster, or is it that you are just hoping to find a more elegant (e...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

autocorrelate rows of matrix without using a for loop
Also, please check the documentation for |xcorr|: >> doc xcorr It looks like you may be able to accomplish what you wan...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

autocorrelate rows of matrix without using a for loop
Hi Cody, Can you please answer the following questions? # Did you pre-allocate the output array |b| ? # Also, have you consi...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Signal power ....A confusion
In this specific case, the probabilities of the outcomes do not actually matter; the only reason that I asked is that the proba...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Signal power ....A confusion
# What is the amplitude of the carrier? # What is the probability of each outcome {+1 versus -1} in the data stream?

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

MATLAB code to C++ conversion
I would recommend trying a three-phase approach: # Generate code assuming _fixed_ size arrays for all variables. Choose a size...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Moduletion and de moduletion
Before modulation, you need to make sure that the sampling rate (in samples per second) of the source signal is greater than twi...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

MATLAB code to C++ conversion
Can you please answer a few questions: # What version of MATLAB (i.e. Rnnnnx) are you using? # Do you have access to Real-...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

fftshift of an image
In order to use the DFT to determine the wavelength of the pattern in the image, you will need one key piece of information: so...

quasi 13 anni fa | 13

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FFT of discrete time domain data
In the following code, I am assuming that |data| is predefined as a column vector of size |N| x 1. If it is a row vector of siz...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

fftshift of an image
The result of the DFT of an image should also be an image, but the graphs are showing a 1D spectrum. How did you compute the DF...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Looping past the end of an array - I don't see how?
Have you tried setting a break-point on the offending line of code, and then examining the values of the relevant variables in d...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Looping past the end of an array - I don't see how?
Big improvement. Thanks!

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Looping past the end of an array - I don't see how?
Please format your code. If you don't know how, please review the following: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/h...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Way to output a matrix or dat file
I am not sure if |csvwrite| will work with strings. You may need to use |xlswrite| instead, or you could try to create your own...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Creating an array of string variables
Please try creating a "cell array" of strings: myList = { 'Red' ; 'Orange' ; 'Yellow' ; 'Green' ; 'Blue' } ; for k = ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

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Way to output a matrix or dat file
A third option, if you want very nicely formatted output in the form of an HTML or PDF document, would be to use the |publish| c...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Way to output a matrix or dat file
Another option is to use |fprintf| to print formatted output to a text file rather than to the Command Window. So, for example:...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Way to output a matrix or dat file
Hi Chris, There are several different ways to accomplish what you are asking. One option is to export your data to MS Exce...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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