Contour Plot: DATA COLLECTED vs TIME in date and hours
Please try the following: disp([hour(dtStamp') minute(dtStamp')]); What does it show in the Command Window? Rick...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Read software data files.
Please try the following: filename = 'myfile.txt'; txt = fopen(filename,'r'); aStr = fscanf(txt,'%s'); fclose(txt); a...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Extracting Power from circuit [Simulink]
I do not understand why the Current and Voltage Measurement blocks will not allow you to accomplish what you need. If you measu...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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Contour Plot: DATA COLLECTED vs TIME in date and hours
The first thing you might try is to read your date/time stamps into MATLAB as strings. One way to accomplish this outcome would...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

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FFT of discrete time domain data
figure; plot(abs(X));

circa 13 anni fa | 0

can you help me create the program for plotting the graph of this discontinuous signal equation?
Please try the following steps: 1. Decide on a sampling rate _Fs_ in samples per second, or alternatively, decide on a time...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

iid in Matlab
The |rand| function returns a pseudo-random, iid number between 0 and 1 with a uniform pdf. If you compare the result of callin...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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plotting data
Please try: sftool or cftool HTH.

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Construction of a look up table and accessing it
Please try the following: docsearch LUT HTH. Rick

circa 13 anni fa | 0

analyzing biosignals in Matlab
Hi Mary, The easiest way to visualize a signal in MATLAB is to simply plot it. Please try: plot(x); where |x| is ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

analyzing biosignals in Matlab
Hi Mary, When you load the file into MATLAB, what are the names and sizes of the variables that appear in the MATLAB Workspace?...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

analyzing biosignals in Matlab
Hi Mary, The functions that you need in MATLAB include: plot median fft fftshift To use these function, you will ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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input transfer function in MATLAB GUI using GUIDE
If you have the Signal Processing Toolbox, you can simply use the |fdatool| or |filterbuilder|.

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Time delay for time domain function?
Please try the following: filename = 'myvoice.wav'; [ x Fs ] = wavread(filename); [M,N] = size(x); T = ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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trimming numbers
Please try the following: B = floor(A/100); HTH.

circa 13 anni fa | 0

highest frequency
Please try the |mode| function: x = mode(A); HTH.

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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Need to Decrease the Width of FFT
Hi Chirag, If you know that the input signal is a pure-tone sine wave at 50 Hz, then you can simply generate the signal to any ...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Need to Decrease the Width of FFT
Please try the following code. To increase the resolution of the Fourier spectrum, increase the value of the parameter |k| (and...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Gaussian Filter
Please review the function reference page in the MATLAB documentation: doc gaussfir This page provides information o...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Power Spectral Density units
The Signal Processing Toolbox includes a number of functions that convert between units of measure, including: db2pow po...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

Gaussian Filter
In the Signal Processing Toolbox, please try either |filterbuilder| or |guassfir|. HTH.

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Linear trend line of the given data points
Please try the function |polyfit|: doc polyfit HTH.

circa 13 anni fa | 1

saving variables contained within a function
Another approach would be to declare a persistent variable that will accumulate the results each time you call the function, and...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

saving variables contained within a function
It is probably not the only way to accomplish this task, but it will certainly work. You can use |fprintf| to print to a text f...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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Frequency spectrum
The best way to start is to specify a value for |T|, which represents half of the period of the square wave message signal |m(t)...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

digital modulation, ask, q-ask
Please try the following: # Convert the binary sequence to a sequence of symbols with values 0,1,2, or 3. # Map the sequence of...

circa 13 anni fa | 0

FFT conversion
The first thing you need to do is to compute the sampling rate |Fs|, which is simply the number of samples per second that you h...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

Calling a C function from a .m file
If you own MATLAB Coder (R2011a) or Real-Time Workshop (R2010b or earlier), you can use |coder.ceval| (MATLAB Coder) or |eml.cev...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

# Compute the power in the signal |Ps| # Compute the power in the noise |Pn| # Then: |SNR = Ps/Pn;| HTH.

circa 13 anni fa | 0

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Is there any numerical method to judge control system stability?
*Poles on the Right-Hand Side of the s-plane* Another approach that might work would be to convert the transfer function to pol...

circa 13 anni fa | 1

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