curves are incorrect. Fourier Series.
I would recommend using the |fft| function.

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

generating aperodic impulse train or triangular pulse or rectangular pulse
doc rectpuls doc tripuls doc pulstran

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

HELP how to solve this error code : Error using .* Matrix dimensions must agree.
What are the results of: size(Y0fft) size(PhaseY0_shift) They need to be the same size and shape to use the |.*|...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Creating an array of given size and increment
How about the following? xStart = 5; dx = 0.001; N = 2000; x = xStart + (0:N-1)*dx; Is that what you are ...

quasi 10 anni fa | 9

| accettato

Need some suggestion on creating a presentation?
Please review this video: <http://www.mathworks.com/videos/publishing-matlab-code-from-the-editor-69016.html Publishing> ...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Matrix dimensions must agree.
doc dbstop doc dbcont doc dbquit doc dbstep

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

Calculate angles between two intersecting lines using the slopes
phi = atan(m1) - atan(m2);

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Using coder to convert audioread which needs to read only wav file to mex c file?
doc coder.extrinsic

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

how to do the fourier transform
doc sin doc fft doc fftshift doc abs doc plot

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How to calculate spatial frequencies in fft2 of an image
<http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/13896-fftshift-of-an-image Similar question with accepted answer>

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Can the marker size be set by units of coordinates?
doc patch

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

How to install DSP toolbox on existing MATLABversion7(R2008b)
The DSP System Toolbox was introduced in R2011a. It is not available for R2008b. You can install the Signal Processing Blockse...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

can i run a matlab script for specific number of times automatically
Yes, use a |for| loop

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

How to obtain the Fourier transform of a filtered signal?
N = length(x); X = fftshift(fft(x))/N; figure; plot(abs(X));

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

Read a data set and bin it to different groups.
A = [ List of numbers ]; x = floor(A/1000); T1 = A( x == 2004 ); T2 = ... ...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Questions about FFT (and applying it to determine power spectral density)
These questions have been asked and answered dozens of times already. Please search MATLAB Answers for |fourier| and/or |fft|.

circa 10 anni fa | 0

how can i implement transfer function in embedded matlab block?
doc coder.extrinsic

circa 10 anni fa | 0

How to combine two successive SimEvents entities?
<http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29754-simevents--operations-research-library Operations Research Library>

circa 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Modelling a RC circuit
The circuit is not time-invariant. Yet you are applying techniques, such as the DFT, that apply only to time-invariant systems....

circa 10 anni fa | 0

Butterworth filter and normalised frequency
Wn = 2*wn*Ts;

circa 10 anni fa | 0

How to reset a signal to zero after certain intervals in simulink?
The integrator block provides an option to allow you to reset the state variable using an external trigger signal. Please revie...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

Fixed Point to Floating Point
>> doc fi >> doc numerictype >> doc fimath >> doc cast >> doc isfi

circa 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Converting a signal to baseband after resampling
Nz = length(z); Nv = length(v); r = Nz/Nv; dt_old = t(2) - t(1); dt_new = dt_old/r; t_old = t; ...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

FFT to represent Aliasing Problem
fc = f; df = fs/Ns; f = -fs/2:df:fs/2-df; plot(f,abs(xdft);

circa 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Computing the mean over 3 numbers in a vector
... = mean(A(i:i+2));

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Problem with frequency axis during Fourier Transform of Gaussian Pulse
A few minor tweaks: t = 0:dt:2e-9-dt; df = fs/nfft; f = -fs/2:df:fs/2-df;

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How does tilde remove NaN's from dataset?
Is this what you are trying to do? C = isnan(B); A = B(~C);

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Need help on a Question producing a sequence
Here's a start: N = 500; x = nan(N+1,1); x(1) = ... k = 1; while ... if ... ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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