I'm trying to select a value from one column in a cell array based on another value.
Table = {1 23 'ND'; 2 33 'ND'; 3 14 'AA'; 4 11 'AA'; 6 16 'ND'}; %Y...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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How to save multiple MATLAB figures automatically in program?
Use |savefig| <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/savefig.html> Note: You should save using the full file name, which...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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Im trying to code the following equation (Attached) in MATLAB, could someone please tell me if i coded it right. Thanks
eqn= Ma.*sqrt(gam.*R.*Ta).*((1+f).*sqrt(T04./Ta).*(1+((gam-1)./2).*Ma.^2).^(-0.5))-1 ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

where can I find teh 9.1 version of runtime?

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

Message Error - Problem with GUI tutorial
I can't seem anything obviously wrong on the code side of things. Use debugging methods to figure out what is the contents of |s...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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why is this code not working pls help me out
Wild solution guess: Do not start the GUI by double-clicking the .fig file. Instead, start the GUI by running the .m file.

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

Fastest way to create N by 1 matrix which contain lots of zero without using for loop
a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; N = 10; D = [repelem(a, 4, 1); repmat([b; 0; 0; 0], N, 1); repelem(c, 2, ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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How to save figures while specifying the saving location, extension and resolution?
print(fig2, fullfile(FolderName, windowname2), '-dpng', '-r600') Use |print| instead of |savefig| to save a figure to a spe...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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Parfor starting a new parallel pool at every call?
Do this once in your MATLAB command line to set the default setting to : ps = parallel.Settings; ps.Pool.AutoCreate ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 1

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Save an output file which is a cell
Data = {'string', 1, [1 2 3 4]}; %Make sure there is no multi-element entity in each cell (like the matrix) MatLoc = c...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

huffman encoding for image
I haven't used huffmandict before, but based on the document and the error message you have, I suspect your inputs are wrong. ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

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HISTCOUNTS a true replacement of HISTC?
Interesting finding that histcounts doesn't have the Dim option. You should ask TMW to add that feature - they must have overloo...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

how to use multiple function like mean and sum in cellfun at same time?
B = cellfun(@(x) [mean(x(:, 2:3), 1) sum(x(:, 4), 1)], A, 'UniformOutput', false); you'll get a 30x1 cell containing a ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

Is Mathworks is ISO 26262 Certified Tool ?
<https://www.mathworks.com/solutions/automotive/standards/iso-26262.html> You'll probably have to contact MathWorks directly ...

quasi 6 anni fa | 0

About the efficiency of parallel computing
Read this: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/optim/ug/improving-performance-with-parallel-computing.html> It depends on the ...

circa 6 anni fa | 1

Confidence interval for slope and intersect using bootstrapping
I believe it's just the percentile itself for bootstraps. If you get 1000 bootstrapped sample and results, then take the top 2.5...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

dimension error with * operator
Although N is a 100x100 matrix, when you do N(:), you make it into a 10000x1 vector. Get rid of the "(:)" when you want to prope...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

Changing letters to other letters with regexprep
Note that regexprep will replace things Sequentially. regexprep('ab',{'a','b'},{'b','c'}); ab -> bb -> cc To fix, r...

circa 6 anni fa | 1

How would I write a script to solve this problem. Assume that I have a vector named D. Using iteration (for) and conditionals (if and/or switch), separate vector D into four vectors posEven, negEven, posOdd, and negOdd.
My guess is Bryce needs to _"find the maximum and minimum elements, and get the summation"_ for each variable. But seems |max|, ...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

Determining the install location of a compiled program.
This was answered here: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/92949-how-can-i-find-the-directory-containing-my-com...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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Matrix subtraction errors using repmat
Why do you need to use |repmat|? a 1x1 matrix is a scalar, hence you can just do A-B without repmat. A = 2; %this is a 1x1 ...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

EPS Export in R2018a/b
Here are some posts that deal with similar issues: <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/92521-why-does-matlab-not...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

A challenging problem: how to obtain a semi-lower triangular matrix from a general matrix?
A = [ 0 0 1 -1; -1 2 1 0; 0 2 -1 -1; -1 0 0 1; -1 -1 3 -1; ...

circa 6 anni fa | 1

how to solve "Undefined function" problem?
Add the path where your missing function is to your Matlab working path. Read more here. <https://www.mathworks.com/help/...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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Why does my program not graph my function (line 17)?
Use |fplot| to plot symbolic equations, and use |plot| to plot vectors x and y. See: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/symbolic/...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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My matlab software crashes when i run my code without giving any error log.
Before fixing memory issues, without getting an "Memory Error" message that would suggest this is the issue, perhaps look into r...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type
Perhaps something is corrupted in the mlapp file? See this post. <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/393830-mla...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

can I increase maximum possible array used memory?
Do you have a lot of background processes? One way to increase your array size is to increase your OS's swap space. For wind...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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How to rename a variable with a char
_"the output is a struct which contains fields and values."_ S = otherPersonFunction(...); %Returns structure with fields a...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

Managing Dependencies when Compiling Code in Linux
Try this: /usr/local/bin/mcc -m mainfile.m -a /usr/local/dir_to_your_m_files the -a [folder or file name] option will fo...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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