How to create a link mechanism for a hydraulic excavator
If you have a complicated mechanism like that, building this in a CAD-Software and exporting it as Simscape Model is probably so...

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Simulink simscape multibody: Actuating a joint with changing mode
Here are my experiences using joint modes: Disengaging Disengaging after a certain amount of time works the best. If your join...

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How to add forced displacement or oscillation into Simscape Multibody?
You can easily use the "Prismatic Joint"-Block, which is for purely translational movement along one axis. Just set the followin...

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How to plot capacitor voltage from a bridge rectifier with capacitor filter in MATLAB?
You can simulate the behavior with Simulink, by building a rectifier with the Simscape Electrical toolbox. The model could look ...

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How to compute 8 days mean from one year data?
I would use the moving average function (movmean) data_table = readtable('sample.csv'); % reading as TABLE data_matrix = ta...

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How to generate normal distribution from an array?
You could do it in a small for loop: A = [2.29441228002842 17.3351873969651 2.79928860040389 7.17554281085515; 3.1620041565948...

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Problem renaming variable in loop
Having 150 variables all having to do with one thing is not good coding. You should use a matrix/array/cells instead. Also using...

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Convert symbolic inequality to matrix form
Moved my comment to an answer (to be accepted only if satisfied): syms x y eq = 2*x + 3*y <= 5; % inequality eq1 = lhs(e...

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Enter a velocity and a specific acceleration to a motion
There are multiple ways of doing it. I'm just using constant acceleration examples since those are the easiest. But I just want ...

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I want to correct the trajectory of the double pendulum model.
How are you sure, that the left image is the correct/ideal trajectory? For me it seems that the right side is more accurate. You...

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How to move a simulink model with solidworks model to another new pc?
Did you execute/Run your "haha_Datafile.m"? Mabe just running it in your current workspace once will load the needed variables i...

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MATLAB code error, LQR
I do not know the exact working behind the "Riccati Solution", but I have had this error before. For me it helped to adjust Q an...

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simulink not running with no error showing
How do you know that the simulation did not run? In your Model you have not really a good way to see that, since it will simulat...

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F28035 XCP Connection Error
I had this Problem with the Piccolo F280049C Launchpad and had to change the COM-Port (which is COM4 in your case): Model Setti...

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Simscape MultiBody_6-DOF Joint_Restrict All Prismatic Primitive
You should use a "Spherical Joint". It has no gimbal lock and is only able to rotate. (If you, for some reason, still want to u...

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How to sense the torque with the revolute joint?
I tought about it a bit more: The torque is just dependent on the deviation to the natual position. The damper creates a torque ...

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Why is HR here giving me NaN as an answer
As @John D'Errico suggests, your data is most likely the problem here. You have to have at least two peaks in you data. Otherwis...

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How to connect Harmonic Drive in Simscape?
I made an example on how the harmonic drive could be used. Hope this can help someone. Notes: The "Harmonic Drive" is connec...

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Add a Common Gear constraint to my simscape ,but the the positions of gears and shafts are changed. How to solve it?
It seems like your solidworks model is not fully defined/connected. This allows the model to move. Under normal circumstances an...

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What solver need to be used to run the simscape model?
You always need a "Solver Configuration"-Block connected to your circuit/physical diagram (see below). In there you can make a f...

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Why my graph only contain 4 lines instead of 6 lines
Check if your err-array for "left-hand" and "right-hand" has values in it. If thy are NaN, it does not plot a line, but no error...

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how to model stairs in simscape multibody?
Depending on the usecase two options come to mind: Creating a staircase in a CAD-program and using the "File Solid"-Block to us...

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How to make the diagonal legs of the quadruped robot have the same step height when walking?
For me it looks like the legs are moving the same! But what happens, is that the robotdog tilts. Thats why the front legs are fa...

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"y-direction of the coordinate system should be reverted"
Normally the coordinate system starts at the top left of the image. Right is the positive x-axis and down is the positive y-axis...

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Plot data and keep the maximum values
Maybe using the islocalmax-function is appropriate. But looking at your desired line this might get to many points: x = 1:30; ...

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Getting error in Inverse Kinematic block using robotics system toolbox for 2 DOF planner robot
Your error seems to indicate, that you want to run a script as a function. While your setup looks good, it could be that you hav...

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Solving for all missing terms at once with "solve" doesn't work
The reason, your solve does not work in the function is most likely that there are more equations than variables. This is no pro...

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Solving symbolic Matlab equations in term of two variables (Vo/Vi)
From my experience trying to solve transfer-function with this approach did not work. If someone knows a better way please comme...

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Help with a script that calculates bending moment of cantilever beam.
I think writing a script to solve only this exact beam setup is not really to usefull. The aproach of dividing the beam into app...

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Finding Shear Force and Bending Moment
Here is how I would approach this problem: BeamLength = 10; % N m PointLoads = [200 0 -100 3; ...

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