Why does this function not work for decimals?
The formula you have used is incorrect. Refer to this webpage for (the taylor) expansion of arc tan for different values - http...

2 mesi fa | 0

Extract a specific range of rows from an excel file using opts = detectImportOptions(filename)
Specify the data range to be read using the 'Range' option - opts = detectImportOptions('tempDataTrollhFlygpl.xlsx', ... ...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Dealing data with text and numerical in .txt file
%display the contents of the file type data.txt %read the file fID = fopen('data.txt') %read the data in the given format - ...

2 mesi fa | 0

Welcome to the world of floating point numbers, where not all numbers can be represented exactly in binary form. See this threa...

2 mesi fa | 3

How can I calculate the grouped data?
Dynamically naming variables is not a good programming practice - TUTORIAL: Why Variables Should Not Be Named Dynamically (eval)...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Finding intersecting points in the Lissajous scan pattern
There are several options available in FEX - https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/11837-fast-and-robust-curve-i...

2 mesi fa | 2

Retracting the time-tags from the histcounts
If you are working with R2019a or a later version, use readmatrix and writematrix. Otherwise, use writetable D=readmatrix('time...

2 mesi fa | 1

Zeroing matrix elements outside of a certain range.
A simple approach via indexing - data = [1;2;3;4;5].*ones(5,2).*[0.5,0.4] out = [data(1:4,1) data(2:5,2)]

2 mesi fa | 0

Algorythm for Average of excel data
data = readtable('S1IA.csv') %define bins to distribute bins in idx = 0:0.5:0.5*ceil(max(data.Time)/0.5); %Get the mean of ...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Converting entries from array to double from an entire column in a matrix for plotting
Change the options for reading the data via detectImportOptions and use column numbers to plot - opts = detectImportOptions('t...

2 mesi fa | 0

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A = ["aaa 01" "bbb 02" "aaa 02" "bbb 03" "ccc 04"] %Number of characters from end to delete n = 3; B = extractBefore(A,...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Convert Julian Date + Time in GMT to calendar day + Time in EST
Note that I have changed the inputs YEAR and JDDD to numeric values as they are easier to work with - I changed the name to all...

2 mesi fa | 3

Extracting a variable from a series of files contained inside a folder
Refer to this documentation page for importing and exporting multiple files - https://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export...

2 mesi fa | 0

How to make subplots bigger and title in one line?
Using tiledlayout here seems to be a better option, as it gives you a better control over the spacing and padding. Also, while ...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Poissons Equation with Point source
You can use inpolygon to see if the origin is inside the triangle or not and polyarea to calculate the area of the triangle - ...

3 mesi fa | 0

How to group discontinuous numbers
load('Risk_values.mat'); whos idx = cumsum([1;diff(mediumRiskXValues)~=1]) out = accumarray(idx, mediumRiskXValues, [], @(x...

3 mesi fa | 1

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Why do I get an error "Matrix dimensions must agree."
Why are you using a for loop for a task that is not changing with iterations? "Why do I get an error "Matrix dimensions must ...

3 mesi fa | 1

how to do a legend with text, variables, and Greek symbols in it?
You can use the symbols as provided in the list here for the default interpreter (i.e. tex) - https://in.mathworks.com/help/matl...

3 mesi fa | 0

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fopen and fget reading lines from a text
You need to use the file ID as input to fgetl - fid = fopen('test.txt'); %lines to read num = 3; %Preallocate a cell ar...

3 mesi fa | 1

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Using parfor to evaluate integrations
See - Array vs Matrix Operations xmin = -2; xmax = 1; ymin = 1; ymax = 3; dx = 0.001; dy = dx; xs = xmin:dx:xmax; Nx = ...

3 mesi fa | 2

How do you get up to first n characters in a string?
A simple approach using extractBetween - s_arr = ["a";"ab";"abc";"abcd";"abcde";"abcdef";"xyzxyzxyz"] pos = 4; % pos = no. o...

3 mesi fa | 3

How to set both yticks(left and right) in decimal values not exponential or scientific??
Use get on the axes handle to see its structure - You will find that the YAxis is stored as 2x1 Numeric Ruler (1 for each side)....

3 mesi fa | 0

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Beam me up, Scotty!
It's the mid 22nd century. You, Montgomery Scott, are appointed the chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise. The Starship is...

3 mesi fa | 1 | 7 risolutori

index problem while sort
"ind=[2,1] is coming which is wrong." It is correct. The input to sort() only has 2 elements, so the expectation to get [3 1]...

3 mesi fa | 1

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how to delete multiple cells at once?
First, concatenate the data to get it in a numeric array. See - horzcat As you are dealing with floating point numbers, compare...

3 mesi fa | 0

Filtering the common rows between two matrices
Try this - A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; B = [1 2 3 90; 3 1 2 88; 4 5 6 17; 6 5 4 19; 7 8 9 12; 15 18 22 20]; %sort each ro...

3 mesi fa | 0

Syntax problem in creating a function which takes a vector as an argument
Use element-wise power - power, .^ and define the expression as an anonymous function - r_1 = 0.84 - 0.29i; r_2 = 0.84 + 0.29i...

3 mesi fa | 0

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How to apply for loop in case of product of function inside double summation?
That is simply the sum of product of pairs in the given index range for a and b, thus P can be defined like this - P = 1-sum((...

3 mesi fa | 0

partfrac() function returning same expression
It gives the same expression as the output because the denominator can not be decomposed with the default factor format i.e. 'ra...

3 mesi fa | 1

Trying to extract the rows from a matrix where the values from the first two columns match the values from another matrix
%Sample data for example y1 = magic(5) y2 = y1; y2(randi(25,1,5)) = 0 %Comparison idx = all(y1(:,1:2)==y2(:,1:2), 2) out =...

3 mesi fa | 0

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