Unable to read data from text file in matlab
The file your are looking for is probably not there, or at least, not on the MATLAB path. See what fid is: if it is -1, then you...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Why doesn't the for loop work?
p = isprime(p) gives you a logical vector, similar to p = [true true false true] When you try to assign i to p(i) it converts ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Error: Not enough input arguments
There are probably other array concatenation issues in your equation definitions, but regarding your current issue, remove the c...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to input corresponding data from separate matrices
A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]'; B = [ 2 3 1 7 9 10 4 6 5 8; 12 43 64 94 27 58 64 13 90 74]'; % Iterate over every element of A ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Add one year to date
You can use the datetime and years commands to do what you want: date = '2022-01-05'; d = datetime(date) d1 = d + years(1) s...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How to pad zero in string using sprintf
This should work on both char arrays as well as strings: a = { '1010' '111' '010' '10' '101...

quasi 2 anni fa | 2

How to implement a transfer function with variable coefficients?
The top part of your first diagram does not implement 1/(b+s). To confirm this, label the output of the top sum block as e. The...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Scaled Step Response & Scaled Ramp Response of Transfer Function
Since responses of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems have the same shape for various amplitudes of a given input signal and ar...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

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Different tick values on same axis
You can generate a ticks vector, which should be sorted and with unique elements: a=0; b=4; c=0; d=6; g=1; dxs=0.2; dxf...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

How to change corrplot line and scatter dots properties?
Get the handle of the plot out and modify the desired properties: [~,~,h] = corrplot(rand(100,2)) h(1,2) h(1,2).Color = 'r'; ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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auto correlation time in matlab
"Autocorrelation time" most likely means the lag (in days, in your case) where the autocorrelation sequence of your data it at a...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

Trying to copy a column from a array into a tall array
Use tall() around the new data column: T = tall(rand(10,2)); t = rand(10,1); T(:,2) = tall(t);

circa 2 anni fa | 0

Why am I obtaining incorrect values for Lipschitz 1/2 norms using the central difference method?
Unless I misunderstodd something, the derivative of is . Within the domain of [0,1], the maximum absolute value of this is...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

I am trying to do a scatter plot with 2 different Y axes with different scales using imported data on a graph.
% Dataset in a table T = table((1:100)', cumsum(rand(100,1)), cumsum(rand(100,1)), 'VariableNames', {'Time', 'Data1', 'Data2'})...

circa 2 anni fa | 1

How can I visualize by frequency for frequency range 0 - 70.87Hz? (EEG_1=3.8088)
load('VEPdata1.mat') subplot(211) plot(EEGdata) subplot(212) pspectrum(EEGdata, fs) ax = gca; ax.XLim = [0 0.072];

circa 2 anni fa | 0

FSOLVE was working until enclosed in a function - difficult for me to interpret error
The variable pKb that you pass to the function is not initialized as global and assigned a value, so it is passed as [] to the f...

circa 2 anni fa | 1

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How to plot the phase margin?
The transfer function 20/(s+1) is your controller. As it is, it does not give you a 50-degree phase margin. You need to modify t...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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Hello, I would like to convert this mathematical equation into MATLAB code.
x = rand(100,1); N = numel(x); num = (sum(x)/N)^2; den = sum(abs(x.^2)) / N; s = num / den

circa 2 anni fa | 1

Have title of plot change IF edit field has text, otherwise default
You are comparing the edit field object itself to 0, instead of the content of the edit field. Try if ~isempty(app.GraphTitleEd...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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How to make lines at given angles?
Looks like you are actually looking for 4 lines since angles of 0 and 360 would produce the same lines. But here is the for-loop...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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How to count the total number of blink?
You can use a peak detection algorithm such as the islocalmax() command: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/islocalmax.ht...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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Retrieve the coordinates of the point from the graph
If you want to do it manually on the plot by clicking with the mouse at or near the intersections, and get their coordinates, yo...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

what's wrong with this code?
You don't need quotes inside the solve() command and use '==' for equality instead of '=': syms x syms y [x,y] = solve(x^3 - ...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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Shutdown at specific time
Call exit in StopFcn of the Timer object.

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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Merging tables with partly the same column names, but sometimes different dimensions
This seems like a table (outer) join problem. Take a look at: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/table.outerjoin.html Tl...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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only one plot line is showing
There are two issues with your code. First, line([label_50 label_50], [round(N*0.5) round(N*0.5)]) is a point, not a line. So ...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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Why does the font size in my Axes change spontaneously?
axis.FontSize and axis.Label.FontSize are not independent properties. Setting axis.FontSize will not affect axis.Label.FontSize...

circa 2 anni fa | 1

Rotate 3-D Point Cloud Using Rigid Transformation
First translate the point cloud to the origin using a translation of -G. Rotate the point cloud around an axis. Translate it b...

circa 2 anni fa | 1

How to graph R0 against two parameters on a 3D plot with planes for certain R0 values?
[X,Y] = meshgrid(0:0.1:0.4, 0:0.01:0.4); R0 = 1; Z = R0 * ones(size(X)); surf(X,Y,Z) colormap('turbo') shading interp xlab...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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ode45 results won't plot
Your functions are a bit intertwined: solveODE_SecondOrder() function solveODE_SecondOrder() t = 0:.001:10; q0 = [0.1; 0.3...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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