How to hide console messages for a matlab executable in batch mode
Not sure what things are showing up but if you don't want any then make sure you have semicolons after every line, and don't use...

16 giorni fa | 0

Pattern recognition in Robot Vacuum Map
See if this might help: https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ug/abandoned-object-detection.html?s_tid=srchtitle_site_search_1_...

16 giorni fa | 0

LCD defect detection using matlab
Yes, MATLAB is a great tool for developing image processing apps. It's easy to program in and has a great library of functions ...

16 giorni fa | 0

unknown parameters in Radon transform example
"The page you were looking for does not exist. Use the search box or browse topics below to find the page you were looking for."...

16 giorni fa | 0

How to do film dosimetry?
You can use imsplit to separate an RGB image into individual component images in one line of code: % Separate RGB image into in...

16 giorni fa | 0

Draw first principal component line and regression line on the same scatterplot
It looks like you're doing a simple linear fit. I'm not seeing how you're using pca. It sounds like homework and they want you...

16 giorni fa | 1

Trying to understand how imagesc works compared to scatter.
Scatter is an x-y plot where the origin is at the lower left, by convention. And imagesc plots an image (or matrix) where the o...

16 giorni fa | 1

Trying to understand why my graphs are all flipped
Maybe try axis ij or axis xy until the graph is in the orientation you want.

17 giorni fa | 0

How does the regionprops calculate the area or the eccentricity of an object?
Not sure how I missed your question 5 years ago, but anyway I don't think you'd use hough() anymore. You'd use imfindcircles, t...

17 giorni fa | 0

Adjusting color limits on displayed color images
What data type do you have for your indexed image? If it's double, it should be in the range 0-1, and if it's uint8 it should b...

18 giorni fa | 0

Measuring average intensity of pixels for multiple images.
There is absolutely no need to store all your images in a cell array or as a 3-D image. See the FAQ for code on how to proces...

18 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

I want to install an MATLAB 2024 Update 6 but it is only showing Update 2 do I have to reinstall?
Try to install the update from the bell icon in the title bar in the upper right. Does your bell have a red dot on it, or not? ...

18 giorni fa | 0

Network doesn't work on test image
Make sure your new images are resized to the required size for your model (the same size as your training, validation, and test ...

20 giorni fa | 0

Representing an area on a different axis.
To have different data (like area) on a different/additional axis, see yyaxis help yyaxis

21 giorni fa | 1

Finding mean value over certain amount of values in a matrix
A = [1,2,3;4,6,8;7,12,7;14,4,23] result = [2.5,4,5.5;10.5,8,15] % Your desired answer r = conv2(A, [1;1]/2, 'valid'); r = r(1...

22 giorni fa | 1

How "medfilt1(X,N) filter logic works. How to convert this into embedded c language. please suggest how to do this.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_filter for a thorough explanation of the median filter. For many MATLAB functions, y...

22 giorni fa | 0

How do you track a tip of a pendulium and plot its displacement against time?
It all comes down to extracting one frame at a time and then segmenting that frame and using regionprops to find the centroid. ...

22 giorni fa | 0

AI to help with Matlab scripting and Simulink Drawing
See this link: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/discussions/highlights/851851-introducing-the-revolutionary-preanswer-ai-...

22 giorni fa | 0

Attempting to fit data with a sigmoid curve, but not an option in curvefitter toolbox
Attach your actual data so we can work with it. In the meantime, I'm attaching my demo of fitting a sigmoid, though it uses a d...

22 giorni fa | 0

Read multiple images from folder and subfolder within a for loop
See the FAQ for code snippets: Process a sequence of files

23 giorni fa | 0

create mask (line) based on conditional (mask)
Based on your question and the answer, I don't understand. I don't know why you're messing with circles when regions in a thres...

23 giorni fa | 0

How to filter out the noisy portion of contourf plot?
So it sounds like you want to remove local outliers and noise but do not want to touch/smooth data points that you consider to b...

24 giorni fa | 0

Detecting circles in an image to measure inner and outer diameter
Yes. You're using the wrong lens. It needs to be a telecentric macro lens. Telecentric so that you don't see the sides of the...

24 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

How to plot one curve and change color according to value
Maybe this: x = linspace(0,10); y = sin(3*x) .* exp(0.5 * x); plot(x,y,'-b.'); hold on yline(25, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', ...

25 giorni fa | 1

code for segmentation of image using grabcut algorithm
GrabCut is in the image segmenter app on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon. Once you've done it, click the Export button on the a...

26 giorni fa | 0

How to check color image linear or nonlinear?
Image a gray scale step wedge with known reflectance percentages, like the Calibrite Color Checker Chart. https://calibrite.com...

26 giorni fa | 0

How to exclude a certain value from a range?
It doesn't look like your "e" has a value of 6, but if it did, you'd do this e = e(e ~= 6); % e must be a vector. If e is a ma...

27 giorni fa | 0

Change specific colour in an image
Simply use the Color Thresholder app on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon to create a mask for the red chips. Then use that mask ...

28 giorni fa | 0

Methods of Detecting and Removing Protrusions in Image
How about this: % Read in image. grayImage = imread('blobs5.jpeg'); % Convert to binary. binaryImage = grayImage(:,:,2) > 12...

28 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

image processing
To process a series of image files, see the FAQ: Process a sequence of files

30 giorni fa | 0

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