freqresp gives wrong output for purely real inputs
Hi Will, I have brought the issue of 'freqresp accepting frequency input with non-zero imaginary part' to the notice of our dev...

quasi 5 anni fa | 1

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Trouble with integration of double integer
In the given code, as x(k+1))*cos(2*pi*k*t) is a constant value, integration of this constant can be done as shown below. fun =...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

Create marks and names for 6 other subjects inside the same structure. Then write code that determines which subject has the highest mark. Once found, print the name of the subject with the highest mark to the command window.
Use the below code to find the subject with the highest mark and print the subject name. len = length(student.subjects); for i...

quasi 5 anni fa | 1

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Remove point at the edge
Hi Fateh In the above figure, find the equation of the bottom line (long width) of the rectangle highlighted in the red colour....

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

How should I resolve the warning "Warning: Reached the maximum number of function evaluations (100000). The result fails the global error test."?
Hi Yaswanth It looks like the warning occurs even when the maximum number of function evaluations are 2000. I recommend you to ...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Changes in font, font size and fontweight (bold) within a tabe
Hi, Please find the below code to change the font, font size and font weight of a table. import mlreportgen.dom.*; myReport =...

quasi 5 anni fa | 1

Calculate values for a variable of an implicit function
Hi Plato To calculate the values for a variable of an implicit function, use the below code. f=0.2; r=0.41; a=0.08; syms y ...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

Dear all,how can fix this problem in the picture(Matlab R2019b) ?
Hi Here is the link to install Robust Control Toolbox into an existing installation of MATLAB. https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlab...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

audio processing with two audio files
Hope this Audio Toolbox link helps you to process the two audio files.

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

Write a function used to list primes
Hi Ruihan Shift the line 'primeList(1)=0;' from the while loop to above the while loop to print the correct prime numbers when ...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

How can I specify different colors for different groups of data in correlation heatmap?
Hi Rosalba, Here is the way to map the boxes with range -0.7<R<0.7 to the same colour. load patients tbl = table(LastName,Age...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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A very simple integration method
The error is due to calling the function sinteg without passing any input arguments. Call the function sinteg as shown below. P...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Why do we need Monte Carlo simulation in digital communication to evaluate BER OF 16 QAM?
In normal bit error rate calculation, closed form expressions are used. In monte carlo simulation, simulations contained in MATL...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

Generate values with constrains
To select a random value from A and to obtain different consecutive A's for every schedule can be done using randperm as well. ...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

sir, i am not able develop a matlab code to solve four transcendental equations using newton raphson method? i had tried till the creation of jacobian matrix but not able to substitute values in the jacobian matrix please help to solve this problem?
In the given code, the values are not substituted in the jacobian matrix because the initial values are assigned to the variable...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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How do you save one or all the images from an array as .png files in a folder.
Hi To save the images from an array as .png files in a folder, please see the below code. a = [zeros(9,4); ones(9,4);]; numI...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Error using BVP4c (singular Jacobian encountered)
Hi I hope this link might help you to solve the error (Singular Jacobian encountered) when using bvp4c function in MATLAB.

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

What is the command in matlab simulink for change the number of generation without open window optimtool ?
Hi The command to change the number of generations without opening optimtool window is as follows. options = optimoptions('ga...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

How to graph a moving plot while keeping another one static
The graph overwriting can be avoided by updating the property 'XData' of the 'plot' function as follows. pp = plot(x(1:1+numel(...

quasi 5 anni fa | 1

Plotting an equation with summation and roots of bessel function
The roots of the bessel function (first kind, zero order) can be obtained from the below code. Z = 0:0.1:20; J0 = besselj(0,Z)...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

matlab 'Index exceeds array boundaries'
In the given code, the initial conditions are passed to 'ode45' from the variable 'X0' which is a vector. The 'X0' values are ta...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

out of memory when using hilbert transform
Hi Yuechen, The maximum size limit of the input data to the 'hilbert' function is the maximum array size limit allowed by MATLA...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Plot points on a tetrahedron
Hi Sunayana, To plot a tetrahedron with the four vertices, use the below code. FV.Vertices = [1/2 1/sqrt(2) 0; -1/2 0 1/sqrt(2...

quasi 5 anni fa | 4

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Power spectral density unit conversion
To convert the Noise Power Spectral Density of the accelerometer as an acceleration unit, see the code below. psd = 300*1e-6; ...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Tone generation using synthesis techniques.
Hope the book in this link helps to generate a tune based on synthesis techniques.

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

Error using symengine in numerical solver
Hi David, The above issue is replicated by assuming that ā€˜Vā€™ is also a NX1 vector. The issue can be solved by using ā€˜./ā€™ instea...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

How to Convetr MATLAB files to CAD files(STEP/IGES)
To convert MATLAB files to CAD files in IGES format, here is the File Exchange link on MATLAB Central which is a forum for our p...

quasi 5 anni fa | 1

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Revolving a 2D profile around any axis
The rotate function allows you to rotate a curve around any axis. To rotate the curve along y-axis, use the below code. h = sur...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

For a problem of Amplitude Modulation, if I want to perform it on Simulink but get the various parameters like carrier freq. etc. from a companion m file, how do I do it ??
There are two ways to access variables from a .m file to Simulink. Before running the Simulink model, run the .m file to save ...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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how to make drawnow for this figure
To animate the red line shown in the attached figure, use the below code. Here, pause is used instead of draw to notice that the...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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