how can i plot multiple circles in a plot
After you finished plotting, use command axis equal to make aspect ratios of vertical and horizontal axes equal to one ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

Fill area with random circles having different diameters
Here is a demo that uses rejection sampling and Delaunay triangulation <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/121175/circle_...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

Plotting discretized field in 2D
Here is an example: x_lim=[0 20]; x=linspace(x_lim(1),x_lim(2),11); [X,Y]=meshgrid(x); F=randn(size(X)).*X-ran...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

| accettato

How to solve transcendental equations in matlab
This is a complex-valued function. Just from visual inspection, it is apparent that the real part of this function has infinitel...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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legend children empty, but need to set transparency
I had the same problem. I couldn't figure out a way to resolve it in Matlab, so instead I exported the graph as it was and then ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Integration of discrete data which have a non-linear relationship
Numerical integration based on Simpson's rule provides greater accuracy than integration using trapezoidal rule. Here is an impl...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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Contour plot with 3 variables
% Grid y=70:160; x=0:60; z=10:80; [X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x,y,z); % Evaluate function at grid points F=-1.69*X ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Complex numbers input in neural networks
You can represent a complex number, a+i*b, as a 2-vector [a b], so use that format instead. Suppose that F is an array of comple...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How can I place spheres along a circle/ring ?
See example below. All relevant functions used to generate this example can be found <https://drive.google.com/open?id=11Rc5WKrq...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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Is it possible to plot Surfaces at specified coordinates?
If in addition to the vertices sampled from the surfaces you also have the connectivity information among the vertices, you can ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How to plot a function on a cylinder surface
Here is an example: % Right cylinder parameters z_min=0; % lower cut-off point z_max=4; % upper cut-off point ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 2

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Is it posible in Matlab to model surface using spherical harmonics (SH) basing on 3d data? If yes, how can I do it.
If the surface in question is closed (i.e., no boundaries) and is genus-0 (i.e., ho holes or handles), then it is indeed possibl...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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solving system of equations using singular value decomposition and fsolve
This is an overdetermined system (i.e., number of equations > number of variables). You can obtain least squares solution as X=(...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

How do I display 55x305x4 .mat file as an image in Matlab and save it ?
% Data array A=Position3DGrid; % Convert to uint8 I_min=min(A(:)); I_max=max(A(:)); A=uint8(255*(A-I_min)/(...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

From .stl to mathematical function. Is it possible?
If the object is has a relatively simple geometry and you want to get a compact description of its shape, one of the following r...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How can I accurately plot the centroid of black dots in MATLAB?
% Get the image im=imread('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/120388/MATLAB_QUESTION.PNG'); ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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Finding the part of a larger matrix that is most similar to a smaller matrix
Here is another example, in case you dont have an Image Processing Toolbox: % Random N-by-N matrix N=1E3; % ma...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

open an image in another image
Here is an example: im1=imread('peppers.png'); im2=imread('football.jpg'); im3=im1; im3(1:size(im2,1),1:si...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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How to hightlight the mask in a image
Here you go: im=imread('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/119871/test1.png'); % grayscale ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Converting a stack of .bmp images into an .stl file
(1) Segment the object of interest in your 3D image, (2) Reconstruct boundary of the segmented object using 'isosurface' func...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

could anyone tell me how to save the values while the code is getting executed

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How i can convert cell (each element in cell with different length) to array?
Is this kind of what you are looking for? ex = {[1,2,4,5,7,11,12],[1,3,4,5,7,11,12],[1,2,4,6,5,7,11,12],[1,3,4,6,5,7,11,12]...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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how to find maximum value in a matrix?
Demo of local search based on 4-connected neighbourhood: <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/119785/conn_4.jpg>> Demo ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How to divide the brain segmented slices in left and right compartments (halves)?
The simplest way to approach your problem is to (1) Aggregate all (segmented) slices from a given 3D image to form a volume ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

3D array permutation
Suppose you have G, which is a Y-by-X-by-Z 3D array, then i-th xy slice: G_yx=G(:,:,i); % Y-by-X array i-th xz slice...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

done , finish the task
You have to apply watershed algorithm to the original (grayscale) image, not the binary one. Can you post the code you are using...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How to find and draw boundary on some parts of an object in image?
Is this what you are looking for? im=imread('https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/119409/Imag...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Detecting centroid and orientation of capsules
If your capsules have parametric a representation (e.g., ellipsoid), you can use Hough transform (HG). Description of a HG varia...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1


Setting 'FaceAlpha'<1 for a patch object causes x- and y- axes of the plot to dissapear. Why and how can this be corrected?
Hello everyone, have any of you ever plotted a 2D patch object and noticed that upon altering its 'FaceAlpha' value below 1, ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0



Dividing a triangle into equal parts
Suppose you have a triangle defined by the vertices A, B and C. To subdivide this triangle into n triangles of equal area you ca...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

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