How to plot bar chart with multiple bar including error bar and individual points
The following link has an answer to plotting a bar with multiple y values for a single x value. https://in.mathworks.com/matlab...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

How to use for loop to define these vector?
The following link may be helpful in defining the respective vectors. https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/537571-how...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

Matlab generated broken shortcut (I think)
I guess this has resulted because of original scripts being deleted from the specific location on your PC. One possible way to f...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

implementing FOR LOOP for beginning and end
Use of FOR loop can be avoided in most of the cases using vectorization. Refer the following link which has few examples on how...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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How can I pause download during matlab 2020a install?
Usually, the installer can resume after the connection is lost, but if it is lost for an extended period of time, or if the netw...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

i'm writing an app to read data from excel file and plot the data with matlab app designer, is there any example i can refer to
Relevant links which may be helpful in creating an app having functionalities of reading files and plotting them. Opening file ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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Is it possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to trigger certain parts of my app in app designer, and if so, how?
There is similar question in following link on configuring a GUI button to keypress. Hope it helps.https://in.mathworks.com/matl...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

Can you read multiple layers from a .JPX file?
I could understand you want to read each layer using A = imread(___ ,index ), which applies only to GIF, PGM, PBM, PPM, CUR, IC...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

AVOID FOR LOOP for changing size vector
I could understand you want to avoid use of loop. This can be done using vectorization. Refer the following link which has few ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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Surface Area of revolution
The following link has an answer to calculate volume under surface of revolution of a curve. This may also be extended to calcul...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

Registering multiple images - cpselect in loop?
I could understand that you want to pause the loop till cpselect is complete. There may be couple of ways of doing it using wait...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

How to define an integral function of a piecewise function
Intergral function take a function handle as its first argument. Adding @(arg) Infront of piecewise () may work. Refer the foll...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

How to search a table for a string
Searching a table for a string can done using find and strcmp. A combination of both function can be used to search a string: ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 6

draw human hand using geometrical figures?
Complex three-dimensional objects can be created, displayed and their appearance can be controlled using MATLAB graphics. Refe...

quasi 5 anni fa | 1

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Making ODE45 stop at periodic solutions?
Event Functions can be used to determine an appropriate time to stop the solution but it does have few limitations. Delay Diffe...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

Problem in Matlab (solved)
System of differential equations can be solved in multiple ways. On the ways is to use dsolve function from Symbolic Math Toolbo...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

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Solving a system of Non-linear equations for Combustion
Non-linear equations can be solved using Optimization Toolbox. Refer the following link which has examples for solving system...

quasi 5 anni fa | 0

smoothing basic shapes and calculating curvature graphs
Refer the following link which has an answer to calculate curvature of a shape. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

Summation of Container Values
The code below provides a generalized approach to merge maps and if there is a collision because of same key add those values. ...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

How do simulink models convert to exe files?
Simulink Coder (formerly, Real-Time Workshop) can be used to generate C code from Simulink model and use them as standalone exec...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

how to activate matlab, my windows use name has changed,what should I do
Refer to the following link for transferring a MATLAB license to a new PC. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1423...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

Could there arise issues by running the same function in MATLAB pc and online at the same time?
MATLAB Desktop and MATLAB Online will have separate workspace so will not interfere each other. Or even creating two instances o...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

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roots finding graphically methode
roots function can be used to find roots of a polynomial. Refer the following link for several different methods to calculate ...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

Schedule siumlation from Matlab
Refer to the following link which has an answer for running all files from a folder one after other and checking the result. h...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

IEEE 14 and 30 bus system in phasor
Refer to the following link which has an answer for IEEE Model for a 30 Bus system. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/an...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

I wanted to use the Powertrain Blockset on a student license. Is it possible?
Use ver command to check the Version information for the MathWorks Products. And check if Powertrain Blockset is present in the ...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

Vertically align bottom edge of subplots
I was able to reproduce the problem using your code. ax = axes('Position',[.1+(counter-1)*0.3 0 0.25 1]); the above line of...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

plot flight path on MATLAB
ECEF data can be converted into LLA using ecef2lla function. And the converted data can be plotted using MATLAB.

circa 5 anni fa | 0

how to forecast time series data using convolution2dlayer
Refer to the following link which illustrates an example of Time Series Forecasting Using LSTM network. https://www.mathworks....

circa 5 anni fa | 0

How to draw a second order cone relaxation using matlab?
patch() function can be used to create a polynomial fitting to the open end of the cone and putting it over it. Following code ...

circa 5 anni fa | 0

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