There is a problem with the find function
Dear 文辉 沈 , the result you obtain is quite logical. Consider the following example: bw = zeros(4, 5) ; bw(end,2:4) = 1 You a...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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Solving Inverse Kinematics using pseudo-inverse Jacobian method
Hi David, there were several errors in your script (see below, see also the remark of @Torsten). After fixing them, your program...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

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How to plot pixel intensity as a function of pixel position (beginner)
Hi. You obtain an empty plot because you use mean2, which returns the average of the full image (= a single value): % Load the ...

circa 2 anni fa | 1

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Solving Inverse Kinematics using pseudo-inverse Jacobian method
Hi David, in your code you tried to use the Symbolic Computational Toolbox. Personally, for such a problem I prefer to go nume...

circa 2 anni fa | 0

How can I locate a vortex center?
Nice problem! I propose the solution based on the rationale that the center of the vortex (assuming that there is only one vorte...

oltre 2 anni fa | 3

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Function to utilize user input on a GUI system?
If you want to ask such a question by a GUI dialog, you can use the function inputdlg. For instance: m = inputdlg('Please provi...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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generating random numbers only 2 numbers with percentage
The function rand generates random numbers uniformely distributed between 0 and 1. Hence, it is enough to set to 1 numbers the v...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

How do I create of a mesh of complete circle?
With Matlab PDE toolbox it is possible to define a circle and mesh it. You can do it by using the GUI, or by issuing the command...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

How Can i solve this problem
Hi. The problem seems to be (among others) in your definition of t. Basically, t is empty; perhaps you wanted to write T-ts as u...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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ADD LATeX legends and labels in MATLAB figures
Hi. You must add 'interpreter', 'latex': figure plot(rand(20, 3), 'o-'); legend({'Mean Energy Consumption', 'Mean of $u_{i}$ ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

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3 dataset plot in single dimension plane
Method #2: use circles of different size to represent the value of c. I hope at least it will inspire you. c = [0.001 0.002 0.0...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

3 dataset plot in single dimension plane
Hi Suraj, you can use mesh, surf, contour and many others functions (see https://fr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/visualize/represen...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Failure in initial objective function evaluation. in fgoalattain
Hi Li, the error is that funn requires three arguments, whereas fgoalattain needs a function with a single argument. To fix t...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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How do I get rid of space above figure?
Hi Tobias, I had a similar problem (but I save images in .png format). I can propose the method I solved it: I save the image...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

ODE solver vs discrete integration
Hi Stacy. Basically, you seem to be willing to solve your system of ODE by using the method of forward Euler. If so, there is ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

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colour code plotted data according to column
Simply like that, if I correclty understand your question: % Generate some data p = linspace(0, 2*pi, 20000); data = zeros(nu...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

I want to extract w and x from this code, but unfortunately i cant and it gives me only 1 answer.
Hi Alireza, I'm afraid that the fact your code returns only one value is the last of your problems. More specifically, you pro...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Plot the function combining an exponential function and a step function
Hi Nick, Your program seems correct. Perhaps you need to adapt the range over which the graphic is plotted (the default range i...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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How to fix 'Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.'?
By a visual inspection of your code, one sees that at line 11 you assign to variables T1_old .. T3_old the value of T1(i) .. T3(...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Get index of an x, y data point via user selection in a plot.
I would do like that (thanks to KSSV, I didn't know functions scatter and knnsearch): function demo x = rand(10,1); y = r...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

get the minimum and maximum element from two vectors.
Dear Shouze, as your question looks like an assignment I'll provide only some hints, but I will not write any code in your place...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

Derivating a variable with respect to other vars
In my opinion, you can do it analytically: syms Umin a1 tau = sqrt( (2*Umin-Umin^3+Umin^4+2*Umin^2-8) / (2*a1*Umin^3*(Umin^2+4...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Numerical Integration on Matlab
Hi. I would say no: you forget to multiply I2 and J2 by the respective constants I2_c and J2_c. That being said, these function...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

I'm not sure how to relate a counter
Hi Saskiaa, if the question is just "how to have j = 1, 2, 3 ... when n = 0, 1, 2 ..." it is enough to write the loop with respe...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

Subtraction between a matrix and a column vector
Hi. If the matrix and the vector have compatible size (= like you mentioned), it is enough to use the minus operator: A = rand(...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

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Summation of certain range of entries/numbers from a large array
Hi Raashid, if you know the range over which you need to compute the sum, it is enough to do like that: A = rand(2807, 1); p...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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I want my function to return -1 when the file doesn't open.
Hi. You must return just after assigning the value -1 to charnum. If you call the function error... well, you get an error messa...

oltre 2 anni fa | 1

Parallelization of SVD on research clusters
Hi Kamil, perhaps this answer will help you: https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/247506-undefined-function-svd-for-d...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

Steepest Descent Method with Stopping Criteria using MATLAB
Hi. I don't know it steepest descend is part of any of the Matlab toolbox (anyway, you can find a version here: https://fr.mathw...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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Curve in matlab plotting
Dear Amy, if I understand correctly your question, you can use semilogy instead of plot: data = [ ... 57 78.2 165.1 ; ...

oltre 2 anni fa | 0

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