
length of string on cylinder
A cylinder H cm high has a circumference of C cm. A string makes exactly N complete turns round the cylinder while its two ends ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Matrix diagonalization
You will be given Two matrices A and B. Return 1 if B is the diagonal matrix of A, 0 otherwise

oltre 4 anni fa


Measure a Special Distance
Given an n-by-2 matrix with positive and negative numbers, return an n-by-n matrix in the manner of the function template.

oltre 4 anni fa


Diagonal of a Spiral Matrix
Write a function that will return same output as diag(spiral(n)). The only exception is that spiral and diag functions are not a...

oltre 4 anni fa


Reverse Concatenation
Suggest methods to form a Matrix after deleting one of the input's elements. Input should be element's position and output shou...

oltre 4 anni fa


Decimal to binary conversion (without using built-in function)
convert the given decimal number to its equivalent binary without using built-in function. * n=18 * out='10010'

oltre 4 anni fa


Decimal to binary conversion (without using built-in function)
convert the given decimal number to its equivalent binary without using built-in function. * n=18 * out='10010'

oltre 4 anni fa | 2 | 17 risolutori


Decimal Fraction to binary conversion
Given an fraction decimal number n, convert it to its equivalent binary number. If it is an infinite binary fraction, keep it...

oltre 4 anni fa


Decimal Fraction to binary conversion
Given an fraction decimal number n, convert it to its equivalent binary number. If it is an infinite binary fraction, keep it...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0 | 8 risolutori


Converting Decimal to Binary
Given a decimal number that may include a fractional component, convert it into binary representation. The numbers you are given...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find the index of the first occurrence of a value in a matrix
Given a matrix of scalars, find the first occurrence of -1 in each column. Output NaN for a column which does not contain the va...

oltre 4 anni fa


Weighted average
Compute the weighted average Y, of the vector A, given the weight vector W. The weighted average is the sum of the dot produc...

oltre 4 anni fa


Calculate Engine Power
Calculate Engine Power (P) in kW given the values of Torque(M) in Nm and Engine Speed(n) in rpm

oltre 4 anni fa


Local Minima
Given a vector of data x, find the values of local minimum that is smaller than its neighbor elements. For example, if x =...

oltre 4 anni fa


Backward Substitution
Solve a upper triangular linear set of equations as described in the following link: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~teh1m/cody/...

oltre 4 anni fa


Forward Substitution
Solve a lower triangular linear set of equations as described in the following link: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~teh1m/cody/...

oltre 4 anni fa


Linear system solve
Solve a linear set of equations as described in the following link: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~teh1m/cody/linsolv1.pdf

oltre 4 anni fa


String Array Basics, Part 4: Convert String Array with Missing Values to Cell Array
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

oltre 4 anni fa


String Array Basics, Part 3: Convert Cell Array with Missing Values to String Array
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

oltre 4 anni fa


Phoneword Translator
Given an alphanumeric telephone number (Ex. 1-800-COLLECT), return the purely numeric phone number as a vector. This problem use...

oltre 4 anni fa


Duration of a trip in minutes
Input is a string which includes the duration of a trip. Convert the duration to minutes. For example if the duration of a t...

oltre 4 anni fa


Energy of a photon
*&#9883 &#9762 &#9883 &#9762 &#9883 &#9762 &#9883* Given the frequency F of a photon in giga hertz. Find energy E of this...

oltre 4 anni fa


Bang Bang in Bangalore
Imagine a strange language disorder, Bangolangosis, has developed among trigonometricians of <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banga...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find mistyped words in text (mixed-up letters)
Mistyped words are a regular occurrence in emails, texts, status updates, and the like. Many times, people send or post a second...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find matching string from a list of strings
Write a function that returns a string that is a unique match (if it exists) of the string |inStr| from a list of strings |strLi...

oltre 4 anni fa


Uniform binary crossover
Given two binary vectors, return the two children by combining the genes of them using a binary crossover mask. More informat...

oltre 4 anni fa


Rank of magic square (for beginners)
Compute the rank r of a magic square of order n WITHOUT rank and magic functions.

oltre 4 anni fa


Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 1)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 et 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the right...

oltre 4 anni fa


Snakes on a plane
Given the dimensions of a 2-d plane, create a matrix where a "snake" of ones occupies the plane from top left to bottom right. ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Volume difference between Ellipsoid and Sphere
Given an ellipsoid of semi principal axis (a,b,c) find the volume of the difference between this ellipsoid and the sphere with...

oltre 4 anni fa

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