Error using indexing Too many output arguments.
I'm guessing that in the expression (b1.*B.n3') you intended (b1.*B.*n3') The specific error is because the syntax you used ...

9 mesi fa | 0

Documentation about centralized Learning for Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning
References for MATLAB functions are typically in two locations: at the bottom of the page for specific functions (or sometime o...

9 mesi fa | 0

I need help figuring out the mistake in my function approximation
Your 5th-degree polynomial is smooth (but not unique, because you only have 4 data points). You just don't plot on a fine enough...

9 mesi fa | 0

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prctile function and percentile function in excel
Quoting the Wikipedia article on Percentile, "There is no standard definition of percentile". Because of this, there can be diff...

9 mesi fa | 0

dbstop if error not working
ferror is the name of a built-in MATLAB function (which the debugger cannot open into). I expect it is being called, rather than...

9 mesi fa | 0

Error using confusionmat command
I'd like to see the data, but in this line C_nn = confusionmat(Y_test, Y_pred_nn); isn't Y_test a Nx1 vector (where N is the n...

9 mesi fa | 0

How to have same heading for different columns in the table?
You can't have identical column names. If it's just for display purposes, you could add whitespace. t1 = rand(3,1); t2 = rand(...

9 mesi fa | 0

MATLAB editor change 2021a to 2023b - Clear all breakpoints
You can still remove groups of breakpoints via the ribbon, but it does take an extra click (on the Run pull-down). This annoyed...

9 mesi fa | 0

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strong.mat file not found in MATLAB installation
The reason is that starting with R2023a, the default MATLAB installation no longer install a local copy of the documentation. Th...

9 mesi fa | 1

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Error using readtable '.1(0a)' is not a recognized file extension. Unable to detect file type.
MATLAB can't autodetect the file type, and you're not sure either, so you can try to experiment. You can specify a ('Name','Valu...

9 mesi fa | 0

String in an axis label that varies depending on code
There are many possible ways to achieve this. One way is to store the strings in an array, and then index into that array using ...

9 mesi fa | 0

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install MATLAB 2017b version
Go to the Downloads page On the left-hand side of the page, click on "Show More" Click on R2017b Follow the instructions

9 mesi fa | 0

Goodness of fit parameters seem to be incorrect in Curve Fitter App with Exponential 2 term
You are fitting 5 data points, using a function that has 4 free parameters. Furthermore, fitting with a double-exponential is pr...

9 mesi fa | 1

Help finding cell array indices for unique characters in string names
names = cell(1, 10); names{1} = '*H'; names{2} = 'HO2'; names{3} = '*H2'; names{4} = 'H2O'; names{5} = 'H2O2'; names{6} = ...

9 mesi fa | 1

"I'm trying to add an 'if' statement to analyze each result, but Matlab is 'ignoring' the condition and not performing the addition."
Is c a vector? If so, then all elements of c would have to be less than zero, to enter the if condition. This is explained in th...

9 mesi fa | 0

How to get new double array from sym array
I expect it does stop, eventually. In the code below, I changed the loop over a5, so that it executes only 1/100th as many itera...

9 mesi fa | 0

Trying to find the number of people overweight gives zero
I agree with @Jon that uploading your data file will help, but the problem is almost certainly what @Dyuman Joshi hints at, whic...

9 mesi fa | 0

Split a Table at every nth row
Here is one way: % Make up a table var1 = rand(96000,1); var2 = rand(96000,1); tbl = table(var1,var2); % Define the small...

9 mesi fa | 0

Varying cluster size in cluster bar chart
Sounds like the barh function will make the kind of chart you want.

10 mesi fa | 0

Unrecognized function or variable 'i1'.
The variables i1, i2, and i3 in the function call [a,b,c] = ThreeFunc2(i1,i2,i3) or the variables t, f1 and f2 in the functio...

10 mesi fa | 0

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Run a repeated measures anova as a mixed effects model using fitlme
Here is a fairly massive re-write of your analysis. Almost all of this code is restructuring the data into the tidy format. I us...

10 mesi fa | 0

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Convert covariance matrix in ecef to LLA
According to ChatGPT, this code will do it. DISCLAIMER: I have no idea if this code is accurate. I don't know what ECEF or LLA ...

10 mesi fa | 0

fitglme significant group interpretation
"which group could be more significant than others" is not a sound statistical question. First off, and this is an important th...

10 mesi fa | 0

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convenient way to achieve max value in matrix and it location
% Define a smaller array, so we can see what is going on test = cat(3,[2 3; 5 7; 9 11],[1 4; 6 0; 8 12]) You can see that we h...

10 mesi fa | 0

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Error while running matlab
Looks like that's Octave, not MATLAB. But, that being said, it looks like the problem is that there is no end statement to clos...

10 mesi fa | 0

How can I use repeated, k-fold cross-validation results with rocmetrics?
Note the following line from the rocmetrics documentation: "For cross-validated data, you must specify Labels, Scores, and Weig...

10 mesi fa | 0

How to tile m by n plots (all different) and add row titles
You can use the annotation command to add text annotations to your figure. v=tiledlayout(2,4); nexttile(1) plot(rand(8,1))...

10 mesi fa | 0

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glmfit: Iteration limit reached
The first thing I notice is that the X data has missing values (NaN). MATLAB automatically removes observations (i.e. rows) wit...

10 mesi fa | 1

How can I know which ditribution is appropriate to fit on the generated histogram? and, How can I do that?
Fitting to the histogram of data, instead of to the raw data, is typically a bad modeling practice, because you introduce error ...

10 mesi fa | 0

I got error in this script
The line time = datas(:,1); will give a table with one variable. You need to use curly brackets in access the contents of the ...

10 mesi fa | 0

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