
Path of least resistance
Find the length of the shortest path through the matrix from the top left to bottom right corner. You may move right, down, or d...

4 mesi fa


REPMAT Enhancement - Faster for Large Row Replication of Vector
The Challenge is to modify repmat.m to maintain all of its normal functionality and enhance its performance for large row replic...

4 mesi fa


Repeat string n times - 3
function myOutput = rep_str_3(string1, string2, num1, num2, n) function desiredOutput = rep_str_3('string1', 'STRING2', 0...

4 mesi fa


Bridge and Torch Problem - Minimum time
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_and_torch_problem Details of the problem ...> Input is crossing time list. (for exampl...

4 mesi fa


combine cells
A cell type variable is created. However it has other cells in itself. we want to integrate them all in a single cell. the conte...

4 mesi fa


Obscured by Earth
Given two points in <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth-centered_inertial ECI> reference frame, check wheather they are in line-...

4 mesi fa


Find the closest canyon prime
My wife and I celebrated our honeymoon and most recent anniversary in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. After returnin...

4 mesi fa | 0 | 4 risolutori


Code breaker, Part II: Operation Orthos
You have been tasked with decoding several batches of coded messages that have been intercepted. Based on previous intellig...

4 mesi fa


Is it a mail?
Electronic mail, or email, is a method of exchanging digital messages between people using digital devices such as computers, mo...

4 mesi fa


Find my secret function IV
We use the same secret function used on the past "Find my secret function ..." x=23 -------->> y=3 X=1000 ------->> 163

4 mesi fa


Condition number of Kronecker product
Given NxN matrix A and MxM matrix B, where M,N<=1000, write a routine to compute the condition number of kron(A,B).

4 mesi fa


The other half of the Fibonacci sequence
The <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FibonacciNumber.html "Fibonacci sequence"> — F = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,...

4 mesi fa


How many revolutions around the earth
Calculate how many revolutions you will around the earth till 1/1/2100. Given the birhdate find your age in number of days on 1...

4 mesi fa


Project Euler: Problem 14, Longest Collatz sequence
The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers: n → n/2 (n is even) n → 3n + 1 (n is odd) U...

4 mesi fa


Homogeneous lines and points in 2D: problem 1
In high school we learn the line equation y = mx + c where m is the gradient and c is the intercept. However this form is proble...

4 mesi fa


Find my secret function III
only write a function gives you an outputs as expls: input: x=2 ------->>> Output: Y=1 input: x=100 ------->>> Output: Y=...

4 mesi fa


vector indexes for a matrix
Matlab allows us to use several indexing styles making code simpler and easier to read than using loops. Vectors can have ve...

4 mesi fa


Alternating 1´s and 0´s in a matrix
Given an odd number n, write a function that creates a matrix y with dimension nxn alternating 1's and 0's, and starting with 1 ...

4 mesi fa


X O X Oh!
_This follows on from problem 44850 - X O X O_ <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/44850-x-o-x-o> On a...

4 mesi fa


List composite numbers that do not contain their prime factors as substrings
The number 63 has the prime factorization 3, 3, and 7, and it contains one of them (3) as a substring. In contrast, the number 4...

5 mesi fa | 0 | 5 risolutori


Find an inscribed square on a closed curve
Here's an unproven conjecture from geometry: Every simple closed curve in a plane contains all four vertices of some square. ...

5 mesi fa


Pitting corrosion on a metal plate: Count the number of pits
You are given an N x M matrix of _ones_ and _zeros_, which represents an image of a rectangular metal plate taken from the hull ...

5 mesi fa


Pitting corrosion on a metal plate: Find the largest pit
You are given an N x M matrix of _ones_ and _zeros_, which represents an image of a rectangular metal plate taken from the hull ...

5 mesi fa


Find the phi variation as a function of distance after solving through finite volume method. Return dphi/dx at all faces in form of array.
The question is a NPTEL online course assignment question. I have put it here becuase I wanted to create a problem set for num...

5 mesi fa


Find 1's Complement
Find 1's complement of a binary number For Example: x = 10011010 1's complement of x = 01100101

5 mesi fa


Construct a precedence graph from a code segment
A hypothetical MATLAB code segment containing n lines is given in the form of a cell array. The i-th cell contains the i-th line...

5 mesi fa


all possible subsets of set
Given a vector, return all possible subsets of the vector in a cell array. Properties of basic set theory is assumed to be valid...

5 mesi fa


Graph Algorithms - 1 : Length of the largest closed path
An undirected simple graph is given as the form of an adjacency matrix. Find the length of the largest closed path (one that sta...

5 mesi fa


Graph Algorithms 3: Number of Connected Components
Given an adjacency matrix of a simple undirected graph, find the number of connected components.

5 mesi fa


Output logical "true" if the input is the answer to luck and money$$$. Otherwise, output logical "false".

5 mesi fa

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