Q: How to remove outline circle in this image?
A simple method is to use "bwlabel". This assigns each of the non-touching white areas a unique number. You can then pick each o...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Synchronise real time to simulation time
If you use the "sim" command to run a simulink model, via matlab code, you can use tic & toc to measure how long it took to comp...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

average of each two vectors of a matrix
(x(2:2:10,:) + x(1:2:9,:))/2 Thats the "simple" answer. There are other methods that are more flexible, but which need a lit...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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Undefined function 'times' for input arguments of type 'cell'
When you want to access the contents of "M", you need to access it like this: M{:,1}

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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'for loop' for beginners?
The error is because you're trying to get the user to enter a list of numbers with a function that only allows ONE number to be ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Best way to nest parfoor in for loops?
There are a few things to consider - 1. Is each loop iteration entirely independent of the prior ones? - If not, you can't ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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help with this basic matlab code..
The answer you're looking for is actually really really really horrible: Mean_process_cut_cut_image_posi = rot90(cut_2,3); ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

generate random numbers with exact mean and std
A sequence of equal numbers of -1 and 1 has a mean of 0 and a population standard deviation of precisely 1. That sequence of...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Create a pattren to execute specfic commands
B = [C{1,1:5}];

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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Problem with logical indexing with arbitrary indices
aarray(find(r(1,1)==1)) = bindices(end); A. That's not logical indexing. r(1,1) == 1 can only return a scalar logical ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

what's the difference between handles and hObject?
handles is a structure holding ALL of the handles for the GUI. hObject, is JUST the handle for the GUI object used. eventd...

oltre 10 anni fa | 4

Performance of structures as function arguments
Yes. The "Good reason", is that an equation, say, L = 1/2 * rho * Vel.^2 * area * (alpha*P1 + P0); Is far quicker to...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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how to value nan number in a vector? and how to do the same calc in a 2d matrix?
You've got an x & y vector, so this would remove the NaNs: nans = isnan(Y) || isnan(X); Y(nans) = []; X(nans) = []; ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Split a matrix into a two submatrixes by a condition
This is the "simple" answer: male = ex3(find(ex3(:,1) == 1),:); female = ex3(find(ex3(:,1) == 0),:);

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How can I cast 4 octets in 32bit signed integer type ?
typecast(uint8([1 2 3 4]),'int32')

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

The role of singleton elements in calls to the zeros function.
Matlab only really needs to know which dimensions are "nonsingular". - A scalar has infinite dimensions, all with a size of 1. ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Missile guidance system not reaching target
You're missing something. Heres a multiple choice question that'll suit- Do you want your missile to explode? A. afte...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Need help figuring out how to save values
As it's homework, I'll just say the keyword you want. persistent

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

how can remove corner of binary image??
If you repeatedly erode & dilate (imerode & imdilate) the image you should get close to what you want if you use the right "neig...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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Transfer and execute function
I don't quite get what you're asking: Are you saying that you want to use a variable function for something? In which case yo...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How to keep precision of Math Operations?
You are probably getting more than 2 decimal places of "accuracy". You're probably getting 15 or 16 significant figures worth of...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Is there any way to do an operator on a specific region
A simple way is to simply chop it off: % (Tune the numbers for what you need) LowerLeftquad = my_image(74:end,1:30); % ass...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How can I integrate something times a function file?
This example uses "sin", instead of whatever function you're using to get your integrand. to_be_integrated = @(x)(sin(x).^2*...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Count equal values in multiple matrices
If you can concatenate your matrices in the 3rd dimension: x_oth = X2; x_oth(:,:,2) = X3; ... Then you may be able ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Reading text from an excel file and populating a matrix with those values.
[numbers_only text_only both] = xlsread(filename,sheet_4); Then one of: network_station_coordinates = numbers_only; % ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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How to change the name of variables using a loop?
Cells ARE the way to go. Structures would be preferable to what you want mystruct.description = 'blah blah'; mystruc...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

Goto command in matlab: Undefined function 'goto' for input arguments of type 'double'"
Ok, so you've downloaded a function "goto" from the file exchange, and it's probably just using "eval" on every line from the on...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

How do I find the Nth high number in a matrix A ?
values = 1:500; sorted = sort(values,'descend'); sorted(5)

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Make a connection between MATLAB-VISUAL BASIC via ActiveX as a bridge,
Using activeX is a bit of a pain. HOWEVER, if you look at the code for xlsread/xlswrite, you'll see that there is a whole load o...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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getting error of not enough input argument?
gumbelpdf, gumbelcdf, gumbelinv are all functions that we don't have, so we can only say how to fix your error properly gumbe...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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