Image Processing Noise differences
Ok . So suppose the problem is to add a noise with a variance of 0.25 and mean of 0 and the noise is gaussian and additive. W...

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

completing a bell curve
Hi Tara, I still have some doubts about your question but I think what you want to ask is that you have an incomplete bell cu...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Plotting AWGN in baseband binary transmission
Hi Phoon, Your question is not clear. In the equation you have mentioned there is no mention of AWGN. It is not clear what ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Why won't this run? Getting an mldivide error.....
Following is your code which I have modified :- clc; clear all; g=0; ga=0.1; gb=0.5; gc=0.9; gd=0.99; x...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Bad homework problems
Hey Come on It is correct that you need to know the internal multiplication and division . But by the time you start using M...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

band of a fft signal
Hi biomed, The band of a signal depends upon your interpretation. Usually the band of a signal refers to the maximum freque...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Probability Plot with Confidence Interval
Hi Jessica, Functions like normplot and probplot allow you to mark the probability distribution of your data with respect to a...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

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Homework matlab problem - Determine r1, r2 and surface area - use matrix?
Hi Morley. Below Is a code that solves your problem. Go through each step and understand. I hope it will help. For further de...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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using XTick
Hi Jenny, In the program you have written you have not specified the variables. That is what you are storing in damp1, lamp1 ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Cant Find Colspace Function
Hi, I did not know what do you mean when the function does not show up. Sometimes people try to use colspace on direct numeric...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Numerical Integration
Hi, For Integrations and all you have more control and options in the Case of MATHEMATICA. In MATLAB it is possible to perfo...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Largest Candidate Rule
Hi Jason, Ok. I am assuming some things. I assume that you are a very basic and new user of MATLAB. So The code which I am gi...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

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Bug in xml2struct?
xml2mat ?? When I type xml2mat in MATLAB R2011b then I get nothing....

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Hi, Kindly go to MATLAB and open the curve fitting toolbox. there select the data you want to fit and then clicking on the f...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

Multivariate Guassian Distribution
Hi RaviTeja, Unfortunately in my knowledge there is no known single line statement to manually evaluate the multivariate norm...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Syntax of semilogx, semilogy, loglog
Things are working ok... There is no inconsistency or I was not able to understand you.. Please check the following code and r...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

Nakagami Dist
Hi, This error occours when the data vector you give, contains negetive values. Remove the negetive values and the error will...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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How to change the values of X axis and Y axis?
Hi, I was not able to get your question clearly. Is this what you are asking ? t = 0:0.01:2; y= sin(t); figure(1); ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

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How to write the codes to find out constants a,b and c;by using inside the best fit with y=b+c*exp(a*t)
Hi Cihan, You want to do it programmatically and it can be done but being a new user you may find it a bit difficult. There i...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

how to draw a hyperboloid?
Hi BSD, I hope the following code will help. Reply back :- clc; clear all; [X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(-10:0.5:10,-10:0....

quasi 13 anni fa | 5

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Optimum Cosine Curve fits an irregular curve
Hi Asmaa, In MATLAB there is a curve fitting toolbox that can help you this. Following are the steps :- a) Open the curve F...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

A question of speed - Evaluate a function repeatedly or solve for it once
Hi !!! This is a question of efficiency and cannot be answered objectively. You do understand that the efficiency of a process ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Manual Implementation of STFT of an audio signal.
Actually I do not want to use the spectrogram function. I want to write my own code for finding the spectrogram

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

accuracy n precision
Hi The problem with MATLAB is its precision in these cases. You can try like this . cosd(x * (180/pi)); % Where x is...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

unit vector rotation matrix
Hi, No question is a stupid question. If you are looking to rotate an object then in that case you can do so more easily with ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Command for basic fitting
Gregorz is right. Here is a bit of an example : a= 1:0.1:10; p = polyfit(a,exp(a),5); % Fits a fifth degree polynomial...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

How to remove repeating elements from an array
Hi NS, Ok. Now I understand what you want. ok. There is a way to do this. Take a look at the code below : a = randi(...

quasi 13 anni fa | 8

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how to view other plane?
Hi BSD, The question is ill-posed in the sense , that you will be able to see just a line in the Y-Z plane as the triangle l...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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Use of Classifier
Hi, This is a problem of K-Means Clustering. I believe you have successfully extracted the features and want to start on the a...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

CODE error correction
Hi , I don't see any reason as to why thic code should not give an error. C is not a vector. It is a single number(or let us sa...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

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