Get simulation status of simulink model with event listener
You can *<https://in.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/model-callbacks.html#btoznm0 Model Callback functions>* to capture the simul...

circa 6 anni fa | 2

Does fixed point tool has any influence on MIL or SIL?
Fixed point data types are less accurate (but fast in execution) alternative for floating point data types (single & double). ...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

How can I implement a custom datatype in Simulink model So, that the generated code is same as Union datatype in C.
As far as I know, Simulink never generates *Union* for any built-in data class. For your requirement, you need to create your...

circa 6 anni fa | 1

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Read nx1 matrix from Matlab workspace into Simulink, but get the values one at a time
Use an index counter and extract the one array elements at every sample. It can be done in both Simulink and Stateflow. Below...

circa 6 anni fa | 0

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Simulink write to array index
Use *<https://in.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/assignment.html Assignment>* block. OR Split the array signal using Dem...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

How do I get the default case(switch case) in auto code for if-else logic in Simulink model implementation?
You should check below options in *Model Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Code Style* <https://in.mathworks.com/h...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How to apply 'For Iterator" in simulink?
Use *For Iterator Subsystem* SubSystem: * Set *Iteration limit* to 9 (for iterating 1 to 9) * Add inport to iterator Subsyst...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How to reorganize blocks programmatically based on another block.
Check this submission on file exchange: *<https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/16129-simulink-i-o-align-tool S...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How to use Listener for plot data to App Designer graph from SIMULINK model when simulating ?
This is a good example. <https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24294-simulink-signal-viewing-using-event-listen...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How to convert Simulink model into XML file ?
You need to first load or open the model. sys='Example'; % Model name is Example open_system(sys); % Example model must ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How can I add the Check Static Range block to my model using add_block?
add_block(sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s', 'simulink/Model', 'Verification/Check ', 'Static Range'), 'untitled/checkstaticrange') Ple...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How to retrieve the library block path once a block is created in Simulink?
Its not possible to retrieve the source of model blocks which are from built-in library. But you can search the in the *Simul...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Simulink: is there something like a “pre-build” callback function?
Make a function to build your model. In the function check the required paths before starting the build. You can add the ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Simulink exclusive area Autosar
In my knowledge until Matlab R2015b, Exclusive area is not supported by Mathwork's AUTOSAR toolbox. To place some section of ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Simulink.Parameter trouble
evalin('base', [get_param(gcb, 'Name') '=Simulink.Parameter']);

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Code generation: Define own function name for "interp1"
You can control the function name using <https://in.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/codereusesubsystem.html#brp1xt9-91 Functio...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How to simplify the name of component's ports when importing an ARXML file in SIMULINK?
As far as I know, port naming is build-in into AUTOSAR toolbox and can not be configured or changed. This is more or less be...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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Mask editor problem.
In Mask Initialization function aVal = str2double(get_param(gcbh, 'a')); % a is existing mask parameter bVal = str2doubl...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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Simulink: Assigning values at a memory location (on a DSP) to constants
* In Simulink define those constants as *Simulink.Parameter*. * Set the storage class of those parameters so you can import the...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

[Simulink] Output only non-zero values
You can not stop Simulink to generate the output at any time step. In simple words, at every time step, Simulink works as bel...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Is there a setting somewhere in the Data Store Memory block I can set to force the data store to use my previouly declared definition of a bus type when generating code?
Check definition of your tireParamBus. Assuming that its is "Simulink.Bus" object, you should assign the data scope propertie...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How can I name Outputports with the same name like a Subsystem in the model.
This is not possible. In simulink model, two blocks can not have same name on same level of hierarchy. You can use Prefix/Su...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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Siumlink functionality (load_system) not supported by Compiler
Simulink models works only with Simulink engine which runs under Matlab. Simulink is not provided with Matlab Runtime Environ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Is it possible to open the default block dialog after a custom OpenFcn callback?
In the OpenFcn of the block, run your script and the call open_system to open block dialog. % In OpenFcn of block exampl...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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How to convert MATLAB variables(in the excel sheet) to Simulink Parameters ?
Same question answered in old post: *<https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/402286-convert-matlab-variables-to-simul...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Defining sample Time of Model Reference block by using model mask
Model can resolve the sample time from base workspace only. Just create the variable "sampleTime" in base workspace. In your...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

How can I programmitcally "click" on a block mask action button?
In my understanding, Dialog Control callback is *not executed in Mask workspace*. It is executed in Base workspace. Even thou...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Data dictionary and model reference
According to Simulink documentation, if a Parent model uses the data dictionary, its child models (used by model reference) shou...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

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how to update parameters from simulink model to the workspace and use it again during the simulink running??
Simulink evaluates the parameters at compilation phase only. Once the simulation started, parameters changes in base workspace w...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Assign vectors from MATLAB workspace structure to Simulink Model inports
See <https://in.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/load-data-to-root-level-input-ports-1.html Load Data to Root-Level Input Ports> ...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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