converting two cells into one
Consider following code: a={'4'; '8'}; b={'the' ; 'be'}; spaces={' ' ; ' '}; c=strcat(b,spaces,a) EDIT: calternativ...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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adding digits in numbers
Analyze this solution: N='435'; % number in a string format S=sum(N-'0')-numel(N)*('0'-0); Edit: Good point, Walter Robers...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Frequency sampling ( _Fs_ ) - this is all about. You should specify correct _Fs_ - try |spectrogram| in this usage: S=spectro...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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Add random noise to recorded sample
yes, of course - check documentation >> doc awgn I recommend this usage: y = awgn(x,snr,'measured') ;

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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Detection of objects
in Matlab vector/matrix indexing starts from 1, not from 0, so you should change for-loop _starting value_ on *1* .

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Generating a vector with a pattern?
check this out: A=[1:6].^[1:6];

circa 14 anni fa | 2

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Load .mat file
check that current directory contains your file to load - if yes, try this (use an extensioni, if exists): load('pulse_7cm...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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How to react on a change of variable from workspace?
I would like to have an opportunity to react on value change of any workspace variable during any script runnig or commandline w...

circa 14 anni fa | 3 risposte | 1



Distinct colors for plotting two columns of a single matrix
Look closer on <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/creating_plots/bqsxy_a-1.html Defining the Color of Lines for Plotting>

circa 14 anni fa | 0

How do I normalize the fft output for a signal?
Try this: Fs=1000; % Hz NFFT=2^nextpow2(size(footfall,2)); resolution=Fs/NFFT; % Hz/bin faxe=(1:(NF...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Input to keyboard with no key press
<http://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/gui-automation-robot/ HERE> is the solution, also for "virtual" mouse moving and clicking

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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Equi power graph
check <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/creating_plots/f10-2524.html Contour plots> out.

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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Frequency modulating a wav file?
when .wav is one-channel (not stereo): [x fs]=wavread('NonPeriodic.wav'); Fc=1e6; % carrier = 1MHz FS=2.2*...

circa 14 anni fa | 0


How to replace MATLAB icon from a figure window?
How to replace or delete the MATLAB icon (the peaks) from a figure window?

circa 14 anni fa | 3 risposte | 1



problem in code for 16 qam
add spaces in binary vectors: a(i:i+3)=[0 0 0 0] ... a(i:i+3)=[1 1 1 1]

circa 14 anni fa | 0

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Graphs -how to change the color of a segment joining 2 dots multiple times in the same plot
% lets prepair input matrix MAT=zeros(3,20); MAT(3,:)=randi(1,20); MAT(1,:)=1:20; MAT(2,:)=MAT(1,:).^2; %...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

FFT & IFFT with data with large number of samples
FFT/IFFT filtering is not appropriate in your case, because of poor spectral resolution. The best resolution you could achieve ...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Frequency modulation by MATLAB
From the top of my head: Fc=1e6; % carrier 1MHz Fm=1e3; % single tone - 1kHz fs=2.2*Fc; % sampling frequency (Nyq...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Read Data from Serial Device
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/instrument/bytesavailablefcn.html Specify callback function to execute when specified num...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

Try this: M = corrcoef(DATA); imagesc(M) Colors would show you correlations between all pairs from the set of 180 wea...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

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Help implementing a digital filter
The problem is that those lines b = 1.0e-011 *[0.0668 0.3342 0.6683 0.6683 0.3342 0.0668] a =[ 1.0000 -4.9762 9.9050 -9....

circa 14 anni fa | 1

How can I control signal logging in referenced models?
Phisically go to the block inside referenced model. Next find a handle to this block via H=get_param(gcb,'Handle); then ...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Can I run a bat file with Matlab?
use this command: system Matlab's documentation for this function is available after >> doc system or on the <ht...

circa 14 anni fa | 2

Error Message and Paths
I think your code suppose to look like this: LabelDir = '/Users/suzzie/Documents/MATLAB/FaceRec/TestDir/' imgDir = '/U...

circa 14 anni fa | 1

How can I control signal logging in referenced models?
Try this: Z=get_param('YourModel/BlockName','PortHandles'); set_param(Z.Outport, 'DataLogging', 'on'); Where: _You...

circa 14 anni fa | 0

Is the Model Workspace dirty?
Check this code out: Z=get_param(gcs,'ModelWorkspace'); Z.isDirty

circa 14 anni fa | 1

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