how can i include information on captured image
Here's one way to do it: %read the image im = imread('cameraman.tif'); % display it imshow(im); % add t...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

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Image recognition using MATLAB
You could use the 2-D correlation coefficient between the image you send and the images in the training set and select the one w...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

How to plot values in a grid manner so as to form an image?
Try this: im = squeeze(mzSpecificData); image(im); %or imshow(im);

circa 11 anni fa | 1

classifier Knn in matlab
Use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/bioinfo/ref/knnclassify.html knnclassify> function from the Bioinformatics Toolbox.

circa 11 anni fa | 0

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how to extract the bounding box area as segmented object from video frame?...I have been trying imcrop but the rectangle cropped out is not as same as bbox rectangle.
It seems to work for me...The rectangle specification provided by the vision.BlobAnalysis object is the same as that required by...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

How to perform pixel-by-pixel matching to check whether a query image exist in the template database or not.
Well, if you expect the images to be exactly the same, you can do this: im1 = imread('http://imageshack.us/a/img19/2367/zst...

circa 11 anni fa | 0

tracking correlation coefficient (linear and non-linear) between two images
You're probably making a mistake with the normalization. Here's an example that doesn't change the correlation coefficient: ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

dealing with values of cells
Why do you need to divide it into blocks? Just do this: matrix = matrix'; matrix(1:3:end) = 4*matrix(1:3:end); matri...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Need 'ADAPTHISTEQ' implementation help
The reference you're citing is from a book not a conference/journal paper. You can borrow it from a library.

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Can Computer Vision track an object by color?
SURF features don't capture much color information at all. You could use color histograms in addition to SURF features to track ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Plotting Matrices of Coordiantes
For the matrices X and Y, you can plot as follows: plot(X(:),Y(:),'r+') You just convert the matrices to vectors and use...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Images and rotation angles
Another option is to register the images using <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imregister.html imregister>. If you kno...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

working on image compression project.........
Here's what Google suggests: <http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5460757&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.or...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How to know the best "Number of Iterations" when using imregister?
Read this for some general tips/advice about using imregister. <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/registering-multimodal-m...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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mark several line of code as comment
If you want a comment block you could do this: %{ ... CODE THAT SHOULDN'T RUN ... ... %} Note that th...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

How to perform an image classification ?
There are a bunch of different feature extraction approaches that are tied to what kind of images you have and the kind of probl...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How do I remove lines atached to each point in the STEM plot in MATLAB?
A stem plot is meant to have those vertical lines, that's why it is a 'stem'. You could just use plot. For example, inste...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

What is the simplest most effective way to motion detect using webcams ?
This one might be relevant to you: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples/scene-change-detection.html>

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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How does matchFeatures Work?
matchFeatures implements a generic feature matching algorithm. Feature matching for stereo is a much more constrained problem, w...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

How to create "Trained cascade classification model" like Frontal Face (CART), Upper Body
Here's a document about just that: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ug/train-a-cascade-object-detector.html>

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

face detector learning parameters?
Doesn't look like you can. The only parameters available are post-learning parameters that control detections like MinSize, MaxS...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Why matchFeatures gives two different answers?
They are not expected to share the same length. The first tries to find the best matches for features1 in features2 and the seco...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

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how to get gradient of an image
Try this: [~,~,Gy,Gx] = edge(imread('cameraman.tif'),'sobel');

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

Filling a Bounding Box with zeros
Why does this not work? BW2(642:642+56,1:1+83) = 0; Give us something more than "Doesn't replace the region with zeros"....

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

How to I imread and imshow a stack of tiff images?
Use the montage function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/montage.html>

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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Hyperspectral image not displaying correctly
Try the decorrstretch function. The documentation is here: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/decorrstretch.html> T...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

plot the slope of a curve in the same plot
Add this at the end of your code snippet: dy = gradient(y,.01); hold on; plot(x,dy,'r');

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

For detecting eyes i have used Circular Hough Transform method to detect circles in the face image.
Post an image where you see some of these problems and maybe someone can help. One suggestion is to restrict the radius range...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

2 different y axis plot using timeseries ?
If you're working with timeseries objects, this should be quite easy. Suppose you're timeseries objects are tsData1 and...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

how to index a matrix by using a index matrix that has same size?
If A is your original matrix and idx is the matrix of indices, you can use logical indexing: A(idx). Here's an example: ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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