Error message in Intensity-Based Automatic Image Registration
|imregister| expects the 2-D images to be in grayscale. It does not use color information as part of the registration. If you...

circa 10 anni fa | 2

Why does bwperim give wrong perimeter?
The circle you are trying to measure is not a perfect circle, so technically you can't use |2*pi*radius| as the formula for peri...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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Problem on "assignDetectionsToTracks",thank you!
You need to upgrade to R2012b or higher. |assignDetectionsToTracks| was introduced in R2012b.

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

Writing a program to detect motion in a still video.
If you have the Computer Vision System Toolbox, you can use the |vision.ForegroundDetector| object. <http://www.mathworks.com...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Features to be considered in classifying currency images?
use google: <http://www.ijcsit.com/docs/Volume%204/Vol4Issue1/ijcsit2013040129.pdf>

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Methods for object detection during sudden illumination change..
Go through the documentation links on this page: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/object-detection.html> There are ex...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How can I read huge amount of image files and take the corresponding histogram data to a matrix in order?
If you have the parallel computing toolbox, you could try something like this: allHists = zeros(256,numel(file)); parpoo...

oltre 10 anni fa | 2

in "fun" have access to the center values of the "colfilt" kernels?
You're going to have to store the linear index of where you expect the pixel to be and access that element of the array passed i...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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How to find out discontinuous edges?
For |'canny'|, have you tried changing the sensitivity thresholds or the standard deviation? The standard deviation allows you t...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How to train a group of images Using SVM classifier ?
I don't know anything about the code you're using, but if you would like to use an SVM classifier, look at this <http://www.m...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How to detect eyes and mouth on a single image in MATLAB?
%Read the input image I = imread('extract1.png'); %To detect Mouth MouthDetect = vision.CascadeObjectDetector('M...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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Clustering performance and validation
Try this for DB Index: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/clustering.evaluation.daviesbouldinevaluationclass.html Davies-Boul...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

b = imresize(a,[128 128]); z = b(:);

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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Help with image thresholding?
Try working in the HSV space. Here's what I got I = imread('http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Sobel Operator no threshold
[Gx,Gy] = imgradientxy(im,'sobel');

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

RGB to opponent color space code
From what I can tell, this should do it: %load RGB image im = im2double(imread('peppers.png')); %extract each chann...

oltre 10 anni fa | 3

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How to find the center point of the object?
Look at the |'Centroid'| property of the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/regionprops.html regionprops> function.

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

HELP, How to do real time face tracking in matlab?
You can use |imaqhwinfo| to see which cameras are connected to your machine and then accordingly use the |videoinput| command to...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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how can I make this code faster on the GPU?
There is no operation in the above code that can take advantage of the GPU. All you are doing is looping over every 4th pixel se...

oltre 10 anni fa | 4

How can I detect and recognize road traffic signs ?? using matlab
Here's a couple of links to examples that might help: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples/traffic-warning-sign-rec...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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gpuArray takes more time than CPU - imrotate
A couple of questions in helping you answer the question: 1. Which graphics card do you have? GPU performance is highly depen...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

how ot code gui scrollbar ?
Use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/uicontrol.html uicontrol> function with |'slider'| as the first input. Look at...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

kindly mention the standard testing technique for face recognition system???
The question is unclear and the description is unrelated to the question. You have compressed images, but want to test a facial ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

kmeans Segmentation Clarification for color images
Your cluster centers are not in the XY co-ordinate space. They are in the AB color space. So |cluster_center| does not refer to ...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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How can i remove the black color from inside the white curve boundary
Use |imfill| with the |'holes'| option. % read the image im = imread('http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answe...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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32 bits effect on tif images
If you're problem is that you are converting to |uint32| with a direct cast like |uint32(im)| and then calling |imshow| for disp...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

how to divide the image into overlapping blocks?
You could use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/blockproc.html blockproc> function. You would need to specify a |'Bo...

oltre 10 anni fa | 2

less connected pixels should be removed from image
Your definition of 'less connected' is not clear to me. However, if you want just the big round component, you can use |regionpr...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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how to form a gaussian pyramid from a image
Use <http://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/impyramid.html impyramid>.

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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