Convert vector of numeric values into a vector of equivalent 8-bit 'int8' binary values
x = [-98 8 49 120]; cellstr(dec2bin(int8(x)))

circa un mese fa | 1

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Can I run 2 or more matlab scripts (each running in a separate matlab session) using the same data in a folder without them interfering with each other?
If they are started in separate sessions, they know nothing of each other. In a script within the same session, variables are c...

circa un mese fa | 0

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how to skip lines that start with a certain character while reading a text file
With the new information of R2018 that predates all the answers initially given, the easiest high-level toolset will be to use r...

circa un mese fa | 0

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using polyval with one of the polynomials of a spline obtained with the unmkpp command, the results do not overlap! Why?
% Data % Time Time=[7, 9, 11, 12]; % Temperture Temperature=[49, 57, 71, 75]; % Data Time query Timeq=[7:0.1:12]; % Res...

circa un mese fa | 1

How to add error bars to scatter plot?
We don't have your results nor equation; export it to a curve fit object from the interactive tool...then use it similarly as %...

circa un mese fa | 0

Find maximum of an array in a for loop?
GENERAL GUIDANCE: Do NOT name a variable load; it is a builtin in important MATLAB function; developing a habit of aliasing it ...

circa un mese fa | 0

Can Matlab cellular functions -like cellfun- work with non linearly spaced indices ?
Use direct indexing, no looping needed... N = 8; u = true(1,N); id = find(randi(2,1,N)-1); % non zeros positions in a random ...

circa un mese fa | 0

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how to skip lines that start with a certain character while reading a text file
@Taylor's solution will work, but leaves you with the need to convert the string data to numeric values to use it. For a direct ...

circa un mese fa | 1

How to write data from a Cell Array as multiple columns in a text or CSV file?
% Sample 1x2 cell array c = {rand(5,1) rand(5,1)}; writematrix(cell2mat(c),'test.csv','delimiter',',') type test.csv The "tr...

circa un mese fa | 0

How to change fontsize of label on freehand object using drawfreehand?
<drawfreehand> doesn't show that it exposes the FontSize property of the text object. Best you can do will be to save the objec...

circa un mese fa | 2

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Stackedplot error when changing position and plotting again
stackedplot tP=readtable("patients.xls","TextType","string"); hSP=stackedplot(tP,["Height","Weight","Systolic","Diastolic"]); ...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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How to plot a linear regression of iterations of data in matlab?
See boxchart -- look at the example "Superimpose Data On Box Charts Example". Execute the following at command line or look at...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0


If one uses varfun() to group a set of variables, one can set the output variable name(s) as desired -- say one has an Amount fo...

3 mesi fa | 0 risposte | 1



extracting matrices of numbers from a text file (txt) also containing words
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1646741/test.txt f='https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answ...

4 mesi fa | 0

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Why does winopen not work well?
... outputName = fullfile(path, ,'ResSal_Type.xlsx']); writecell(Res, outputName, 'Sheet', 'Sheet1'); ... winopen(path) ......

4 mesi fa | 0

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How prevent the tab key from exiting the Text Area component
Using the uitextarea <callback function> would be the only way, but I don't think you will be able to make it work for the <\t> ...

6 mesi fa | 1

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rmoutliers and graph of the cleaned data
One additional comment -- you used cleanDatac2 = rmoutliers(cleanData(:,[1 3 5])); % IQR which treated each response variable ...

6 mesi fa | 1

How to make an app that does not loose data when it's closed?
Do you want/need the UITable to contain the previous data, too? Or just add onto the saved data what is new in the user table e...

8 mesi fa | 0

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Why does C{1}(1) work but C(1){1} results in an invalid array index error in MATLAB?
If you haven't yet, read <Access Data in Cell Array>. The reason is the cell contains an array; you must first dereference the ...

9 mesi fa | 1

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How can I selectively multiplying the negative values with (-1) in an excel file?
data=readmatrix('yourExcelfile.xlsx'); isneg=(data(:,2)<0); data(isneg,2)=-data(isneg,2); "Use the Force, Luke!" Here "the F...

9 mesi fa | 0

Remove Rows/Columns from Binary Image Matrix
A(:, (columns I want to remove))=[]. will remove everything from the top of the array to the bottom -- if there is a "spot" any...

9 mesi fa | 0

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Matlab generate normal random sample with outliers
The funny thing about random sampling is that it is, well, random. You're resampling with replacement so it is possible to pick...

9 mesi fa | 1

how to make strips of different colors and sizes in a bar plot?
It's been a notable hole in MATLAB graphics from the beginning that there are no builtin hatching patterns available; I've raile...

9 mesi fa | 1

I want a table of values (frequency versus power) for a cpsd plot
Read the doc for cpsd, examples illustrate using the outputs for plotting of various types...specifically the forms of the type ...

9 mesi fa | 0

I wanted to apply the chi-squared function with the return of the p-value, but matlab's chi2cdf function only returns zero.
% Example data matrix (2000 rows and 9 columns) data_matrix = randi([0, 10], 2000, 9); % Replace this with your actual data ...

9 mesi fa | 2

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why does the figure doesnt show the two vectors?
%Links length L1=5; L2=1; L3=5; L4=7; AP=5; % ternary link angle (degree) delta=50; th2= 0:1.2:360; range_th2=300; RP=ze...

9 mesi fa | 1

What frustrates you about MATLAB? #2
>> tAdd.IP=7; To assign to or create a variable in a table, the number of rows must match the height of the table. >> No au...

9 mesi fa | 0

Upper limit on the number of UIAxes children allowed
Don't call plot3 (or friends) multiple times for such, update the data properties of the one having been called or use the anima...

9 mesi fa | 0

Change properties in gscatter, based on the group label
load carsmall subplot(1,2,1) gscatter(Displacement,Horsepower,Model_Year) % default appearance subplot(1,2,2) hGSC=gscatter...

9 mesi fa | 1

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How to change position of both ylabels in yyaxis left, within a subplot enrivonment?
hAx=subplot(3,2,1); yyaxis left plot(rand(10,1),'bx-') hLabL=ylabel('Yleft') yyaxis right plot(rand(10,1),'ro-') hLabR=yla...

9 mesi fa | 1

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