How to make a linear regression line?
1) http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/polyfit.html where, n = 1 2) You can also do backslash: http://www.mathworks.c...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

How to fix one point with no error while curve fitting
[Edited] removed least squares comment You could give more importance to the first observation using weights, I do this using...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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How to generate samples from a modified exponential density?
You can generate uniform random numbers using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rand.html rand> function and apply i...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

Generation of random numbers
That sounds about right. Take a look at the first example in the documentation: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rand...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

I am going to classify multispectral remote sensing image using SVM .
The following section in the documentation shows how you can use cross validation to tune your svm parameters using optimization...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

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Can anyone please tell me how to calculate time complexity of PCA algorithm with MATLAB code?
Take a look at the time complexity of SVD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_value_decomposition#Calculating_the_SVD

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to set custom parameteres of svmtrain ?
Of course, use the name value pairs for 'BoxConstraints' and 'rbf_sigma' if you are using rbf kernel. http://www.mathworks.co...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

multiple linear regression, n-by-n vector of observed responses
Floriano, it appears that you are trying to perform multivariate linear regression. There are several ways to specify this probl...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Feature extraction of handwritten characters
What features are you looking for? There are many features you can extract from an image. Here is an example of hand writing ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Different Values if K-means Clustring on same data.
Kmeans can get stuck in local minima. By which I mean it is sensitive to initial centroid positions. You can specify a higher nu...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

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degrees of freedom for random factors in anovan
Laurie, |anovan| uses method of moments unlike in mixed-effects models which may use ML or REML. If you are interested in the l...

quasi 11 anni fa | 2

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Multiple linear regression to fit data to a third degree polynomial equation with interaction terms
There are numerous ways to do this. The most easiest of them all is to use the Curve Fitting Tool with the correct options. Try ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Images classification using SVM classifier
This example uses SVM for image classification. Maybe this is a start? http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples/digit-cl...

quasi 11 anni fa | 3

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What the routine to create a PCA prediction model? How to do create a PCA prediction model?
PCA is available in the Statistics Toolbox: http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/principal-component-analysis-pca-and-canonica...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How do you fit a distribution to data?
If you have the Statistics Toolbox use |normfit| http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/normfit.html Likewise, |lognfit| for ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Fit model to data
Here are some examples: http://www.mathworks.com/help/econ/arma-models.html Click on the links below to see more examples ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

how get log normal(ln) of value?
List of all log functions: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/exponents-and-logarithms.html log Natural logarithm ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

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SOM 2.0 Toolbox
Try reinstalling the toolbox: http://www.cis.hut.fi/somtoolbox/ and run restoredefaultpath rehash toolboxcache ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to manually set K-means centroids when classifying an image
if your data matrix X is n-by-p, and you want to cluster the data into 3 clusters, then the location of each centroid is 1-by-p,...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

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How to make face images clustering using kmeans clustering?
See reply here: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/123249-how-to-make-face-images-clustering-using-kmeans-clustering...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to make face images clustering using kmeans clustering?
You can start with the examples on the documentation page for KMEANS: http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/kmeans.html You'...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

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how to use an image as svm classifier input ?
Load the image and reshape it to be a vector. http://www.mathworks.com/machine-learning/examples.html?file=/products/demos/m...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

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AR(p) of order 6 AutoRegression
mdl = arima('Constant',0.05,'AR',{0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,-0.5,-0.6}) Assuming those are your PY values. Please check the docume...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

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Is it possible to obtain the script file for the fitlm function?
It is not entirely clear what you are requesting but if you have fit a linear model using fitlm as follows: mdl = fitlm(......

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Normalize data before measuring the distance
You can use |pdist2| to compute pairwise distances: http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/pdist2.html If you want to standar...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

AR(p) parameters estimation
If you have access to the Econometric Toolbox, you can estimate the model as shown in the first example: http://www.mathworks...

quasi 11 anni fa | 1

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How to compile a toolbox of Matlab to a DLL file?
You will need the MATLAB Compiler toolbox: http://www.mathworks.com/help/compiler/shared-libraries.html http://www.mathwor...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

Constraining parameters in nonlinear fit
Regarding the Error: Provide the method with quotations options.Method = 'NonlinearLeastSquares'; Here is an example ...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How to use Maximum likelihood method for a weibull distribution having three parameters?
Weibull Distribution: http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/weibull-distribution-1.html Fit the distribution using comma...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

How can I estimate the maximum likelihood estimates for 3 parameter Weibull distribution
Weibull Distribution: http://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/weibull-distribution-1.html Fit the distribution using commandli...

quasi 11 anni fa | 0

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