i'm a master student ,i have a home work about DCT, i have the code but it does not work ;please help me
Hi Saadi, I understand that you're encountering issues with the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). Here are some issues in your c...

4 mesi fa | 0

for loop in simulaink as matlab function
Hi Vishnuvardhan, I understand that you would like to use a MATLAB function in Simulink. You can do so by using this code as a ...

4 mesi fa | 0

Deep Learning Custom Training Loop
Hi Jiayi, Yes, you can use the "sim" function in MATLAB to interact with an experimental environment when you're working on rei...

4 mesi fa | 0

calculation of sampling rate of an image
Hi Ramdas, When it comes to images, sampling works a bit differently than with 1D signals, but the core idea is the same. Spat...

4 mesi fa | 0

Iam getting error for svm predection section please help me
Hi Savita, The error you're encountering is likely due to a typo in your code. You have defined your SVM models using "SVMMOdel...

4 mesi fa | 0

Background segmentation for low contrast images
Hi Amin, You can follow the general steps outlined below to perform background segmentation: Image Preprocessing: Convert the ...

4 mesi fa | 0

calculate flow direction of fingerprint
Hi Hasanien, You can use the "sobel" operator to compute the gradients of your fingerprint image. To find the angle (in radians...

4 mesi fa | 0

How do i delete the first instance of a linked list?
Hi Bjartur, I understand that you are facing difficulties with deleting the first node of a doubluy linked list. To delete the...

5 mesi fa | 0

Embedded coder not letting me read and write to GPIO c2000 block
Hi Paul, I understand that you are encountering an error message while trying to generate code for your Simulink model. The err...

5 mesi fa | 0

Why do I meet the error when using trainNetwork, it shows too many input arguments in Table?
Hi Long, I understand that you are facing issues with the "trainNetwork" MATLAB function. I believe the reason for the issue is...

5 mesi fa | 0

Transform 3D point cloud
Hi Ernest, To align the object's coordinate system with the global coordinate system, you need to apply a transformation to the...

6 mesi fa | 0

How can I run this problem
Hi Daphne, You can follow the steps mentioned below to perform your intended tasks: Use the "readtable" MATLAB Function to rea...

7 mesi fa | 0

generating noisy data to play with in DSP
Hi Fima, Yes, MATLAB has several tools and functions that can help you generate a signal, add high-frequency noise, and take sa...

7 mesi fa | 0

Build failed happen when convert subsystem to model reference
Hi Bui, The error you're encountering typically occurs when the data scope setting for a signal or parameter is not compatible ...

7 mesi fa | 0

yolov2layers, featurelayer and reorglayer
Hi Hayden, In YOLOv2 (You Only Look Once version 2) within MATLAB, the 'reorgLayer' and 'featureLayer' have specific roles to e...

8 mesi fa | 0

I cannot calculate the autocorrelation coefficient
Hi Nabil, I understand that you are facing issues while calculating the autocorrelation cofficient. The issue arises because y...

8 mesi fa | 0

WorkSpace space and ModelSpace, Sldd Design Data space, and function workspace, they can store different content, what is the difference?
Hi Fangping, In MATLAB, different workspaces and data storage methods serve different purposes. Here's an overview of the vario...

8 mesi fa | 0

| accettato

The result of anovan is "NaN".
Hi Kaminosono, I understand that you are getting 'NaN' values in in your 'annovan' calculation. I ran the attached MATLAB scrip...

8 mesi fa | 0

Image Classification Training Issue
Hi Divya, The error you're encountering indicates that the images in your dataset have different numbers of channels. For examp...

8 mesi fa | 0

How to change the name of external inputs (ExtU)/outputs (ExtY) in generated code [R2023b]?
Hi, To change the names of the external inputs (ExtU) and outputs (ExtY) in the generated code in MATLAB R2023b, you can use th...

8 mesi fa | 0

Making a world cup tournament simulator
Hi Er Le, I understand that you would like to create a World Cup tournament simulator. I see that you have already written the ...

8 mesi fa | 0

Why do i get error 5006 when i launch matlab
Hi 红梅, I understand that you are encountering "Error 5006" when trying to launch MATLAB. You can refer to the following MATLAB ...

8 mesi fa | 0

Generate matrix combinations with parameters
Hi Catarina, To generate all possible combinations for the matrix M with the given parameters, you can use MATLAB to iterate th...

8 mesi fa | 0

Why does this code give error although everything seems ok?
Hi Sadiq, I understand that you are facing issues while using 'unifrnd' function in MATLAB. The error you are encountering is ...

8 mesi fa | 0

| accettato

3PRR pick and place delta robot
Hi Christina, When working with a complex system like a 3PRR delta robot in Simulink, it's not uncommon to run into issues with...

circa un anno fa | 0

Daten einer spezifischen Adresse eines COM-Eingangs auslesen
Hi Daniel, You can follow the below mentioned steps in order to read data from a specific address on a serial port in MATLAB: ...

circa un anno fa | 1

How to find the optimal network architecture for Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) with time sequence input
Hi Chris, Finding the optimal network architecture for a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), especially with time sequence in...

circa un anno fa | 0

Problem with using viewshed in different geographical locations.
Hi Paul, Given the information you've provided, here are a few aspects to consider that might help resolve the issue: Observer...

circa un anno fa | 0

DAQ 에 대한 질문
Hi Hong Jihun, Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try that might resolve your issue: Check if your device is support...

circa un anno fa | 0

EEGLAB and SIFT updatedipplot() error
Hi Sandura, I understand that you are facing issues with SIFT plugin for EEGLAB. The error message you're encountering indicate...

circa un anno fa | 0

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