Error using fittype for custom function: size and shape of input/output
Hi Francesco! It seems like you are getting errors due to the "fittype" function in MATLAB. The error message suggests that the...

11 mesi fa | 0

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Different results from ranova and JASP
Hi Joshua! It looks like you are comparing the results from MATLAB and JASP. As you have mentioned, the "f-value" and "df" are ...

11 mesi fa | 0

Regression using MATLAB. Need help!
Hi Omar! It looks like you are having issues in training your model using the LSTM network. It is evident by the validation err...

11 mesi fa | 0

Computation and interpretation of terms in table generated by ranova
Hi Chris! The calculations of the Sum of Square deviations in the context of repeated mesaures ANOVA for Species:Measurements i...

11 mesi fa | 0

spapi: why slvblk instead of backslash operator?
Hi SA-W, The backslash operator (\) for solving linear systems in spline approximation tasks, as in your custom "Evaluate_splin...

11 mesi fa | 0

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2 way repeated measures anova
Hi Ben! It seems that you want to perform a two-way repeated measures ANOVA in MATLAB to analyze the effects of drug applicatio...

11 mesi fa | 0

How to obtain a design matrix which is a real latin square with integer numbers ?
Hi Christel! It seems you want to generate a design matrix with nine runs for the provided three factors. The "lhsdesign" funct...

11 mesi fa | 0

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regression learner running long time over 3 weeks now
Hi Gabor! It seems like you are stuck in a performance bottleneck in your Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) models in MATLAB. T...

11 mesi fa | 0

Which are the most common approaches for pre-processing SAR & InSAR Sentinel-1 Data for snow and ice applications?
Hi Jakob! It seems like you want to analyse the usability of MATLAB for your thesis. You can use MATLAB for pre-processing SAR ...

12 mesi fa | 0

solving 2D Poisson equation having already generated a mesh
Hi Malak, It seems like you have generated a mesh without using the MATLAB inbuilt functions. To solve the Poisson equation usi...

12 mesi fa | 0

I have symmetric Euler method. Error ratio with Runge - Kuta rule should be approximately 4. But I get 2. The order is p=2.
Hi E, It seems like you are using Symmetric Euler method and the expected error ratio with Runge - Kuta rule should be approxim...

12 mesi fa | 0

Bootstrap CI for a Bootstrapped sample
Hi Ricardo, It seems like you want to adapt the sample size for the inner bootstrap to "NB2_size". To adapt the "bootci" functi...

12 mesi fa | 0

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Advantage normalization for PPO Agent
Hi Federico, It seems like you are working with Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO) and want to know more about the "NormalizedAd...

quasi un anno fa | 0

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1 ECG signal contains 2 ECG (2 channel), what is the best way to contain atrial activities from QRS complex and ventricular activities.
Hi Dilinuier! It appears that you are trying to analyze ECG signals to detect Atrial Fibrillation (AF) using the Hilbert-Huang ...

circa un anno fa | 0

Point Cloud data segmentation and sub-analysis
Hi Dennis! It seems like you are trying to achieve grain analysis in a point cloud while preserving the connection to the origi...

circa un anno fa | 0

dispatching grantors under pmin constraints
Hi Othman! It looks like you are trying to dispatch the generators without going below the min-value to meet the Pload value. Y...

circa un anno fa | 0

"double" results of multcompare on between x within interaction in repeated measures ANOVA
Hi Pawelq, The results of the provided table doesn't indicate any errors in your analysis of the data. The "multcompare" functi...

circa un anno fa | 0

2d DOA estimation with coprime Array
Hi Chinku! It looks like you want to estimate Direction of Arrival(DOA) and want to arrange the coprime array in 2 dimensions. ...

circa un anno fa | 0

Why my GradCAM is not localized based on the predictions of the network?
Hi Wan! GradCam is typically used for interpreting the predictions of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on image classificat...

circa un anno fa | 0

Why does 10 repeat running of rica (reconstruction ica) on the same data set return different independent components, if not using 'rng default' ?or so
Hi Tao! The rica function is essentially Reconstruction ICA which is a variant of ICA(Independent Component Analysis). I can't ...

circa un anno fa | 0

How to fit multiple distributions of the same type to the sample data based on grouping variables? Brief the steps
Hi Payel! I understand that you are trying to fit multiple distributions of the same type to the sample data based on the group...

circa un anno fa | 0

Irreproducibility of anovan on Mac vs. PC implementations of MATLAB
Hi Kevin! I understand that you are getting different results for F statistics when the same code is run on different compute...

circa un anno fa | 0

Solve the differential equations for three masses attached together by springs.
Hi Suthakamol, I understand that you are trying to model a mass-spring model with three masses connected to spring in a 1-d l...

circa un anno fa | 0

Perform repeated ANOVA on one group
Hi Elevada, I understand that you are trying to use repeated measure ANOVA for a single group of a few subjects having measur...

circa un anno fa | 0

How would I go about calculating and plotting the concentration profiles of four molecules in the nitrogen cycle as a function of temperature and pH?
Hi D, I understand that you want to implement nitrogen cycle and plot the concentration of the molecules involved based on th...

circa un anno fa | 0

Fitting a complicated PDF
Hi Sanchit, I understand that you are trying to fit a data set that is a sum of a gaussian and an exponential distribution usin...

circa un anno fa | 0

PPO agent low reward episodes
Hi Sourabh, I understand that you are training a PPO agent which is stuck in exploration and not able to learn a stable policy....

circa un anno fa | 0

PPO | RL | A single policy controlled many agents during training
Hi Muhammad, I understand that you want to implement a model where 20 agents share a single policy. This involves training on...

circa un anno fa | 0

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YOLOX - training on tiled images and inference on full-size images
Hi Claudia, I understand that you are training YOLOX for cell detection in brightfield. You are tiling the images and downsca...

circa un anno fa | 0

Clarification on Tukey-Kramer test in multcompare following the Friedman's Test
Hi SungJun! I understand that you want to know about the use of different post-hoc tests in the Friedman’s test with respect ...

circa un anno fa | 0

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