How to get mu and sigma from data?
mu and sigma don't necessarily mean anything unless you describe what you actually want from your data. Based on the wiki artic...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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Why the "sum" function is giving a wrong result in Simulink ???
Try running this code instead: sum(u(1:3).*u(4).^u(5:7).*u(8).^u(9:11)) This should become obvious if you spend a minute...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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How can I produce more simulation points?
In the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/gui/data-import-export-pane.html#bq9_fhw-1 output options> of configuration param...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

viewing four signals in scope
The three triangle waves, ty, are all the same and are being plotted on top of eachother. If you want to see all 3 on that plot...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Program a Variant Subsystem
Passing different number of input/output ports may not be supported, but you can workaround this issue by passing in the maximu...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Any good book for Simulink: SimMechanics second generation?
If there is a book, it would show up in the <http://www.mathworks.com/support/books/ mathworks books> page. I would suggest cli...

quasi 12 anni fa | 2

Is it possible to move the standard library simulink.mdl from it's installed location?
If you wanted to modify the base simulink.mdl file, I would suggest renaming it and sending it out as a different library. The ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

fixed step solver simulation
Look at the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/scope.html scope block's> history tab under the scope parameters. The...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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How can I assign a logical state to a led colour
Have you tried: if true set(led,'BackgroundColor',[1 0 0]) %set to red else set(led,'BackgroundColor',[0 1 ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How to optimize a multivariable non-linear function?
What is the variable a function of? Time? Best case, without doing some sort of <http://www.mathworks.com/products/control/ ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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How to convert following dataset to matrix
It looks like you wrote a custom script to import this data. I would suggest using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/im...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

an asynchronous write is already in progress ???? simulink
Are you sending and receiving data from the same IP address and Port? How are you running the model (just the play button?) ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Data acquistion with Simulink 2012b and Arduino UNO
Make sure you have the right pin selected in the input block. When you play the model, set it to run 'inf' so you can play arou...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1


Is my wife right?
Regardless of input, output the string 'yes'.

quasi 12 anni fa

Stopping Criteria for Monte Carlo Simulations
The problem is the for loop should be inside the while loop. Right now nothing changes each iteration of the while loop. Bey...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Problems obtaining the correct number of frames in video file
Have you tried something like this: xyloObj = VideoReader('xylophone.mpg'); xylDat = read(xyloObj); size(xylDat) F...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

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Why is it not possible to display a signal from a xpc-model on the gui using the function getsignal(handles.tg, signalnr)?
Put a breakpoint at the GETSIGNAL line in the GUI and see what options are available when you do: get(handles.tg) I beli...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Experiences with release 2012b
I primarily use MATLAB as a gateway to Simulink so I may not have the dedication to workflows heavy MATLAB only users may have. ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Nicer output from simulations
You may be interested in disp instead of sprintf (depending on application, see <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Why does the same code run 50 times faster in 2008b than in 2012a?
In general you should expect some minor slowdown between versions for the same code on the same machine with a new version of MA...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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Dealing with multiple signal selection
See the first <http://blogs.mathworks.com/seth/2012/04/09/conditional-execution/ example> in the this blog post. Wrap the gener...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

NCO in simulink - 90 degree phase shift?
You can utilize a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/sinewavefunction.html sine wave function> block. This block has...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How do I lower the numerical accuracy of Simevents/Simulink simulation time or the time written from a clock block?
You want to specify the datatype that suits your use case. If you are using a decimal you could potentially choose fixed point ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

Can I use Arduino and Simulink for fuzzy logic?
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/fuzzy/build-your-own-fuzzy-simulink-models.html This Fuzzy Logic Documentation> states that the b...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

Can referenced models use frame-based processing?
I tried this and had no issues, but I think the workflow is causing a hangup for you. Try this: 1) Create the 'model' as ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How to use the state space model block in simulink for modeling of Brushless dc motor ?
I see two options for this which shouldn't be to hard given the SS equations. 1) Break up the SS into a series of transfer fu...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How to use an existing Matlab session from C++ ?
You could use something like the <http://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/examples.html MATLAB Compiler> to generate an execu...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How can I get symbolic transfer function from block diagram?
Unfortunately none of the control design software supports symbolic representations. If you were able to get this done, which I...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Change pin mode for Arduino in Simulink
What's going on is each pin can only do 1 thing, as pin 7 can ONLY be used for output or ONLY be used for input. Looking at t...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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SimDriveline 1.5.4 Help
Best resource to start will almost always be the <http://www.mathworks.com/products/simdrive/ product page> for any product. ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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