Selectin elements that satisfy a certain condition with modular arithmetic
N = 6; m = 3; M = dec2base(0:m^N-1,m)-'0'; idx = mod(M(:,1)+M(:,4)+M(:,5),m) == 1 ... & mod(M(:,2)+M(:,5)+M(:,6),m) ...

13 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

Not recognizing any text files in folder using dir(fullfile)
Try folder_path = 'C:\users\power\downloads\star capillary files\'; instead of folder_path = 'C:users\power\downloa...

13 giorni fa | 0

How can I use selections from multiple uidropdowns as function inputs?
Here's an example of how it could work: function uidropdown_demo() T = array2table([(1:25).' [10 100].*rand(25,2)], ... ...

14 giorni fa | 0

Show coordinates for a 2D point in a table cell
One way to display a vector in a single cell of a uitable is to make it into a string: app.PointsTable.Data = table( ... '...

15 giorni fa | 0

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Error: Data must be numeric, datetime, duration, categorical, or an array convertible to double.
tic close all; clc; % Declaring Theta and Phi Variables theta = 0:0.1:pi/2; % Phi Values phi_E_Plane = 0; phi_H_Plane ...

15 giorni fa | 0

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When plotting multiple subplots in the for loop, how do you stop the axes from overlapping?
axes(t) where t is a tiledlayout, creates a new axes in t, so your code is creating a new axes on each iteration of the loop. Th...

15 giorni fa | 0

How to create a summation looping through one matrix while keeping another one constant?
[nr,nca] = size(A); ncb = size(B,2); C = zeros(nr,nca); for r = 1:nr for ca = 1:nca for cb = 1:ncb ...

15 giorni fa | 0

how convert arraycell to use with writecell
AA = load('matlab_writeCell.mat').bubu % write the cell array to file using space as the delimiter: writecell(AA,'myTextFile.t...

15 giorni fa | 0

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Trying to make a 2 value sz vector, get Error using tabular/horzcat All input arguments must be tables.
T = table([1;2;3;4],{'ok';'let''s';'see';'here'}) Given the table T above, T(1,:) is another table containing the first row of ...

16 giorni fa | 0

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Find Selected button in Button Group CallBack
function ManualRewardsButtonGroupSelectionChanged(app, event) selectedButton = app.ManualRewardsButtonGroup.SelectedObject;...

16 giorni fa | 0

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Code checking error in App Designer, it thinks xxxx.BackgroundColor is a scalar
To avoid the warning, use: if isequal(app.STOPTRIALSButton.BackgroundColor,[0.95 0.33 0.10]) app.STOPTRIALSButton.Backgrou...

16 giorni fa | 0

Unrecognized function or variable 'efficiency'
You might get that error if the arguments you give to efficiency() are not correct. For example, calling it like this works: a...

16 giorni fa | 1

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How to convert a table containing numbers and booleans to a double array?
T = load('example.mat').data3 M = [strcmpi(T.var1,'TRUE') T.var2]

17 giorni fa | 0

Error when using resample and smooth surfaces in CAT12
Here are lines 232-242 of cat_surf_info.m: [~,ff2] = spm_fileparts(SPM.xY.VY(1).fname); % find mesh string hemi_i...

17 giorni fa | 0

How to edit the red "+" marks on the Nyquist plot
H = tf([2 5 1],[1 2 3]); nyquist(H) h = findall(gcf(),'Type','line') mkr = get(h,'Marker') h = h(strcmp(mkr,'+')); h.Li...

18 giorni fa | 1

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Retrieving Arrays Within Set of Matrices
x = M{1,4}(:,1); C = cellfun(@(m)m(:,2),M(:,4),'UniformOutput',false); y = [C{:}]; plot(x,y)

18 giorni fa | 0

How can I change the axis intervals using powers?
Use semilogx instead of plot. <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/semilogx.html>

19 giorni fa | 0

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Multiple plots within 1 figure
Try replacing numel(num_days) with num_days, i.e.: figure % make new figure tiledlayout(num_days, 1, 'TileSpacing','comp...

19 giorni fa | 0

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Outerjoin isn't matching the same values in two different tables
As for why outerjoin() doesn't appear to combine data when the datetimes are the same, the fact is that some datetimes that appe...

19 giorni fa | 1

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Index exceeds array bounds despite a loop to prevent this?
The problem is that some element of end_idx is greater than 6000 but the corresponding element of start_idx is not greater than ...

19 giorni fa | 1

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How to display results in the form of graphics in MATLAB GUI? [Bagaimana Cara menampilkan hasil dalam berupa grafik di gui matlab?]
m is a vector, and II is a scalar. When you plot a scalar vs a vector, MATLAB creates one line object for each element in the ve...

20 giorni fa | 0

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How do I preallocate memory
One way is to do this before the outer loop: clear OutData OutData(length(hucPoly)) = struct();

20 giorni fa | 0

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Error : The first argument of the 'verify' operator must be a scalar logical expression.
verify(isequal(TGS_Zero_Pos_EE_NVM,single([1.5; 1.5; 1.5; 1.5])))

20 giorni fa | 0

StackedPlot with separate events
Maybe something like this is good enough: %make timetable times=[1, 2, 5]'; s=seconds(times); variable=[3, 4, 5]'; T=table(...

20 giorni fa | 0

How to make directions bigger in current plot?
h = loopCircular; % first, a plot with the original size arrows, for comparison current(h,70e6,'Direction','on'); % next, a...

20 giorni fa | 1

Assigning correct symbols and colors to group scatterplot
load gscat.mat gscatter(x,y,g,repelem('rkgb',1,3),repmat('o*h',1,4),6,'on','Hind','Twin') legend('Location','northeastoutsid...

20 giorni fa | 0

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Use file name to save .mat files
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.dat','Select the .dat-file(s)','MultiSelect','on'); if isnumeric(FileName) return en...

21 giorni fa | 0

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Extracting neighbouring cells in a cell array
B = [1,2,2,1,1; 2,1,2,1,2]; V = 1:size(B,2); A = accumarray(B.',V(:),[],@(m){m.'}) C=[1 2; 1 2] % construct NbhInd (a ce...

21 giorni fa | 0

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Is there a way to rename a file to one that contains certain strings?
Altitude = 2000; Mach = 0.7; old_file_name = 'output.txt'; new_file_name = sprintf('Output%gft%gm.txt',Altitude,Mach); m...

21 giorni fa | 1

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How to assign pair of values to a single aeeay in the matrix using two different vectors
fsine=50e6:0.4e9:3e9; Vp=0:0.5:3; result = repmat(Vp(:),1,numel(fsine))

22 giorni fa | 0

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