ROI Trace boundaries result
I think some careful coordinate system tweaks will get you there. In many Image Processing Toolbox functions, pixels are treated...

circa 3 anni fa | 2

How is the 2D filter function used in this code?
For each element in A, filter2 essentially "slides" the filter F so that its center lines up with the element in A, and then it ...

circa 3 anni fa | 1

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Changing color of pixels around certain pixels
Suppose mask is a logical matrix that indicates which pixels satisfy your condition. (That seems to be the purpose of idx in you...

circa 3 anni fa | 2

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Colorbar range inconsistent in high aspect ratio images
Call axis image before you create the colorbar and set its tick labels. When you set tick labels manually, a mode is set so that...

circa 3 anni fa | 0

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Can a MATLAB function edit the input?
You'll need your class to subclass handle. See the documentation page "Implementing Linked Lists with Classes" for details.

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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Matlab working very slow on my m1 MacBook Pro
See this answer and follow it for updates related to this problem.

oltre 3 anni fa | 2

Shouldn't bwconvhull() be idempotent?
Hi Matt, At a general level - and speaking from too much personal experience - expectations about geometrical operations such a...

oltre 3 anni fa | 2

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Issue in plotting binary image boundaries with real axis values
The function bwboundaries returns boundary values in pixel coordinates. You'll need to scale those to world coordinates yourself...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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How to change boundary width in Active Contour Method?
Call visboundaries with an output argument. That output argument will be an hggroup object containing two lines. You can then ma...

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

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Having graycomatrix rescaling problem
Here is the doc for the NumLevels parameter: Number of gray levels, specified as an integer. For example, if NumLevels is 8, gr...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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How to find the center position under the saturation spot signal
Try converting the image to binary using imbinarize and then using regionprops to compute the centroid. rgb = imread('image.bmp...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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How to bold x axis labels
Try setting the TickLabelsInterpreter property to 'tex', like this: plot(1:10) ax = gca; ax.XAxis.TickLabelInterpreter = 'tex...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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three difference vectors and plots
I have copy-pasted your code below, exactly as entered in your question. It runs and produces the plot with no error. I suggest ...

quasi 4 anni fa | 2

Problem with datetime and daily values
Use a timetable and the retime function. >> T = readtable("data.xlsx"); >> head(T) ans = 8×5 table Date ...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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What is the best way to count the occurrences of two table columns together?
In my previous answer, I forgot that grpstats is in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. Here is an answer using groupsu...

quasi 4 anni fa | 1

What is the best way to count the occurrences of two table columns together?
I think grpstats will do what you want: >> grpstats(T,["A" "B"]) ans = 4×3 table A B Grou...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Find peaks not working on my data set
I suspect the issue is with the x-coordinates that you are using to plot the peaks. You are plotting the peaks against the indic...

quasi 4 anni fa | 1

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Assign values in a matrix
One idea is to use a timetable and the retime function. Suppose I have the following matrix for a 4-minute charge and a 3-minute...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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Code is showing Undefined function 'pixelHull' for input arguments of type 'double'.
I wrote a function called pixelHull as part of my 16-Mar-2018 blog post. You can find the function listing near the bottom of th...

quasi 4 anni fa | 1

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Binarize image for specific colour
Use the Color Thresholder app to generate the code needed to do this segmentation. See my 14-Oct-2019 and 25-Apr-2014 blog posts...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Plotting signal of a region of interest
A possible explanation is that you have a variable called "size" or "mean" in your workspace. For example, if you have a variabl...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

How to apply a threshold value to the cell array
I think writing a for-loop would be most straightforward way to go. Something like this: for k = 1:numel(C) C_k = C{k}; ...

circa 4 anni fa | 1

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How to change the font of a pie chart?
The text labels created by the pie function are not controlled by the font properties of the containing axes object. They are in...

circa 4 anni fa | 2

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superimpose matrices (n,n,m) to (n,n,1)
Here are some options. Compute and plot the maximum value at each pixel: imagesc(max(a100,[],3)) Compute and plot the minimum...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

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Image conversion from uint16 to uint8 mismatch
im2uint8 is using a scale factor of (255/65535), not 1/256. Note that scaling the maximum of the uint16 range, 65535, by 1/256 ...

circa 4 anni fa | 1

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How do I map array values on a logical array
Use logical indexing. C = zeros(size(B)); C(logical(B)) = A

circa 4 anni fa | 1

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Create a 7x7 convolution kernel which has an equivalent effect to three passes with a 3x3 mean filter.
Convolution is associative: So, your 7x7 convolution kernel would be the convolution of the mean filters: Use the 'full' o...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

pgm image lossless compression
Write the image to a PNG file. The PNG format uses lossless compression. imwrite(A,'myfile.png') Read it back in using imread....

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Shade area in graph for multiple y-axes
I rearranged your code a bit, putting both of the first two plotting functions (patch and plot) after the call to yaxis left. I ...

circa 4 anni fa | 1

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How to add percent change in barplot?
If you want text labels instead of a line plot (Cris' suggestion), then try this code. It gets the Bar object as the output argu...

circa 4 anni fa | 1

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