How to eleminate 'clock' error generated during code generation.
Refer this list of functions allowed from code gen perspective : <http://www.mathworks.in/help/simulink/ug/functions-supporte...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

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what is the script to get line handle by selecting line in a model
Not aware of anything that gets you handle of a selected line. But find_system(bdroot,'findall','on','Type','Line') giv...

oltre 11 anni fa | 1

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Matlab crashes because of ResumeThread function
Contact the MathWorks tech support.

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Why do some functions like fread, find, sum (etc) not show up in Profiler?
I checked what u said in R2013a. The profile report has the following note at the start : Note that built-in functions do ...

oltre 11 anni fa | 0

Importing xls file in Signal Builder Block
In that case you will have to use <http://www.mathworks.in/help/releases/R2010a/toolbox/simulink/slref/signalbuilder_cmd.html si...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

Viewing .slx in older versions in matlab
Get somebody with a R2012b+ version to convert the .slx to an earlier version (in ur case R2010a). Refer this <http://www.mat...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

arranging a matrix data
There will offcourse be a smarter way to do this, but to get you started: Ao = []; Interval = 3; for i = 1 : Inte...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0


Has the Matlab Startup Accelerator utility in any way affected system performance / memory usage for anybody?
I have multiple MATLAB versions installed on my system. Since R2011b onwards the installer adds a task to the windows scheduler....

quasi 12 anni fa | 1 risposta | 2



Transfer data from callback workspace to base workspace
You could modify these m-files (that are processing data from the excel file) to dump the processed data directly to the base WS...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Division in stateflow is showing only integer part
I believe typecasting both dividend and divisor as double should do the job. { a = double(5)/double(2); } Not ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How to use a GUI to trigger a callback function of button in other GUI?
You could use java commands for this. j = java(findjobj(component_handle)) % fetches the java obj for the component j...

quasi 12 anni fa | 1

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Problem with 'timer object'
Are you running those commands one by one in the command window OR in the form of a script ? If those commands are in the for...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Error: Attempted to access z(3); index out of bounds because numel(z)=2.
From the error, it seems that 'z' is an array of length 2. Since you are trying to access the third element using 'z(3)', MATLAB...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

How to remove the pairing X value when Y is NaN?
The simplest way I can think of is : NotNaN = ~isnan(Y); % gives 1 0 1 1 0 0 Y(NotNaN) ...

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

Selecting maximum values from every column in a matrix
Assuming a = [11 2 3; 4 52 6; 7 8 92]; max(a) gives exactly what you need. Refer <http://www.mathworks.in/...

quasi 12 anni fa | 2

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Using if statement inside a function,I didn't understand why the error is coming,why I am unable to use the values of x & y inside the if loop
Curly braces for the if-else statement are not required.

quasi 12 anni fa | 0

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problem is that when i run matlab code using F5
The command randn(400) generates a random 400*400 matrix every time. Hence the random result. Are you not expecting th...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

Access to a file when running the program
You could simply run the other file, thus loading its contents in the workspace and use any variables you need.

circa 12 anni fa | 0

Using Matlab to Work with Data in Excel
Refer <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/matlab_external/example-reading-excel-spreadsheet-data.html Automation server>

circa 12 anni fa | 0

Getting an array with data
So , array1 = [ 5 9 4 5] % original array array2 = [ 2 4 ] % array of indices array3 = array1(array...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

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How to do set subtraction
Use c = b(~ismember(b,a)) although there might be more simpler way to do this.

circa 12 anni fa | 1

how to do divide by two concept in simulink.
The first input to the Divide block is the Dividend (Numerator)(5) and second input is the Divisor (Denominator)(2). Use Cons...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

How can I enable a pop-up menu, by clicking a pushbutton in guide?
In the pushbutton callbacks for both buttons, set the list for the popupmenu with respective data i.e. either animals or birds l...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

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Data reading/Filtering, Excel>>Array
Use <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/isnan.html isnan> and <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/find.html find> func...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

How to set Sort by: "Date updated (Newest-Oldest)" as a default
Do not know of a settings as such, but you can submit a search through the URL if you are comfortable with it. Save below url as...

circa 12 anni fa | 2

save data in a special folder
Instead of 'phase.txt' use the full file-name dlmwrite('C:\A\b\data\phase.txt',phase)

circa 12 anni fa | 1

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there are not imshow.m in r 2012b. how can i solve this problem?
The function _imshow_ does exist although some the syntax has been changed.

circa 12 anni fa | 0

I am beginner of Matlab. While I use MATLAB to solve the problem of constrained nonlinear optimization, "Lack of input arguments" are always warning.Did someonecan tell me how to slove this probrem?THx
function f=optfun(x) f=-x(1)*x(2)*x(3); %fmincon_example.m X0=[1,1,1]; A=[1,2,2;0,1,0;0,0,1]; b=[72;5...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

What is disjoint of matrices? How to implement it for M X N Matrix?
If two matrices have no element in common, then they can be called as disjoint. Use a function like _<http://www.mathworks.in...

circa 12 anni fa | 0

I want to copy a matrix to a cell array
Use B = num2cell(A) Refer <http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/num2cell.html num2cell>

circa 12 anni fa | 1

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