
Make sorting matrix without sort function.
It is very valuable for student to simple sorting program because they learn about use of loop and if-statement. Sort given inpu...

quasi 8 anni fa


Calculate RMSE
RMSE(Root Mean Square Error) is widely used to calculate error. Calculate RMSE between [a] and [b] a=[1 2 3 4] b=[0 1 2 ...

quasi 8 anni fa


Check given number is odd or even
Using input [x], check given number is odd or even if x is odd, output should be true.

quasi 8 anni fa


Analyze observation data
There are results of observation. A B C -------------------------- t=1 2.2 2.6 2.4 t=2 2.4 ...

quasi 8 anni fa


Calculate representive values (max. min. std)
A B C -------------------------- t=1 2.2 2.6 2.4 t=2 2.4 2.8 2.2 t=3 2.6 2.7 2....

quasi 8 anni fa


Extract area
There are observed data c and its location (x,y) x=1:0.1:10 y=1:0.1:10 % x and y are used as inputs [X,Y]=mesh...

quasi 8 anni fa


Make random permutation
Make random permutation that consist of random number from 1 to n.

quasi 8 anni fa


Calculate cross product
Make function for cross product a=[1 3 2]; b=[2 4 1]; y=function(a,b) y=[-5 3 -2]

quasi 8 anni fa


Free passes for everyone!
THIS PROBLEM IS TEMPORALLY DECOMMISSIONED WHILE IT IS UPDATED. PLEASE WAIT _Simply return the name of the coolest numerical c...

quasi 8 anni fa


Freebies anyone? No!!!!
Feel free to copy paste all the tests and voila you solved the problem

quasi 8 anni fa


Calculate BMI
BMI = (weight_in_lbs * 703) / (height_in_inches^2) Inputs are in kg and cm

quasi 8 anni fa


Given X and Y, Get the Displacement Travelled
Given startX, start Y, endX and endY Get the displacement travelled %x = [startX endX] %y = [startY endY] x = [0 3]; y = [0...

quasi 8 anni fa


This is just like your weight :)
Imagine your weight as a sawtooth wave appended with a slope It varies yet the trend is increasing :) Decode the values throug...

quasi 8 anni fa


Add Me To Death (Sum sum sum)
Given certain vector, sum of the input vector, get the sum of 2 adjacent numbers in the input, and sum of the output vector (wh...

quasi 8 anni fa


Annoying population
Every year the number of annoying persons in the office triples Found the population, given a(0) and t

quasi 8 anni fa


Exponential Growth and Decay
Calculus time!! Find dx/dy or (k) Given y(0), y(t) and t

quasi 8 anni fa


Clipper Function
Create a function that emulates a clipper circuit Given sin wave, t and the constant value for clipping, and the direction to re...

quasi 8 anni fa


Half wave rectifier
Create a function that emulates a half wave rectifier. Use a sine wave

quasi 8 anni fa


Clamper Function
Create a function that emulates a clamper circuit Given sin wave, t and the constant value for clamping

quasi 8 anni fa


Full Wave rectifier
Create a function that emulates a full wave rectifier. Use a sine wave

quasi 8 anni fa


Get 1-4-3-4-4
Get the value of the indices in the title and assign it to an array

quasi 8 anni fa


Sum of the squares of optimus
Get the sum of the squares of primes given limit input x Ex. x = 10, output = 2^2 + 3^2 + 5^2 + 7^2

quasi 8 anni fa


Square of the sum of optimus
Get the square of the sum of all primes given the limit input x

quasi 8 anni fa


Who knows the last digit of pi?
There is only one man who knows the last digit of pi, who is that man? Give the name of that man, who, by popular believe, can ...

quasi 8 anni fa


Distance walked 3D
suppose you go from x-y-z coordinates [3,4,2] to [0,0,2] to [0,1,2] to [1,1,2], to [1,1,20] then you walked 25 units of distance...

quasi 8 anni fa


Marvel or DC?
Given input vector determine if there's a DC value. If there is, output 'DC', else output 'MARVEL'

quasi 8 anni fa


Rotate matrix by -90 degrees
Rotate a Matrix by -90 degrees Example: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 output = 7 4 ...

quasi 8 anni fa


Convert Miles To Kilometers
Given input in miles, output into kilometers

quasi 8 anni fa


Super Basic - 3 + true equals ??
Solve the title

quasi 8 anni fa


Transpose Matrix Without Using Built-in Matlab Function
Transpose Matrix Without Using Built-in Matlab Function Example a = [1;2;3] out = [1 2 3]

quasi 8 anni fa

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