MATLAB <-> Python problem with import of lxml
It looks like you have two problems: # the class |matlab.exception.PyException| isn't found # import of lxml This answer ...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Matlab R2015a crashes when importing/using external libraries
For problem 2, what windowing system is your OpenGL script using? Is it GLUT? I have a feeling that closing the window is termin...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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ERROR: Python in Simulink: Class mismatch for variable 'commandOut'. Expected 'double', Actual 'char'.
|commandOut| , the second output argument from |system| , is a char array. See the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/sys...

quasi 10 anni fa | 1

calling matlab functions from python
My first guess would be that you are looking in the extern folder from an older version of MATLAB. What value did you use for ma...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

2014b-64bit python from within matlab, problem with threading
MATLAB is holding Python's thread lock (GIL) and not allowing your thread to run.

circa 10 anni fa | 0

python from 2014b matlab - debug challanges - where is python stdout, stderr?
|sys.stdout| should be redirected to the MATLAB command window. Do you see output with Python's print function? Example ...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

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Calling python modules gives error
Richard, please try the following and let me know if there are any errors: BiDiff = py.eval('__import__(''BiDiff'')', struc...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

Calling python modules gives error
Hi Richard, For the information you have given, there are two possible issues 1) module BiDiff is not imported or 2) functio...

circa 10 anni fa | 0

Malab Python problem -- isloaded set to 0
The output from "pyversion" looks reasonable. You don't need to explicitly load Python. It will load when it is needed, which is...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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Undefined function or variable 'pyversion´
Which version of MATLAB are you using? pyversion is available only in R2014b. You can verify the version with the version functi...

oltre 10 anni fa | 1

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"Unsupported datatype returned from MATLAB" with use of MATLAB Engine for Python
Does your function mainf return a sparse matrix? The documentation lists sparse array in unsupported MATLAB types: http://ww...

oltre 10 anni fa | 0

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